Meliodas x Demon! reader

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Hey guys, sorry for not posting in a while. I had to go on a short hiatus to rest from the stress that is finals at school, but I'm back with a request! This was requested by @DarkSorceress7. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

(he looks so angry in the picture lol)

Elizabeth always knew that she could break down her friend and finally convince him to join Stigma. After all, Meliodas was very strong, so it would help speed up ending this awful war once and for all. However, when Meliodas got to Stigma's encampment, he nearly broke down into tears when he saw a pair of Goddesses together. He missed his own lover, whom he left back at home, who he had no doubt hated him now.

He missed you.

He wanted nothing more than to run back to you and fall into the comfort of your loving embrace and stay by your side. He wanted to spend his time with you like he used to before he went and abandoned his clan, when he'd rest his head on your lap and close his eyes, letting you run your fingers through his soft blond hair as he slept peacefully. Peace was the only thing he knew when he was around you, when the soft breeze would blow on the cliffs where the two of you spent time together. He would always hold you dear in his hearts, and he would always love you, but he had to do this. You were the Demon he would often look for in battle, and when he saw you, he would make sure to "accidentally" deflect Ludociel and the other Goddesses' attacks back at their respective owners. Elizabeth saw this, and she knew that Meliodas held you dear, so she also helped him. It was all she could do, but she couldn't allow him to switch sides yet again and go back to the side of the Demon Race. Of course, she wouldn't kill you, no, she didn't have the heart to do something so vile and hateful. No, she'd seal you away, and break you free when the Holy War was over. However, when she and Meliodas went up against the Supreme Deity and the Demon King, she knew she wouldn't survive the fight. She saw the curse magic they wielded, so she told him in her last moments where you were hidden away. "If you go to Lake Pernes, and look around there, you will find that which is most dear to your heart." she practically whispered, before charging alongside him at the two gods that they defied so long ago.

Even now, three thousand years later, he didn't dare go to that lake, but there were curious people who did go to that lake. And when they released you from your seal, you immediately left to search for Meliodas. On your way to look for him, you'd figured out that he was a part of a group called the Seven Deadly Sins, and that he was the captain of said group. However, he was a wanted fugitive, too, so you kept your head down and looked for him without being too obvious. The first time you saw him again, he was standing next to a random lady, who appeared to be trying to flirt with him. Surely he hadn't forgotten about you, right? You shook it off and overheard Meliodas mention the Boar Hat, and went looking for the bar, before you sat down in a rather obscure corner of the place, putting your hood up and reading a book you had swiped from a library on your way there. Eventually, in ran a talking rare beast from Purgatory by the looks of him, who started yelling, but you didn't pay much attention to him, and kept reading. It was only when some pale blue haired man carried Meliodas into the bar alongside a human girl and a fairy that you made your presence known when the tall man with pale blue hair set your lover down at one of the tables. "Thanks, Ban." he said quietly. "No problem, Cap'n." he said, before turning to get something to help clean Meliodas' wounds with, only to find you tending to him. "Hey, who the hell are you?" he barked, before you pulled your hood back and revealed your face. Your voice was soft and caring as you spoke. "Mel, could you please lean back? This will help with cleaning up your cuts and bruises." you asked, causing him to nod, exhausted to the point of not taking the time to argue with you. You smiled at his willingness to comply with you helping him. "Hey, how is it that he listens to her, but no one else when he gets hurt?" the Fairy, likely the Fairy King asked. You turned to look at him, before giving a smile. "That's because I'm someone he trusts. There are very few that he complies with, but those few are people I'll talk about another day." you said curtly, before King flew up to you. "We still don't know who you-" you put a finger against his lips to shush him, and pointed to Meliodas, who was resting. "I don't care who you are, I'll snap your neck in five different ways at once if you wake Meliodas up." you said, before you continued to tend to his injuries. "Could you at least introduce yourself? It would be polite, and we could get to know you a little better, too." Elizabeth asked, causing you to give her a smile before nodding. "My name is (Y/N)." you said, causing the others to go around and introduce themselves as well. "So, how did you know he'd listen to you?" King asked. "He's always been like this, pushing himself until he passes out. Don't worry though, I'll take care of him, I always do." you said, causing Ban to put a hand on top of your head. "If I had to guess, you and the Cap'n are involved in some sort of romantic thing, right?" he asked, causing your face to redden ever so slightly, but you took things like this in stride, and nodded. "I'm his lover, but if you don't believe me, maybe wait until he wakes to ask him. Until then, just let him rest. I can only imagine what he's gotten himself into now." you said, causing the others to nod. Elizabeth carefully picked him up. "I'll take him to his room, alright?" she asked, causing you to nod. "I trust that you will, you seem like the type to do what you say you will." you said, recalling when you had seen her last. Elizabeth nodded, before Ban and King watched as you folded your arms and laid your head down on them, falling asleep soon after.

When you woke up again, it was late in the evening, and the Boar Hat had stopped moving for the time being. The Sins had gone out to look for ingredients to restock the tavern, but you looked at the bar and were slightly surprised to see Meliodas, cleaning Stein mugs quietly. When he saw that you had woken up, he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. You saw that he was on the verge of crying, and let him rest his head on your chest. "I'm so sorry." he whispered, causing you to smile down at him. "It's ok, I'm not mad, my love." you said, causing him to look up at you before brushing your hair back behind your ear. "I was so worried about you. I thought that you- you-" he didn't finish, and instead held you close to him as he hugged you tightly, before threading your fingers through his hair. You knew he was stressed, and decided to help him relax. You reached his shoulders and started massaging them gently, getting out any knots in his back. After you were satisfied with your work, you pulled him close and rested his head against your chest once more, watching as he yawned. "Meliodas?" you asked, causing him to look up at you as his face flushed for the first time in a while. "Yeah? What is it?" he asked. You cupped his face in your hands and rested your forehead against his. "I love you." you whispered into his hair, causing him to smile up at you before leaning up to press his lips against yours, with you holding him there. You were interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind you, causing you to turn to see Ban. "Yo, hey, Ban. How's it goin'?" Meliodas asked nonchalantly, as your face turned red. "So she is in a relationship with you. Anyways, we're headed to Ordan Village. Any chance your lover here wants to join us?" he asked, causing Meliodas to turn back to you. "Well, you wanna join us?" he asked, beaming at you. "Yes. After all, it's been far too long since I've gotten to spend so much time with you, Mel. Of course I'll join you if it means I get to stay by your side." you said, as Ban chuckled. "She's a keeper, huh?" he asked, causing Meliodas to knock him into the nearest wall. "Yeah, she's pretty great, huh? I wonder what adventure awaits with you traveling with us, huh?" he shot back playfully. You sighed deeply, watching the two, soon joined by the others currently present, as they all talked.

What an adventure that lay ahead indeed.

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