Gelda x Fem. Vampire! reader

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Hey guys, sorry for being dead for a week, but I had a small bit of motivation to write today and thought I would answer a couple of requests. This was requested by @cedarl.(Also, can we PLEASE talk about how pretty Gelda is in the anime? PLEASE?) Sorry it's so short but hope you enjoy!

You slipped into the dress you were wearing for the day, which went down to about your knees, and smiled as you took in the sight of the (F/C) fabric complimenting your skin. It was a gift from your girlfriend, Gelda, who you had been dating for a little over two years now. You then got your boots and your leggings before putting them on and then getting your coat and scarf from the coat rack by the door. You then headed outside into the chilly Winter morning air, flying straight to King Izraf's castle.

When you got to the castle, you nodded to the guards before you floated over the wall and walked the corridors before getting to the room you were looking for. With a smile gracing your lips, wide enough for anyone passing you by to see your fangs, you knocked on the ornate gold and red door. After a few minutes, you saw the door open to reveal Gelda, who was dressed in her usual purple dress and yellow overcoat, her golden blonde hair tied in a loose braid to bring the look together. In terms of height, you were about a head shorter than her, which worked very well for both of you. The two of you walked for a while before finally getting to the royal gardens. They were warm compared to the rest of the castle thanks to the heated stone that lined the outside of the large garden. The two of you sat down for a bit and talked about how things were going back at home and such. After a while, you laid your head down against Gelda's lap, causing her cheeks to turn a slight pink as you relaxed, your eyes slipping closed as you rested. Gelda smiled softly before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss against your lips, pulling away after a few seconds. "I love you." you said, your voice soft and gentle. The blonde sighed before she spoke, her cheeks as red as her eyes. "I love you too, (Y/N)." she whispered. The two of you sat in silence like that for a while, enjoying the peaceful bliss the garden had to offer. You both knew you would have to go to your respective duties soon, but you wanted to spend just a little time with the woman you loved the most.

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