Lil Gil Grew Up

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Au: Last we left off, our heroes had met up with Diane the giant Sin of Envy. Will they be able to convince her to join their cause, or will they have a fight on their hands? Find out now!(Sorry for taking so long. Will apologize at end of chapter, and will have IMPORTANT message. Thank you)

No One's POV 

Elizabeth flinches at Diane's tone and aggressive action. She immediately looks towards you and Hawk and with gaining a smile from both of you, gains the confidence needed to introduce herself to the mighty giant.

Elizabeth: Ummm. It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Diane. My name's Elizabeth..... and uh. I've asked Sir Meliodas if I could travel with him....

During Elizabeth's brief explanation, both you and her could tell Diane was looking at her up and down. You definitely were getting a bad feeling about this and was worried about Diane's reaction. You also felt hurt that Elizabeth forgot to mention Hawk and you. You clear your throat loud enough for Elizabeth to hear and she immediately gets embarrassed and tries to speak up, but not before being interrupted by Diane.

Elizabeth: Oh of course! Sir-

Diane: So it's just the two of you then?

Meliodas answers for Elizabeth and says.

Meliodas: Also the talking Pig and N/n.

Y/n: *Why was I mentioned last? That's just rude*

While your having this thought, Diane without warning, slams Meliodas into the ground. Causing a crater to be formed in front of her and Elizabeth and Hawk being thrown into the air. You catch them both and put them down carefully as Diane has a tantrum, which you think to yourself.

Y/n: *Some things never change.... (Sigh)*


Meliodas nonchalantly walks out of his hole and walks over to Diane. You watch and couldn't help but smile. Meanwhile Elizabeth grabbed unto your arm and whispered in your ear.

Elizabeth: Is everything ok?

Y/n: Don't worry princess. This happened a lot back in the day. I'll make sure you or Hawk won't get hurt by their..... clash.

Elizabeth: Oh ok.... Thank you.... Ummm is what she said true? Are you and Sir Meliodas her....

You look towards Elizabeth as her face becomes red. You realized that she got the wrong message and before you could speak, Elizabeth decided press your arm closer to her and hid her face in your neck. You chuckle from her actions and look back at the two as Diane speaks up.

Diane: But still. If you have an explanation I'm ready to listen.

Meliodas: Um, honestly. Theirs-

Before Meliodas could continue, he was interrupted by Diane punching him to the ground as she yelled at him 


During the onslaught, Hawk and Elizabeth looked at the scene in terror. Unsure of what to do, you just smiled and chuckled to yourself.

Hawk: She's insane.

As Hawk says this, Diane finishes off her "attack" by slamming her fists into the ground together while screaming.


While the dust settles and Hawk stops himself from shaking, Diane begins to wipe her tears, she talks and looks towards you, but stops mid sentence.

Diane: Well....At least my loyal Knight Y/n will-....

Diane looks to see Elizabeth holding on to one of your arms close to her chest. And her reaction to Diane's stare is to pull you closer and try to hide behind you as Diane once again became enraged.


As Diane swings to punch Elizabeth with a powerful uppercut, but you quickly throw her towards Hawk. Having her ending up landing on him and using him as a cushion. You then look forward to see Diane's fist coming and all you have time is to prepare yourself for the incoming blow. The impact between the two of you causes a shockwave that pushes everyone back, including Diane. Who, ended up falling on her butt and flailing her arms in the air. All the while, you get thrown high into the air and find your self getting farther and farther away from where you were just launched. Not to mentioned away from the group, and deeper into the forest. You end up quickly descending to the ground while going through some trees.

(Au: Just think of the extra pillars as trees)

From how fast you were launched, no one noticed you being literally punched away. But what the group does notice is Diane immediately standing up, getting angrier and ready to snap when Meliodas steps in.

Meliodas: Hey Diane, do me a favor and chill. It'd be easier for everyone if you just listen.... K?

Diane:...HMPH.... Fine....Captain.

Small Time Skip

Meliodas: So to finally put an end to the corruption, and to stop the Holy Knight's rampaging. Elizabeth is trying to get the Seven Deadly Sins together.

Diane after hearing and understanding the real reason why everyone was here was very apologetic to everyone. She said sorry to Hawk, Elizabeth, and Meliodas.

Diane: I'm sorry everyone. I'm the one that keeps jumping to conclusions. And I'm sorry for trying to eat you piggy.


Ignoring his rant, Diane gives Elizabeth another cold stare. Hawk believing that Diane is about to try and eat him again, quickly changes his tune and tries to be spared.

Hawk: Uh! Hold on!  If you even think about laying a hand on me.... THEN MY MOMMA IS GONNA LET YOU HAVE IT!!!

Hawk looks up to see Diane putting her face close to Elizabeth's. While again ignoring Hawk, Diane speaks up to Elizabeth. Trying to intimidate her.

Diane: You positive you aren't in any relationship with the Captain? Or even-

Meliodas: You know.... You and I don't have that kind of relationship either.

Diane: Whhaaaaa!?

Meliodas: Anyway.  I'm just going to do what I can to help Elizabeth gather up the gang. Cause I wanna find them to, and N/n is also helping. Right bud?

The four hear silence as they wait for a response from Y/n. And after an award silence, Elizabeth asks the obvious question.

 Elizabeth: Ummmm where's Sir Y/n?

Meliodas: Huh? That's weird? Where did he go?

Diane: Yeah. He was here a second ago.

The trio began to look around for you when Hawk decided to bring up an interesting observation.

Hawk: Ummm maybe it has something to do with the smoke trail?

Everyone looks to where you were to see a literal silhouette of your body made of dust. The trail goes into the air and more North into the forest. Everyone sweat drops except Meliodas as he points out the now obvious.

Meliodas: Diane.... Did you launch Y/n deeper into the forest?

Diane:..... Yes?..... Oh no. He's gonna be so mad....

Diane begins to whimper as Hawk and Elizabeth freak out and try to figure out what to do. All the while Meliodas watched as the trail begin to dissipate leaving him to take a deep breath and say.

Meliodas: Bummer.

Your POV

You finally landed unto the ground with a loud boom. Making a small crater with where you landed. You quickly and easily crawl your way out and dust yourself off.

Y/n: Well ...That was something. launched a bit far. Oh well I can easily catch up. Now where am I?

You look around to see if you recognize any landmarks, which was hard to ask for in a place just filled with trees. But then you look up into the air above you and saw something very familiar causing you to gasp.

Y/n: Woah. My old lookout. Should be a lot of good supplies their.

You back gets chills as you recognize the voice from the laughter at the tavern. You look around trying to find the source of the voice.

??: Hehe....hahahahahaha

Y/n: The Hell? Show yourself!

??: And here I thought you didn't believe in heaven or hell? Or is that not the case? You don't believe in the gods or goddesses but believe in their land?

Y/n: I know they exist Demon! I hate their race and would rather die than walk on the land they strive in!

??: Didn't they use to strive here? And why hate in there race when your pretty much a god yourself? I mean you can't even die.

Y/n: Show yourself. Explain how you are here!

??: No.....Not yet. I can't remember having this much fun in a looooong time. But I think jll be nice enough to drop a hint.

FrostMourne began to glow from your strap and you look behind to see a Wolf walking towards you. It wasn't like any other wolf you ever seen or become. 

You could sense the malice you sensed at the Tavern, as well it's powerful magical energy. But what kept you more on the edge that the same magic you could see coming from it.... You could sense it coming from FrostMourne as well. You immediately take out your weapons Fang and Bite, prepared to fight. But when you looked back to face the beast, you see that it's was gone.

??: I am a Shape shifter like yourself. With the spirit of the wolf very..... Close to my heart. In that form I'll be able to come to this world. Though no one will see but you.

Y/n: So what, think we're gonna be comrades because we can transform? Sorry but I'm sensing way too much malice in you to consider you a friend.

You head the voice chuckle at your remark.

??: You always were an interesting one mortal. I can't wait to really you meet face to fangs. I'd advise you to prepare yourself for the war.

Y/n: War? What war? Are you trying to does in riddles?  What do you want!? You are no human or fairy.... So are you a God or a Demon? Either or, my patience runs thin, you need to be more clear. 

??: What you need to know is where your armor is. I hope it won't be too damages from the last time you were.... A real warrior.

Y/n: How long have you been watching me?

The voice doesn't immediately answer. For a moment you can finally hear your own thoughts, but you kept it blank to listen.  After a minute of silence, the voice answers.

??: Ever since you began to wield the sword.

You look to FrostMourne and see it glow, it makes your hairs stand on end. It gives you a bad feeling, your instincts were torn between fleeing and attacking.

??: If you wish to know my name.... My history.... Our destiny. You MUST STOP fighting the urge of what you are. 

Y/n: And fall into the curse it brings? If you've watched me for so long..... You know what I'll become.

??: What you need to be to protect the Princess. To protect your friends, family, your......Captain. To protect Britannia, and the world.

You noticed the pause before mentioning the Captain. You were also curious of why this voice wanted you to wield your weapon, to try  and master it once again.

Y/n: What do you gain from this? Why are you speaking to me?

??: I need you alive. To become what your destined to be. Its time to show your claws. BECOME A MYTH NO MORE!

Y/n:.... What is my destiny?

??: In due time. For now.... You must hurry. A Holy Knight approachs your group. Go! And remember.... Use your sword... Your sacred treasure. We will talk again Y/n L/n..... Wolf Sin of Blasphemy.

You could feel the voices presence vanish. FroustMorne's light began to dim until it no longer glowed. You stood still for a moment, processing what just happened. After the moment, you take a deep breath.

Y/n: *.... Need to figure out that things agenda. But it is right about something. A battle is underway, and I need my armor. As well as some answers. Hope everyone is ok. Don't worry help is on the way.*

With that in mind you quickly jump into the shed and find yourself looking at some boxes with some supplies that could be useful.

Y/n: All right, let's get started.

No One's POV

Back with the rest of your group, Meliodas decided to make everyone calm down, since Elizabeth and Hawk were running around trying to find Y/n. And Diane was crying and saying how much Y/n was goin to hate her for launching him into the forest.


Everyone else freezed up as Meliodas continued to speak.

Meliodas: Y/n planned on traveling deeper int the forest to grab some old stuff anyway. So Diane? Stop making a fuss. You basically helped him and I don't think he'll be that upset. Maybe annoyed, but not angry. Ok?

Diane wipes the tears from her eyes, and nods as she tries to get her compusre. Meliodas than turns to Elizabeth and Hawk.

Meliodas: Listen, he'll be fine. And with his tracking skills he'll be able to catch up soon. We can wait a little while before heading back to the tavern. K?

Hawk and Elizabeth nod, and Hawk keeps on comforting Elizabeth as she does feel better, but still worries about Y/n. Diane then decides to stand and speak up.

Diane: Captain's right. Y/n was and still is one of the strongest Sins, the only reason he was launched was because he wasn't ready for me. If he saw it coming, he wouldn't have budged an inch. And I've decided that I'll  come along with you guys. You'll have he help.... OF THE SERPENT SIN OF ENVY! THE GIANT DIANE!

Meliodas: Really? That's great!

Elizabeth gasps at what Diane says, and immediately thanks her. But Midway through her giving gratitude, Diane interupted her. Making it clear of her own intentions and reason for joining the group.

Elizabeth: Thank you so much for joining us Lady Diane! I look forward to-

Diane: But get one thing straight!

Elizabeth: !! Yes?

Diane: The only reason I'm doing this.... Is because the Captain and Y/n is with you 


The group turns to see the four imps hiding behind a rock, celebrating the fact that Diane was about to leave the forest.

Imp 2: For years she'd been threatening us. She said well pay for not giving her shelter!

All the imps began to chuckle, laugh and celebrate as the group were surprised in this reaction.

Hawk: They can be free now.... So beautiful.

Then from seemingly nowhere, a Raven is heard in the forest. Cawing out, it puts Meliodas and Diane on the edge. While Hawk and Elizabeth began to feel anxious and nervous all of a sudden. 

Elizabeth: W-what was that?

Diane: Strange.... I thought their weren't any animals that lives this deep in the Forest.

Hawk began to snuff the air and told the group of incoming rain 

Hawk: Huh? I smell rain... WAIT LOOK AT THAT!

Everyone looks up into the sky to see thunder clouds right above them. Except the clouds were formed into a dark circle, and their was only lightning and thunder. No sign of actual rain.

Hawk: What is that?

Elizabeth: Thunderclouds?

Than without warning, a surge of thunder strikes Meliodas. And when it vanished he was binded by three circles of lightning. One on his shoulders, one around his waist, and the last surrounding his legs.

Meliodas: What's up with this?

Diane: Captain!?

Before anyone could move to help Meliodas, more thunder struck all of them. Putting them on binds of their own.

Elizabeth: My body's become completely numb.

Hawk: I can't move at all.

A clank is heard.  It sounded like someone in heavy armor, and it was coming closer. All the while a voice was heard calling to them as they watched as a figure came closer.

Meliodas: And you are?

Gilthunder: It would seem that we meet at last..... 

Gilthunder: You Deadly Sins.

As this person who presumably is the one that trapped them all in the electric bonds, Diane speaks up. Noticing the high magic power he has.

Diane: This power.....

Meliodas: Yup, no doubt about it. You're a Holy Knight aren't you?

Gilthunder steps forward and Elizabeth immediately recognizes the Knight and speaks his name.

Elizabeth: Gilthunder... Gilthunder is that you!? Why.... Why are you doing this?

Gilthunder ignores Elizabeth's questions and instead stares at Meliodas. But with Elizabeth's questions, Meliodas turns to her and asks her his own questions.

Meliodas: You know this guy?

Elizabeth: Yes. Since I was a little girl, in fact he was my father's attendant. As an aid to the king and son of the Holy Grand Master, he was always at the palace. So I kind of grew up with him.

Meliodas: Son of the Grand Master huh?..... WAIT! HANG ON! ARE YOU LITTLE GIL!

Elizabeth looks at Meliodas with shock and confusion.

Elizabeth: What?! You know him as well!?

Meliodas: Sure! I even gave him lessons occasionally when I found myself at the Royal Palace. Wow you've really have grown.... Hmmm if I remember correctly. Y/n used to be-

Gilthunder: Don't say that name. That name should not come out of your lips. A man of honor shouldn't be mentioned by a traitor like you!

Elizabeth: What? Traitor? What do you mean?

Meliodas: Ouch. Touchy.... Well anyway's you sure have grown little Gil.... Than again it has been 10 years since I've seen ya!

Gilthunder: If you have time prattle on in this manner, it might be better spent trying to escape those bonds.

Hawk: Hey this Lightning's familiar.

Meliodas: I know whatcha mean. When a certain someone locked up Vanya/Bernia's water supply, and then try to blow the village away.... That was you wasn't it?

Elizabeth: Sir Meliodas that can't be! Your wrong! Gilthunder would ne- (Gasp).....No.

Elizabeth looked into Gilthunder's eyes. And saw nothing of the sweet and innocent boy she grew up with. Instead she saw someone cold, cruel, and evil. Making her realize that it indeed was him that brought so much pain to Mead and his village. As Elizabeth was trying to find any sign of the boy she was knew, Diane decided to try to break through her bonds.

Diane: These bonds can't hold me!

Gilthunder: That's useless.

Diane seemingly tried to break out of her bonds but failed. Ending up exhausting herself a little bit as Meliodas told her to stand down for now.

Meliodas: Diane just save it. Don't bother.

Diane: Captain....

Gilthunder quickly then moved behind Meliodas, placing his sword up against his shoulder. Speaking up gaining everyone's attention.

Gilthunder: Do you know why the Holy Knight's are after the heads of the Seven Deadly Sins?

Meliodas: Nope.

Gilthunder: Half of them are seeking revenge on total eradication of the rebel order that plotted to overthrow the kingdom. The other half want to do glorious battle, and to vanquish the warriors to prove their own strength.

Meliodas: And which half are you in?

Gilthunder: Both of them. No! I want more.

Meliodas: Is that so?

Gilthunder: Yes. To avenge the death of my father Zaratras, Grand Master of the Holy Knights. To show that I am now greater then he. The most powerful ever Knight that was ever known..... Until know.

Meliodas: So your under the impression that I'm the one who murdered your father, is that it?

Gilthunder: Are you saying your not?

Meliodas: No idea. See the thing is that I don't remember much of that day.....

Diane: Captain?

Elizabeth: Sir Meliodas?

Meliodas: That last thing I remember is being summoned to the old castle at the edge of town.  

Meliodas then told his story of that day. Explaing of how he and the 7 Sins were talking about the possible reasons of being called by the Grand Master. Just to fine him skewered to the wall, already being dead when they arrived. And as they tried to figure out the reason of his murder, the castle was attacked by almost every Holy Knight in the land. Meliodas told the group to split up and find each other later.... And as Meliodas began to leave...

Meliodas: I remember someone saying "Captain, I'm sorry." Than I blacked out.... Next thing  I knew I was lying in a cellar somewhere. That's when I met Hawk.... He's the talking pig Little Gil. 

Elizabeth: I knew it! You weren't the ones to kill the Grand Master were you?!

Meliodas: Oh! By the way.... their something I've learned since than!

Gilthunder: Oh, and what's that?

Meliodas turned his head to face Gilthunder and said 

Meliodas: Well I bumped into Y/n later on. He explained to me that he was also attacked by the Holy Knight's that day as well. He was thought to be in on the murder of your father as well, heck with his immense power.... some knights even thought he was the culprit himself. But his name was cleared up.

Gilthunder:...Yes... I remember that day well. To this day I don't understand why he was attacked. Holy Knight shouldn't take down their comrades for false information.

Meliodas: I mean he is a Si-

Gilthunder punches Meliodas to the ground before he could finish his sentence. Gaining a sequel from Hawk, a shriek from Elizabeth, and a growl from Diane.

Gilthunder: I allowed to say his name once. Don't you dare to try to compare him to you and the other Sins! I understand he was rumored to the Eighth Sin! But that's a lie! He was the guardian to the Liones until he retired. He was NOT A SIN! He was A-


Gilthunder looks to Elizabeth with rage, making her shrink down a little bit. But he then regains his compusre as Meliodas stands up.

Diane: You ok Captain?

Meliodas: Just fine. Didn't mean to upset ya Little Gil! My bad.

Gilthunder: Tch! No matter. It makes no difference to me. Rebels and traitors that plotted to overthrow the kingdom. That's all you people are to me.

Elizabeth:  ENOUGH! You must stop this! Didn't you hear what he just told you?! Their innocent!

Gilthunder: Elizabeth..... The kingdom wants to take you into protective custody. But I haven't the slightest interest in that.

Gilthunder turns to point his sword at Elizabeth while saying.

Gilthunder: Alive or dead, that makes no difference to me. You're just a grain of sand on the road I travel.

Without uttering another word, Gilthunder releases Elizabeth from her bonds.

Gilthunder: Go away. The Sins and I have unfinished business.

Elizabeth immediately looks at Gilthunder with the face of determination as she runs past Gilthunder to stand in front of Meliodas. Trying to block him from Gilthunder using her body.

Elizabeth: No! I won't let you hurt these people!

As Gilthunder looks towards Elizabeth in annoyance. Hawk begins to grumble and groan in pain. Talking about the pain the bonds are bringing him, but Gilthunder ignores his please as he kicks Hawk far away from him and the Sins, going deeper into the forest.

Elizabeth: HAWK! NO!

Elizabeth quickly runs after Hawk as he squeals in pain. Gilthunder turns to face the two Sins.

Gilthunder: Now then, with that out of the way.

Gilthunder walks over to the Sins with Meliodas saying.

Meliodas: You sure you wanna do this? In the old days you were never able to beat me. Remember?

Gilthunder: That was then. This is now. I am now more powerful then any of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Meliodas: I dunno. Maybe your right, but maybe your wrong. I can tell you for certain that your numbers are wrong.

Gilthunder: !!

Diane: Yeah and there's eight of us.

Gilthunder: Enough of that non sense! It's time to fight. First I'll release your bonds.

Meliodas: Well I appreciate that. But I got it.

Without another word, both Meliodas and Diane quickly break out of their binds with no trouble at all. Then Meliodas says matter of fact.

Meliodas: Could've escaped whenever we felt like it.

Gilthunder: Hmph. Just now if I felt like it,  I could annihilate you instantly.  

Meliodas: Eh, kind of doubt that.

Gilthunder: I shall use my sword to kill you.

Meliodas: Right back at ya big guy. Don't interfer, alright Diane?

Diane: Aw. You get all the fun.

Gilthunder: What? Don't wan to risk Shane by having me beat you both at once?

Gilthunder takes a step to Meliodas sword in hand. Meliodas takes a step with his foot to have his leg next to Gilthunder saying.

Meliodas: Can't you tell when your elder is trying to be nice?

The two look at each other in the eye, sizing each other up before they strike.

Diane thinks to herself before they begin to clash.

Diane: *I hope Y/n is alright, and that he gets here soon. Wouldn't want him to miss the action.*

With that final thought, the two legendary warriors clash in a battle. One trying to prove their strength and save a comrades honor. While the other seemingly fights for survival.  Who will in this battle of Lightning and Counter!? Who is the mysterious entity that knows Y/n's supposed destiny? Find out in the next chapter of this adventure.

Au: IMPORTANT MESSAGE- Hey everyone it's been awhile. Want to first off and apologize for my neglection towards this story(and others). I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, I know it's smaller than usual but I kept on adding and taking away things I decided that it'd be best to make this chapter short.  Hopefully sometime this weekend I'll be able to update another chapter, as well as your love interest(maybe more.) Also if anyone wants to have an idea of what I have planned for this story or others PLEASE LOOK at my story titled AU: All Stories Status (Please Look At). It's where I'll be updating all my ideas for new stories and new updates for this story so I can just publish all announcements their. Please comment on what you guys thought of this chapter, and my ideas. Thank you for all the followers, support, and patience. Peace!

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