Guila x male reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @VoidV3rs. Hope you enjoy!

Guila sighed as she took a look at the necklace you had given her, which was in the shape of a flaming heart. She remembered what you told her when you gave it to her.

"Since your ability is 'Explosion', I thought it would look nice since it reminded me of you when I was making it today. You don't have to wear it, but I thought it would be nice if you kept it." you said, putting it in her palm and gently closing her fingers over it before wrapping her in a hug.

"Guila, are you headed off to patrol today?" Zeal asked, opening the door to his sister's room. She quickly hid the charm behind her back and nodded. "I just have to do something really quickly." she said, putting a hand on her brother's head as she ruffled his hair. Zeal worked for you at your glassmaking shop, where he helped you sell the glassworks you made. He was a careful kid, so you paid him extra whenever you got the chance. Of course, that was how you met his sister, Guila. The moment you saw her at first, you were covered in soot from the oven you used to cook the glass, and had on an apron that was also covered in soot, although you tried your hardest to clean up with the rag you had on you at the time, and took off a glove to shake her hand. After that, the two of you hit it off, spending time together whenever Zeal was out working. Of course, you also became closer to him, but mainly Guila. Zeal had no idea that you were dating his sister, and perhaps it was better that way.

One evening, you were busy cleaning after your shop closed when you dropped a glass vase, the pieces shattering on the stone floor below. "Dang it." you muttered under your breath, before hearing fighting outside. You took the sharpest piece of glass and walked outside, your eyes widening in horror as you saw Zeal getting kicked around by a bunch of boys. "Just fork it over, wimp." you lunged at the tallest and strongest looking one, tackling him to the ground as you punched him. "Get off of my friend right now!" you yelled, your eyes holding a fire in them that Zeal had never seen. After the thugs were gone, you led Zeal back into the shop to patch him up. "Geez kiddo, why didn't you tell me that that kept happening?" you asked, but he wouldn't look at you. He instead held up three gold coins. "I took these off of them when they ran away since they've been taking about this much worth away from me for the past month. Should we return it?" he asked, causing you to laugh. "You pickpocketed them?" you asked, causing him to nod. "Zeal, for the love of all holy things, heavens no. They stole money from you, and you took it right back." you laughed for a few minutes before looking at him. "Guila would kill me if she heard me tell you this, but I'm proud of you." you told him. Before hearing someone clear their throat. "What was that, (Y/N), about you being proud of Zeal?" you and Zeal looked at the doorway, only to see the familiar black waist length hair and fair skin of Guila. She was wearing a pink dress and her hair was tied back with a white bow. She was wearing the necklace you gave her. "Um, well. Since he's been getting mugged for the past month apparently, he pickpocketed the thieves and took back the amount they stole from him." She looked furious. "Anyways," you took the necklace charm into your hand. "I see you like the gift, then?" you asked, as Zeal's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Guila's face turned the color of her dress as she nodded softly, before you hugged her tightly. "That's great. Oh, I knew you'd like it." you said, as Zeal's jaw dropped. His sister, a stoic and calm and collected Holy Knight, was blushing? he'd never seen such a thing, but then again, he had heard a few rumors that the two of you were together. Howzer and Gilthunder had talked about you and Guila being together before, but it had never really been much of a subject since he thought they were messing with him. He gasped. "Oops." you said sheepishly, looking over at Zeal. "So you are dating someone!" he exclaimed, confusing the two of you. "What?" you asked in unison. "Howzer and Gil both told me that you two were together, but this confirms it! I should have known." he said, before you spoke. "Wait, so you're not mad?" you asked, causing him to smile and shake his head. "What made you think that? I love having you over at our house!" he reassured you, causing you to sigh. "Thank everything holy in the world." you said, slouching against the counter as you looked over at him. "You're amazingly smart, you know that?" you asked, causing him to laugh. Guila then tugged you up to stand properly and then spoke. "We should get home, but would you like to join us, (Y/N)?" she asked, a soft smile on her face. You nodded softly before you took her hand into yours and then walked with her and Zeal. When you got to their home, you saw a picture of Guila and Zeal when they were little, as well as a man with the same hair as Zeal, but his eyes were closed like Guila's. He must be Guila's father. You thought to yourself. You went to where Guila was setting the table and helped her, before she went to get the food and put it on the table. She looked like she was going to trip, so when the inevitable happened, you caught her waist and stopped the food from falling and hitting the floor. "Thank you." she said. "Ah, it's no problem." you responded, before you helped her get the food to the table. "It looks amazing!" Zeal exclaimed, as he tried to eat it before it cooled off. You stopped him. "Zeal, maybe blow on it to cool it off first, it's kinda hot." you advised, causing him to nod. After the three of you were done eating, Guila walked Zeal to his room for him to go to sleep. You sat in the lounge room and then heard Zeal speak to Guila.

"Is (Y/N) going to stay the night?" he asked, causing your face to turn red . you had never stayed the night over here before, so it would be a new arrangement, but you heard her laugh slightly. "I'll ask him. I don't know if he wants to stay here or leave and go back to his place." she said, ruffling his hair as you looked down at the tunic you had worn for the day. Guila read the book she had picked out to Zeal, before blowing out the candle in his room and closing his door. "Goodnight, Zeal." she whispered, before she walked back out to the living room to you. "Would you mind staying the night?" she asked, her face flushed red as she spoke. "Sure, but where would I stay?" you asked, causing her to smile before leading you to her room.

When you got into her room, you saw that she put the necklace on the dresser for the morning. She then went to the bathroom to change into her nightgown and came back out after a few minutes wearing a pink nightgown. "I can just stay in the tunic, it doesn't really-" you were cut off when she handed you a box. "They were supposed to be a gift, but you can have them now if you'd like." she said, before you opened the box to find a set of pajamas inside. You nodded enthusiastically and went to change, before joining Guila in her bed. You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her close, causing her to smile as she took in the scent of ash and sand. It was pleasant, and she loved it very much. "Thank you for sticking up for him." she said, causing you to look down at her. "It's no problem, really. I'd do the same for you if I had to." you responded, causing her to smile as she started dozing off. "Let's get some sleep, you look exhausted." you advised, causing her to nod as she rested her head against your chest. Before she fell asleep, you cupped her face in your hands, waking her up slightly, before you leaned in and kissed her on the lips. "Goodnight, Guila." you whispered, as she smiled softly and buried her face in your chest. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." she whispered back. And with that, you both drifted off into a peaceful slumber, holding each other close as you slept.

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