Sorry About The Crowd

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The Next Day, No Ones POV

Elizabeth wakes up and feels very comfortable. She realizes she's hugging herself with Y/n's jacket and when she does, her face warms up a bit. She then starts to wonder where he is, and starts to look around a little from where she was. She then lifts her head for a bit, though during the entire search her eyes were practically closed. She then  looks up to see the fire was out from last night. She decides to lay back down and wait for you to come back. But as she puts her head down, she feels something off, or more like something comfortable. It felt nothing like the cold rough ground, but soft and warm. 

Elizabeth: Huh? What's thi-

Y/n: Morning princess. I do hope you slept well. I have nothing to report from last night, it was very peaceful. A beautiful night actually.

Elizabeth freezes up and look up and sees Y/n looking down at her. She turns herself to have her body facing him.

Elizabeth: Morning Sir Y/n, did you sleep well?

Y/n: The night served me well yes, also don't call me sir princess, I serve you, I'm the one that's suppose to show, respect.

Elizabeth: Hmmmm, I won't call you sir, if you don't call me princess. Lets just call each other by our names, ok si-I mean Y/n... Oh would you like your jacket back? Let me-

Y/n: It is fine, I'd recommend you to keep resting for a bit anyways. Very well for our titles.

Elizabeth looks at Y/n and sees his scratches on his face, without thought she places her hands on his face and traces his scars. After a few minutes she realizes what she is doing and quickly pulls her hands away.

Elizabeth: OH, I'm sorry. That was rude of me, I should have asked for permission first. Apologies.

Y/n: Don't worry about it... I give you permission for touching  as you see fit.

Elizabeth face blows up in red as her eyes widen in shock and embarrassment, with Y/n raising an eyebrow in confusion and tilts his head. Elizabeth looks at his face and starts thinking thoughts that makes her face redder and starts to have a few beads of sweat coming down her face. Y/n puts a hand on her forehead asking if she's ok. Elizabeth responds by quickly turning her head away and tries to hide herself from him, she moves her head forward until she feels something hitting her forehead. Looking up she sees a belt buckle with a wolf symbol...

She then freezes up and starts to think about her current situation. She woke up with Y/n's jacket wrapped around her like a blanket... ok a sweet gesture. But, wait. Why  was Y/n looking down at her? Wasn't he across the fire? And the ground didn't feel like ground. Elizabeth decides to slowly turn her head down, and realizes two things.

1. She was laying on Y/n's lap

2. Her face was on top of Y/n's....

With this Elizabeth turns back around slowly facing Y/n's face. But Y/n was looking up into the sky, so he did not see her face brighter and pinker then any flower(Au: Like this 🌸 🌹) Her hair was also covering her eyes, hoping it was also covering her entire face.

(Au: you are the girl, Elizabeth is the guy.)

The wind blows past them, and Elizabeth quickly gets off Y/n and stands up with her back to him.

Y/n: Would you like some breakfast Elizabeth?

Elizabeth:..... Yes...

Time Skip brought to you by a flustered Elizabeth eating breakfast 

Y/n: Are you okay Elizabeth? 

He looks over to see Elizabeth on the opposite side of him. He noticed that she wouldn't even look at him. He couldn't figure out why though. He looks over and to her, as he does she grabs his jacket which she still had and went to quickly cover her face. Not quick enough though. For a second he did see her.

(Au: Don't forget she's wearing the Black onesie that she has on, not the Boar Hat uniform. Not yet at least)

After a few moments of awkward silence, Y/n decides to speak.

Y/n: You did nothing wrong, I didn't realize the situation I put you in, I apologize... before you speak up, I wish to say  I want to put this behind us so we can work together and save the kingdom. Last thing we need is to fail because we couldn't look each other in the eyes. 'Chuckle'

Your POV

Elizabeth looks at you for a bit, then gets up and walks over to you. She lays her head on you shoulder and speaks.

Elizabeth: Your right, I'm fine with putting this behind us... oh um, I never did say thank you from before did I? I'm sorry, and thank you for saving me.

Elizabeth gives you a kiss on the cheek and then buries her face in your neck waiting for a response. After a few moments she looks up to see you asleep, though little did she know you were faking it.

Elizabeth: Y/n? Are you ok? *How long was he up for anyways? Did he spend the whole night watching over me?* She blushes at the thought, buries her hands in her face and looks away. But after a moment she looks at you and smiles. 

Elizabeth: You haven't changed since the day I met you Sir Y/n. Thank you, for being the perfect knight.

You pretend to stir up and Elizabeth sits down next to you, pretending to look at anything interesting. You open your eyes and speak

Y/n: Sorry that I fell asleep, did I miss anything?

Elizabeth: Nothing at all

You knew she was lying but didn't want to get caught fake sleeping, so you stood up stretched and asked.

Y/n: I can smell one of the Sins close by, I'm pretty sure it's Meliodas Sin of Wrath... you ready to head out?

Elizabeth jumps up excitedly, she even starts to celebrate, and then you say

Y/n: I fixed the armor you had, should be lighter....

You grab the suit of armor and show her this

You walk away letting Elizabeth put on the armor, and after a few minutes, she has on everything except the helmet.

Elizabeth: How did you even do this Y/n? What happened to the old armor? When did you do this?

Y/n: Magic and Last night... the armor you we're wearing was just to much for you, with what I did, it should be lighter and even stronger then the other one. Though I still have some spare parts... speaking of which.

You walk to her and hand her two identical  blades, with their sheathes.

Y/n: You need to have some form of weapon for defense.... on the way to Meliodas I'll teach you how to use them. We should be on our way. Lets head out.

You see her run beside you and walks beside you. She then asks you a very smart question. 

Elizabeth: Won't you be recognized as a Sin from all the wanted posters.

Y/n: I'd be surprised if their was a poster of me.

You see her look at you with confusion and give her a quick explanation.

Y/n: The Holy Knights are looking for the SEVEN Deadly Sins not Eight.... I'm not a very well known Sin.

Elizabeth: But, their still is a chance.

She sees you shrug and she gets in front of you and stops you from walking forward.

Elizabeth: Please change your looks so you won't be recognized 

Y/n: You still have my jacket... it's my trademark. Problem solved.

You see her blush as she looks at herself with your jacket on. She then quickly takes it off and put it in your arms. Her cheeks all puffed up. You put on your jacket sighing and then you think of a disguise.

Y/n: Alright, I'll use my magic to transform... if anyone asks, I'm your dog and your a mercenary. In any fight you always let me fight first since I'm a wild animal.

Elizabeth: Huh? What are you—

An aura with your F/c forms around you, along with lightning and shoots up to the sky.

(Au: Imgine your favorite color)

After it disperses Elizabeth sees this beast before her.

Y/n:  Get on my back and let's move.

Elizabeth just nods her head and climbs on your back and you start heading out once again.

Elizabeth: You know I almost forgot you could do that... but I have one question.

Y/n: Yes?

Elizabeth: What happened to your clothes and weapons?

Y/n: Thats a very good question....

TimeSkip, No Ones POV:

At what seems like a tavern.... three men were being given a meal they would only experience once in a life time.

Man1: Man this looks delicious.

Man2: Gonna be the best.


Their server speaks up before they dig in.

Server: Just warning you, here at Boar's Hat.... we are very well know of our famous food—

The men quickly take a first bite of their food, with at first faces of pure excitement... but then quickly turned to faces of pure dread. As they quickly spit out the food.

(Au: Skip to 0:50 end at 1:00)

Three Men: THAT WAS HORRIBLE(They screamed)

Server: I know... As I was saying before, here at Boar Hat we are very well known for our horrible food. Makes ya puke and lose your dinner.

He says very proudly and then continues to speak.

Server: Don't worry about the mess lads, I got it all covered.(He then shouts) HAWK, come on over.

A pig then walks over to the mess on the floor and starts to eat.

Hawk: Mmmm delicious, so good... yummy.

Three men: I-i-is... that pig talking?

Server: Yup... magic is weird ain't it? The pigs my scrape disposal. Don't worry Hawk's chill. Now let's see how much the food cost—

Man1: We are not paying for that food.

Server: Oh yes you are, you ordered it, and it's definitely to late to give it back now. Hawk's eaten it all.... well I can give you another free meal or a round of drinks since you all weren't prepared. Though I did try to warn ya. Either way you gotta pay for the first one.

Man1: You gonna make us shorty?

The server looks annoyed and puts his hand to his back where he has what seems to be a sword in its scabbard. The blade handle looks green, with an odd face. With a red jewel as an eye.

Man2: Hey man, lets not start anything we'll regret... dude he may be some type of knight. He looks like he means business.

The men look at each other in worry and decide to take the deal of the free drinks and payed for their meal now being eaten by Hawk.

The server then heads to the back of his counter and grabs a cup to dry while waiting for his next order while listening in on a conversation.

???1: You hear about the Seven Deadly Sins, and how their out their?

???2: The hell you on about?

???3: Everyone else knows that their nothing but a myth.

???1: Power That rivals god himself.... they killed the king and to this day, at this moment our glorious Holy Knights are looking for them, to give them sweet justice. (The people in the tavern quiet down to listen to the conversation as the man who brought them up took a sip of his drink.) If you want to tell me it's BS, then you better tear down the wanted posters on the wall over their.

The man points to the photos on the wall and a deadly silence fills the tavern.

???4: I heard that their are actually 8 Deadly Sins.... 

Everyone starts stirring up, talking about the sins... An air of fear surrounds them all as they try to keep it together.

Server: *Man, their this terrified just about talking about the sins.... I wonder if them being drunk out of their minds help.... to much bad food, food poisoning? Oh we—*

???4: Heard their's a ghosts in the Forest of White Dreams, not even the Holy Knights enter their, heh, maybe a ninth Sin is hiding their.

Server: *hm, interesting thought*

???2: Ok, WAIT. Don't get me started on ghosts, that's pure BS. Also their's no way theirs 8 of them, especially 9. We'd have known by now. They can't just—

???1: Hide? I mean they are now. Plus only one was a confirmed giant.... and the others look just like us human folk. We wouldn't tell the difference. Also, we were told of ONLY THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. The king, nor anyone else never directly said their weren't others.... though it can be said they also didn't directly say their were others either. But again their were only rumors for the eighth one. But no one knew what his or even her Sin is. Just the rumors of an ability to transform to different type wolves, and werewolves.

???3: H-h-h-Hey... w-w-w-a-sn't their a few folks earlier talking about seeing a guy in full armor... Now that I'm thinking about it... the way they described it sounds like—

???4: G-g-gowther, The Sin of Lust.


Just then, the sound of armor clanking echoes through the tavern, and it's getting louder. Everyone including the server and pig watches the door in anticipation. All wondering if it was a Sin. But soon... the clanking stops. And after a few moments, the door opens reveal a man huffing and puffing.

???5: GUYS!?!(He enters yelling)

???1: Hey it's Roger


???1: You need a drink Roger.

Roger: I'm trying to—

???1: My Rogie...

Roger sits down and takes ???1 drink and chugs it down.

Roger: Their's a SIN coming, dressed in full armor.... saw it in the distance.

As everyone voices started to rise up again, a clanking of armor is heard again. Silenceing everyone as they watch the door again.

Roger: It's probably Steve—

As Roger finishes his sentence. A giant Wolf walks in.

(Au: Yes it's you Y/n)

The Wolf sniffs the air and walks towards Hawk who had went back to eating scrapes. Hawk then realizes a shadow looming over him.

Hawk: Oh HI Steve—

Roger: T-t-t-h-h-h-a-a-at... i-i-isn't Steve.... ITS THE EIGHTH DEADLY SIN!?!

Hawk starts to be filled with sweat as he begins to realize the beast in front of him wasnt Steve.

Hawk: Ain't it just a normal wolf? A big, giant, dangerous, toothy, Wolf?

Roger: No Wolf is that big.

Just then the Wolf growls and bares it teeth, and looks at the crowd and growls again.

The tavern responds by screaming and running away in fear.

(Au: Skip to 1:42 end 1:47)

The screams that are heard are of "Sins being at the tavern, Wolf beast at the Tavern, We need to pay for our food, Ghosts are real, and where we going" to name a few.

Hawk was shivering(Like in clip) and the Server jumps over to the beast.

Server: Sup, names Meliodas.... are you the Eighth Deadly Sin or just a crazy Wolf? Let me know now before things go south.

The wolf turn and when he sees Meliodas he turns his head to the side and then sits down and looks over to the door.

Meliodas: That a yes? You wouldn't ignore your Captain would ya?

The Wolf barks three times and a women inclothed of armor walks in.

???: Oh excuse me Sir, I'm sorry my... dog scared away the crowd of people you had at your establishment.

Meliodas: Huh? Oh does this guy belong to you? I'd suggest a leash... but anyways, who are you?

Elizabeth: Oh I'm Elizabeth and I'm looking for someone, can you help us out?

Au: Thats chapter 2 hope you enjoyed, until next time. Tell me wat you think of how I'm writing this version of the Deadly Sins. Sorry for the slow update, see you soon.

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