Chapter 2 (Max)

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"WHAT?!" I yelped in suprise.

Emily is trying to climb a tree, scrambling branch by branch. There were two... DRAGONS?!

There was a large dragon with a angry  frown on her face. It was a deep emerald green with black rimmed scales. It's head, spine, and to the tip of her tail was a row of spikes, currently pulled up in annoyance. Her eyes were bright green like a stalking panther.

One dragon had a limp body in it's talons. This dragon was a girly, soft pink with white underbelly, and feathered chest and tail. It had white dangerous white claws, with sharp amber eyes like Jess. Who she had in her class made my heart stop. Shelby.

The pink one growled, "Hurry up Envy! Get her! It's not that hard!"

Envy, the green one, lunged at Emily again and whined, "Yours passed out! It's not fair, Lust!"

"Whatever, get her before the others come. That other red-head will be coming so hurry the he--" Lust must of heard us and spun to look at us.

Envy glanced over and snarled. She suddenly flung herself at the tree and Emily screamed, being sent the the floor. "Oops... hope I didn't break it," Envy let a tiny laugh and scooped her up.

Lust sighed, "Wrath's human brought everyone else. I've marked mine, hurry up!"

The pink dragon set Shelby down, putting her in the snow. She then brushed her large tail at us, pushing the group back.

"Marked?" I heard Jess murmur.

I threw a rock at Lust. She blinked and scrunched up her face for a moment, she snarled but sighed. "I see why Wrath choose him, protective little thing. Dumb too."

Lust stepped forward and Ross scrambled back, tripping on my foot. The dragoness lowered her head to peer at us. She backed off and then turned around back to Envy. "Finally!" The green dragoness cried joyfully.

Envy had Em in her claws, her talons were glowing a soft yellow-green. Envy glanced at the other dragoness the put the girl down by unconscious Shelby.

The dragons took to the air, there wings casting snow into the air. Their wing beats soon dissolving into the distant sound of the city and they disappeared in a group of clouds.

I bolted forward, almost in a instant I heard the others doing the same. I skid to a halt between them both.

Em was horrified and looking at her collar bone or something. Jess and Adam stopped by Emily. I looked at Jess and realised she was shivering, she was only in a purple tanktop. I glanced at the others, no one was really prepared for being outside. Specifically Shelby, Adam, and Jess. The raven-colored hair girl had it the worsest with a tanktop and Booty-Shorts.

I crouched next to Shelby, who was wearing a crop-top and jeans. Ross was on the other side of her trying to get her to wake up. I glanced her over for any wounds, I only say slight red marks from where the dragoness held her. I noticed something else tho, she had a tattoo on her stomach. I saw her earlier and knew she didn't have a tattoo. I didn't really look at it to realize what it was.

I shook my head and looked back at Ross, that's not really important.

Shelby's hand curled into a fist, she made a small sound but me and Ross let out a sigh of relief.

I glanced at Cory, who had collected Em's book and Shelby's beanie. Cory looked at the two girls then to Jess, who was shaking worse now. Our breath appeared in little puffs in front of us, Jess' hand looked slightly blue from being in the snow.

Cory met my gaze and nodded, "H-Hey, I think we should get inside before Jess gets Frostbite."

Jess nodded gratefully towards him, letting Adam help Emily get up.

Emily looked dazed and just let him help. She blinked and absently started to follow Adam, who was leading.

I help Shelby stand up and Ross went to go help Jess, unzipping his jacket and giving it to her.

Me and Shelby ended up in the back. She gripped my hand, using it as support, her legs looked slightly tinted with a barely noticeable blue.

I looked up,my face slightly red. Cory looks back at me for a moment something flashed in his eyes. Possesivness?

This will be fun, and we still have to figure out what was going with the dragons, Em and Shelbs.

The fireflies are stars, lighting the path to our future. So take my hand and I'll take yours and let's go together.

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