Chapter 1: Into the Bar

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POV: None

In the outskirts of the Capital of the Kingdom of Liones, the red a bar,  it’s name is The Boar Hat. Where the drinks are great, and the food, isn’t. A couple of the drunks and other patrons are talking about rumors that a member of the Seven Deadly Sins had taken a Holy Knight captive and was using him as a slave. Then the door was opened revealing two figures, one being a large knight in rusted armor and the other a Holy Knight bound behind the former.

Rusted Knight: S-s-seven d-d-deadly s-sins.

The drunks and patrons then ran out of the bar screaming as the owner sat there cleaning a glass.

Bound Knight: Are they gone?

Bar owner: Yeah why?

Bound: We aren’t really welcomed.

As the bound knight said that the rusted knight started to fall, only to be caught by the bound knight and have it’s helmet removed, revealing a silver haired female inside.

Bound: we need to get her to rest, by the way kid, what’s your name?

Owner: Name’s Meliodas.

Bound: Y/n L/n *Thoughts* Can’t be him, too young

POV: Y/n

We took Elizabeth to a room upstair and set her on a bed

Me: She should be fine here.

Meliodas: How do we know?

Just then Meliodas then grabbed Elizabeth’s chest area and I hit him in the head.

???: You deserved that!

Me: Who’s there?

Meliodas: That’s Hawk, he cleans the scraps here.

Me: That’s a first.

Just then Elizabeth woke up.

Elizabeth: Where are we Y/n?

Me: A bar, it’s called The Boar Hat.

Elizabeth: I thought we were going to find the Seven Deadly Sins.

I noticed that Meliodas perked up when he heard this, but before I could say anything Elizabeth’s stomach growled.

Meliodas: Let me get you two some food.

Before he left I grabbed by sword which was strapped horizontally on my back.

POV: Elizabeth

As I sat in the bed and our short host got up to leave to make food I saw Y/n grab his blade, and in the blink of an eye charge and strike at our host.

Y/n: I see who you are… Meliodas Dragon’s Sin of Wrath, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins!

Me: What?

POV: Y/n

Meliodas: heh, still sharp I see. You left an opening only to block at the last second.

Meliodas moved his right hand back revealing that my left hand had my gauntlet shield blocking my stomach, and his broken sword blocked my short sword. Meliodas then took us down and fed us.

Me: I’m glad to see you, but I need to know, why did you and the other Sins betray the kingdom?

Meliodas: I don’t know, I was knocked out right after we discovered the body.

Me: Well crap, plus this food’s still terrible.

Elizabeth: I think this is delicious.

Just then there was a banging at the door

???: This is the Holy Knights, under order from the King, you are to release the member of the Seven Deadly Sins you have stored in your bar.

Me: Elizabeth run out the back, I’ll distract them.

I walked out drawing my sword.

Knight: Y/n what are you doing here?

Me: I wanted a drink. So I took leave for twenty minutes

Knight: We were told a member of the Seven Deadly Sins is here.

Me: I don’t know about that.

Just then Elizabeth ran out the back.

Knight: After her!

Me: I’ll be there in a moment, let me get my sword.

I ran in as the knights chased Elizabeth

Me: Meliodas that didn’t work! They saw Elizabeth running away, we need to save her.

Before I even opened my mouth Meliodas was running out the door.

Me: Good to know.

I then ran out to see Twigo, sheathing his sword after cutting part of the ground and having it fall with Meliodas, Elizabeth, and Hawk on top.

Twigo: Conclusion; four dead.

Me: Updated report; murder, two counts, slaughter, one count

Twigo: Who dares change my report!

Me: I do!

I then charged at Twigo striking him with my sword countless times, when he swung back I blocked with my gauntlet and sent his strike into the ground next to me as I stabbed him in a counter strike. I then saw Meliodas jump back up with the Holy Knight, Elizabeth, and Hawk.

Twigo: Hey, my report states that you are dead, so stay that way. Hag on, I see that earing so you must be, in conclusion. Princess Elizabeth of Liones.

Me: Report update; three counts attempted murder, one count attempted slaughter of a domestic animal, and two counts attempted treason.

Twigo: If anyone is guilty of treason, it is you Y/n L/n!

Me: I am still loyal to the King of Liones, you are the one who has tried to destroy this kingdom!

Twigo then changed his target to the group that just jumped back up. However Meliodas tackled Elizabeth to the ground as Twigo cut the forest behind them down in a single swipe. I could barely hear Elizabeth speaking to Meliodas, it sounded as if she were apologizing and asking for his name. Twigo then struck vertically.


Meliodas was able to knock Twigo on the ground as I ran up to him and held my blade at his throat.

Me: I should kill you where you stand. However I will have mercy on you this time, and this time only, if we come across you again, I will not hesitate to kill you where you stand. Meliodas let’s get going, we have Sins to find.

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