Goddess Courting Headcanons

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Hey guys, this was a request from @weegee67. I decided to add Nanashi because why not? Anyways, hope you enjoy!

~Personal headcanons about goddess courting~

Goddesses always court each other by charming their (S/O) into falling for them.

They do this with gifts, letters, dates, and other romantic gestures like that.

Most goddesses also like making a strong first impression on the person they want to court, so they make sure that their wings are neat and preened to near perfection before they make a move.


Elizabeth gets really flustered whenever she thinks about the lovely person she's got a crush on: you.

You're the one who supported her decision to try to end the Holy War peacefully.

You're the one who has been making sure she gets sleep on nights that she doesn't want to.

She wanted to tell you that she had been crushing on you for a long time now, but she didn't know how to.

Eventually, she went to Sariel and Tarmiel, who told her to try and charm you by giving you gifts.

She's the type to give you small things, like small trinkets and charms for your charm bracelet, or a necklace that made her think of you.

She always makes sure to look nice whenever she plans to see you, but you don't mind seeing her regardless of how she looks when you run into her.

When you do start realizing why she's giving you these gifts, you start giving her some gifts that you think of.

This could range from flowers to a nice picnic in the forest, but either way, you make sure that she enjoys herself.


Sariel refuses to admit or accept that he has a crush on you at first.

Once he realizes that he's whipped for you, he decides to make his move.

The first time he ever did anything for you, he gave you a smooth river rock that he had found at a stream and polished.

He thought you would think nothing of it, but quite the contrary, you loved it very much.

He starts to notice that you feel the same way when he sees that your wings look a lot cleaner and more preened than they usually are on a regular basis.

Of course, Sariel's going to be telling you of his feelings before you tell him of yours, but that's just how he is.


Tarmiel is a lot more attentive to what you like even before he realizes his feelings for you.

This is, in part, why he catches feelings.

You were one of the only people who took him seriously, and one of the only people who didn't get scared when you saw his other two heads.

You also helped heal him after the whole "Indura" incident back near the Light of Grace.

He makes sure to preen his wings thoroughly whenever someone tells him that you're going to be visiting.

He likes to take you on walks to look at his favorite flowers and places to rest or read or do whatever really.

He also likes to fly with you so that the two of you can have some time alone together.

When he sees that you're going to the places that he likes to go, or that you want to spend more time around him, he takes it as a sign to ask you on a date.

He does so with flowers and everything, and is overjoyed when you say yes to being in a relationship with him.


Let's get this out of the way before anything else: Ludociel is too prideful for his own good.

That includes whenever he catches himself staring at you for a little too long whenever you're talking to him.

Naturally, like the prideful idiot he can be, he'll keep it to himself and figure out what you like on his own.

Of course, that means he has to spend time around you.

He preens his wings perfectly, like, they get the same amount of attention as his hair does.

He makes sure that he looks nice before stopping by a flower shop and getting your favorite flowers, as well as a necklace for you to wear.

Ludociel takes you anywhere you want, and is willing to go literally anywhere just so that you enjoy yourself.

In his eyes, seeing you smile and hearing you laugh are the only indication he needs to know that he's so very deeply in love with you.

So, he finally asks you to be his partner, and is surprised when you say that you feel the same way.

He doubts himself, but he also thinks of himself as one lucky man, that's for sure.


Poor bby, he's too shy to ask you upfront on a date, but he does preen his wings very well, like his brother, and makes sure to be around you if you need his help.

One of the main things he likes to do is give you notes that are from him, and watch when you smile at what they say.

Mael also likes to make you trinkets of sorts and give them to you, watching as your eyes light up and you get excited.

When he told you he liked you, it was over a very romantic candlelight dinner.

Once you two are together, he likes to give you cuddles, sometimes even picking you up and sitting on the nearest chair or couch and holding you in his lap.


Nanashi used to preen his wings daily when he had them, but now he mainly focuses on his hair and how he looks.

He's very attentive to detail, and he hates when things go wrong, but he's also flexible, and knows what to do if things went wrong.

An example would be if both go on a nice date and it starts raining. Well, guess that you two are going to his place to relax and enjoy some time inside.

He also gets gifts, but they're handmade, and they are very carefully crafted.

When he asked you to be in a relationship with him, he made you a small necklace of ivory that he had found from an animal he had been hunting earlier that week.

He doesn't like to show a lot of intimacy in public, but he'll still hold your hand.

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