Chapter 4 (Shelby)

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"Oh no," Emily sighed and quickly trotted out to the sound.

I followed her, worried. I looked at the sight, and instantly burst into laughter. Adam was on the ground, screeching like a injured bird. Max calmly sat on his back, Ross was also on the ground, Jess perched on him. Cory had the camera and was laughing, recording.

I bolted forward with a playful cry, tackling Cory. Cory screeched and hit the floor me following after him, quickly snatching the camera. Emily grinned and grabbed the camera from me, then pointed it at all of us. I started giggling, Cory flailing around.

He quickly shoved me off, I stood up and ran to Emily. "Where's the gun?" I whispered to her.

"It's in my desk," Emily replied in a hush.

I nodded and booked it towards the desk in the other room. The 'gun' was really a Nerf gun. It was painted black and grey, it was a unused prop and Emily has been dying to use it and told me about it a while ago.

I threw open the drawer to her desk, rummaged through the back and snatched the prop, and started to run back. I turned the corner and saw Max standing there. I cocked the gun and raised it towards him. His eyes widened, clearly thinking it's real, he spun and raced away. "OH IRENE SHE HAS A FRICKING GUN!" Max cried.

I happily shot the foam bullet into my hand and put it back, so they could hear the click of the 'gun'. I skipped after him, grinning widely.

I started walking, and turned into the room where the group was. Emily pointed the camera towards me, I raised the Nerf Gun towards her. I cocked the gun then fired, she played with it and fell when the harmless bullet hit her shoulder.

I couldn't help but smile, and started laughing. Emily giggled, Max must of caught on and made a face. He threw a pillow at me, sending me on my butt.

Jess giggled, "Woah Maxxy, you thought she went--"

A loud roar intrupped Jess and the laughter from us. Something that could shatter all the parts of your spine and something that could traumatize a nightmare.

The legacy of us left a trail of paper planes, all with little love letters on the inside.

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