The Sins reactions to the LGBTQ+ community

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Hey guys, I thought I would share some of my personal headcanons for the Sins and their opinions on the LGBTQ+ community (even though I have like five other requests to do lol) Anyways, enjoy!


So I personally headcanon that he asks about what things are before making a judgement on them himself.

And since he's had to watch the love of his life die 106 different times, he's probably going to flat out say that he doesn't care about who someone is in a relationship with as long as they're happy.

So he definitely supports the LGBTQ+ community.

One of the sexualities he wishes he knew more about is probably genderfluid because he just doesn't understand that well. It's not that he dislikes it, he just doesn't understand.


I feel like Ban would also be chill with it because he also had to watch Elaine die and he couldn't do anything to save her before he gave up the fountain of youth to bring her back.

Sometimes he has to ask a lot of questions about the different sexualities though because he's a bit dense, so yeah.

However, I feel like if he did have a friend who was apart of the gay community, (Cough, cough, Slater, cough, cough) he'd be fine with it.

Another one of the main reasons that this is so is because he understands that his business is his own, and the business of others is their own as well unless it directly affects him or his family.


King before he got his full wings is a little different from Ban and Meliodas though.

I feel like he'd also support, but he wouldn't talk about it or ask about it too much, like he just knows about these things.

After he got his wings, his whole attitude towards things changed and he's a little less salty towards everyone he knows and their mother, so I assume he'd be chill and a little more open to asking questions about it than before he got his wings.


You can't look me in the eyes and tell me that this man doesn't support the gay community and you know it.

Since he has Demon Gowther's IQ, I feel like he also understands the subjects he does on the level he does as well.

So I feel like Gowther would support it especially after getting his memories of Nadja back because he knows that the life of humans is short.


Night time Escanor understands that love shouldn't be forced or make you uncomfortable, so he also supports the LGBTQ+ community.

He probably has a sketchbook with every pride flag in it or something and since he's an absolute bookworm at night, he's probably the one explaining the different sexualities to the others.


There's no way that Merlin isn't bisexual and you can fight me on that over my dead body.

Merlin's the type of friend who would discreetly make pride flags for her friends and give them to whoever's sexuality corresponds with the flag she made, but she'd swear up and down that she didn't make them.

She's also the one who would punch any homophobes in the face if they tried to bully anyone who was feeling insecure about their sexuality as well.


Oh this poor girl has no clue what gay even means, but she does want to know more once she finds out about the LGBTQ+ community.

She goes to Merlin first, knowing that she's a genius when it comes to these things, and she explains it to her.

After that, Diane would be the type to spend time making pride flags (probably with Merlin) and stuff like that. She also makes insecure people who don't know how to approach the subject feel a little more comfortable by telling them that she supports it, so it's all good.

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