Zaratras x reader fluff

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Hey guys, my brain (and a friend of mine) thought it was a good idea to imagine the reader if she was dating Zaratras after Gilthunder's mom(Renee) passed away. Hope you enjoy!

Gilthunder scowled at the floor as his father spoke to him. No matter how gentle and caring his tone was, nothing could be more of a slap in the face than what Gilthunder was hearing Zaratras tell him. It had only been two years since his mother, Renee, had died, but here his father was, with a girlfriend. Gilthunder hadn't even met you yet, but he already both resented and despised you. In hopes of getting comfort of any kind, he sought out Griamore, hoping to get any sort of help in the situation. However, when he confronted his cousin, he was told to give you a chance, instead of being given (in his opinion) good advice. After a while of looking around, he found Dreyfus, and decided to speak to him. He tugged on his uncle's sleeve, effectively catching his attention. Dreyfus turned to face the young boy. "Yes Gil, what is it?" He asked, confused. "You already know about my father's new girlfriend, right?" He asked, receiving a nod from the brunette. He then looked down and frowned, causing Dreyfus to sigh before he looked back down at the pink haired boy. He then crouched down to Gilthunder's level, grabbing his shoulders before he spoke. "Gilthunder, you should at least give (Y/N) a chance. She's done nothing wrong, and you haven't even met her yet." He said, causing Gilthunder to pull away before he ran off to get back home. Zaratras had told him that you were coming over tonight, and that he wanted him to behave. However, he didn't want his father to be with anyone other than his mother. When Gilthunder got home, he saw his father reading on the blue recliner chair, right next to the pink one his mother used to sit in, when she would read to him until he fell asleep in her arms. That chair had been untouched since the day that Renee fell ill. The pink haired boy went upstairs to change into a different shirt that was clean, and cleaned himself up before coming downstairs in a blue shirt that Zaratras had gotten almost a year earlier. He still had shirts from Renee that fit him, but he rarely wore them now. As for Zaratras, he often wore the shirts and outfits that were given to him by Renee, as if she were still here. Gilthunder sat on the couch and took out a small sketchbook that Margaret had given him, having decided to draw for the time being. "Gil, just so that you know, we're going out to eat tonight with (Y/N)." Zaratras told the young boy. He nodded solemnly before he continued to draw. After a while, he had finished the drawing of Margaret that he had been working on for a few hours. And not a moment too soon, because when he had finally finished, he and his father heard a knock at the door. Zaratras got up and went to the door before opening it and smiling. Gilthunder hid behind his father's leg, but he could still see you. There, standing in the doorway, was a woman that was about (Y/H) tall, and had (S/C) skin, complemented by a pair of beautiful (E/C) eyes and a head of (H/C) hair. You were wearing a beautiful (F/C) dress, which went down to your ankles, and was completed by the sight of a pair of matching (F/C) heels. "Ah, (Y/N), it's wonderful to see you. You look lovely tonight." Zaratras said, wrapping his arms around you and pressing his lips against your cheek. You smiled softly before being invited into the small, but cozy home. You set your purse on the coat rack before walking around the house and stopping when you saw a framed painting of Renee, Zaratras, and Gilthunder, all of whom were smiling. You looked in the living room before your eyes landed on a comfortable looking couch next to a pink cushioned rocking chair. You headed to the kitchen to see that it was spotless, the dishes having been put up a while ago. You thought of heading upstairs, but decided against it after thinking for a second. You then turned to face Zaratras before speaking. "I was wondering if you guys have a private library with how many books you seem to bring into your office at work." you said. The silver haired male smiled before nodding and motioning for you to follow him. You walked down one of the two halls on the first floor of the house, and walked into Zaratras' private office. Your eyes adjusted to the slightly dimmer room before you took in the sight of several shelves surrounding the desk in front of the window, all of which were full of countless novels and field guides of nearly every color and genre. Your eyes widened as you gasped happily and looked at the multitude of shelves. After coming upon a certain book, you smiled before looking in it. "I'm surprised you have so many books, Zaratras." you exclaimed, your eyes shining with curiosity. The druid scratched the back of his head. "Well, most of them belonged to Renee, and she put most of them in here, but I never really got the chance to look at very many of them." he said, causing you to nod softly. He then led you upstairs, showing you to the rooms up there. You listened intently to him telling you about each room before the two of you got to his son, Gilthunder's room. He knocked on the door before a short pink haired boy opened the door, a slight grimace on his face as he looked at you. "I was hoping you were ready to head into town with us, are you ready?" he asked his son, causing the boy to nod softly. Zaratras then turned to you. "Is there anywhere you want to go tonight, (Y/N)?" he asked, causing you to nod softly before turning to Gilthunder. "Gilthunder, right? My name is (Y/N), it's nice to meet you." you said, holding out your hand for him to shake. He turned away before speaking. "Nice to meet you too." he said, scowling at the floor. "Gilthunder, is there a restaurant you like to eat at?" you asked, causing him to nod silently. "What is it?" you questioned, causing him to turn to look at you, his sapphire blue eyes staring deeply into yours. "The Black Cat." he said quietly. "Do you like their fish pies?" you asked, causing him to nod softly before standing up and then speaking. "Then to the Black Cat we shall go." you said, causing Gilthunder to look up at you with a slightly hopeful glint in his eyes. Perhaps she isn't so terrible after all. He thought to himself.

Once you got to the Black Cat, you asked for a table for three. You all three split a fish pie and gladly ate until you were all full. After dinner, Zaratras asked you to spend the night over at he and Gilthunder's house, an offer you accepted. You then decided to split the bill evenly before the two of you both paid and then headed back to Zaratras' house.

Once you got there, you were led to the guest room upstairs before you got settled in and then got ready for bed. You then went back downstairs and decided to sit on the couch beside Renee's chair. Unbeknownst to Gilthunder, you had known Renee as a close friend, which is why you were so hesitant on coming to meet Gilthunder in the first place. Said boy watched as you read, scowling at you even now. He decided to make his presence known by sitting on the other side of the couch, watching as you read your book. You took out a bookmark and then marked your page before looking at your potential stepson as you closed the novel. "If you have something on your mind, then say it." you said, crossing your legs and then closing your eyes as you stared up at the ceiling. Gilthunder then sighed angrily before trying to speak, only for you to interrupt him. "I assure you now, it's no intention of mine to replace your mother. Besides, Renee and I go back to the days before she even knew your father, or even who he was." you knew he was listening, and decided to continue speaking. "And I know, it hurts to lose someone like that and then feel as though they're being replaced. When my mother died, my father found another wife within a few months of her death. And all I could think of... all I knew for sure... was that I hated that woman. She was so abusive, and condoned my step brother beating me as much as he did while my father watched it all happen." you stopped, tears rolling down your cheeks as you wiped your eyes on your sleeves. You sighed, and took deep breaths before you calmed down enough to speak again. "You're so lucky to have your father, and you don't even know it. He looks out for you, and he loves you, and he cares about you. He loved your mother so much more than he'll ever love me, and I'm accepting that because I know it's true. Who didn't love Renee? She was a wonderful lady, and a lovely friend. And I know I'll never be like her, but when you give me that stare, and when you glare at me like that, it makes me feel like I'm not trying at all to help anyone, and that I'm just a waste of space and breath." you said, causing Gilthunder to finally stop the silent rivalry between the two of you. He crawled over to you and hugged you, wrapping his small arms around your waist as he hugged you tightly. You sighed as tears now flowed freely down your cheeks, while Gil sniffled and cried silently into your side. You didn't care that he was getting your dress soaking wet with tears, you cared that he was alright. You picked up the blue eyed boy and hugged him tightly, allowing him to cry into your shoulder as more tears continued to roll down your cheeks. Zaratras walked into the room to see you holding his son close to you as the two of you cried, before walking up to the two of you and embracing you both, holding the two of you close to him as he sighed. "Are you both alright?" he asked, causing you to smile softly before nodding. "Gilthunder and I just had a small chat is all. Don't worry about it." you said, wiping your eyes before wiping Gil's eyes off, smiling softly at the young boy before he hugged you tightly. "Thanks mother." he said, before realizing his mistake and then covering his mouth as his face turned the color of his hair. You grinned before responding. "It's alright, Gil, if you want to call me mother, then that's ok with me. I don't mind it at all." you said, causing him to nod softly. You then walked him upstairs before you put him to sleep and then closed the door quietly. You then felt Zaratras' arms wrap around your waist and looked back to see that he looked very tired, his blue eyes drooping slightly. You turned around and cupped his face in your hands before leaning in and pressing your lips gently against his. After a few seconds, you separated from him before you both walked downstairs and to his bedroom. You watched him get into the bed before he lifted the covers for you to get in, and smiled when you joined him. You nuzzled into his warmth, allowing him to wrap his arms around your waist as he pulled you close and held you against his chest as the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.

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