Mael x mother reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @Gumdropraindeer. Hope you enjoy!


A word that Mael heard often from the women of the Goddess Race whenever the subject of family was brought up in conversation. However, that one word would describe the exact thing he wanted most from you. He often would daydream of you making dinner as children ran around you playing together, with his hair, and your eyes, and vice versa. He wanted quite a few kids, and he wanted them badly. You hadn't heard the end of it from Mael's brother, Ludociel, who constantly asked you whether or not you were going to have children. Of course, you also wanted kids, but you wanted to be ready to raise them. Eventually, Mael convinced you that you would be a wonderful mother, and the two of you finally agreed on having kids. The only rule you had though was that Ludociel stop asking, and that he not try to boss you around and tell you what to do. And of course, Mael agreed.

That led you to where you were now, with your three year old son, (S/N), and your two year old daughter, (D/N), who were cradled in your arms as you slept. You also had a baby bump, carrying your third child, too, and your life was filled with so much joy. (D/N) had her father's platinum hair, but your (E/C) eyes, while (S/N) looked exactly like you, with the same eyes, hair, and everything, but he had Mael's messy hair type. Speaking of your husband, he was currently holding you and the children as he, too, slept. He opened his eyes when he heard (D/N) crying, and carefully set you and (S/N) down so as not to wake the two of you up. He then carried (D/N) back to her nursery and held her, closing the door as he turned on the small night light that Merlin had made for him as a gift at your baby shower for your son. He was grateful for the mage's efforts, and thanked her profusely. When he saw that only turning on the night light wasn't going to work, he started humming, thinking back to the tune that his brother would hum to him whenever he got fussy as a child. Over time, he saw that (D/N) had stopped crying, and was now asleep in his arms. He kissed his daughter on the forehead before gently setting her down in her cradle. He then slowly closed the door behind him and went back to join you in bed. Meanwhile, you had woken up thanks to the warmth of your husband being gone from the bed, and put (S/N) in his crib as Mael watched you do so. You then got back in the bed and laid back down with a yawn. Mael's arms wrapped around your smaller frame and gently pulled you closer to him, his large warm hand coming to rest on your baby bump. He traced circles on your baby bump, smiling softly whenever the baby kicked. He then looked at you, his blue eyes gazing lovingly into yours as he leaned in close to you and gently pressed his lips against yours. You melted into his touch and sighed softly, before pulling away with a smile as you cupped his cheek with your hand. "Thank you for giving me these wonderful children, (Y/N)." he whispered, putting his hand over yours. Your face turned red as you nodded, leaning against him and enjoying the warmth he provided. You then heard him speak again, as he pulled you somehow closer. "I love you, so very much, butterfly. You mean the world to me." he whispered, burying his face in your hair. You looked up at him and then spoke. "I love you too, sunshine." you replied.

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