Decaying Memories, and Dark Royal Secrets.

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(Swear words!!)

We were already heading out to find the power sphere, as we were joined with a feline friend,  Im taking care of him as we walk...

Though I couldn't help but remember the dream.. It looked so Real too,  but aren't all dreams looking real?

I took a peek at my brothers,  The twins were chatting and laughing, Solar was checking his tablet to see if he missed anything,  Quake and Cyclone are with Thunder,  though Thunder isn't talking,  and I'm here..
Left with my thoughts..

"The cat likes you Leaf! " Blaze cooed, seeing the cat,  nuzzle against my arm,
I giggled, I nodded and looked ahead of me to see,  a floating island in the distance..

"Would you look at that! " I started,  staring at the floating island..

"Amazing... Is that.. A desert temple!! "
Thunder finally spoke up,  running towards the building..

We were staring in awe,  as we didn't notice that Thunder was running ahead of us..

Thunders Pov.

This Temple looks like a temple me and the VKs found while we exploring in the jungle.. Except, in the desert,  I see chains holding the floating islands, and a orange crystal at the top of the pyramid..

I looked down,  as I approached a bridge, there was water with fish and Coral.. For a desert,  this was amazing,
I was fascinated, it's looks just like the temple in the nearby jungle of Rintis.

I gripped the rope,  and carefully stood on the wooden floor of the bridge..

I took a glance at the palm trees on the floating islands,  and the Dragon statues in the pyramid,  "hm, I hope TAPOPS won't mind,  if we stay here for a few hours.. ,  this place is like a paradise.. " I Muttered..

Reached the other end of the bridge,  and see multiple Pillars,  "Is this parkour?" I asked myself..

Cyclones Pov

We were at the other end of the bridge,  and we see Thunder already at the other side.. With sparkling eyes.

"I think he really likes it here.. " Leaf Commented, Setting Cattus down,  going across the bridge,  and settling near Thunder..

"Cattus wait up! " Leaf called, We soon learnt that his name's was Cattus,  as it was written in the colar..

Trailing behind Cattus,  Thunder sat down on one knee, while petting the cat, with very observant eyes..

" Hey Thunder,  do you like it here..? "
Solar asked, he nodded almost immediately..

"It's almost like Rintis,  but a Sandy Paradise with a pyramid" He said,  looking down at the water..

" Yeah.. It is.. " Quake sighed,
"what's with the Pillars?? " I said tracing their design..

Thunder flinched,  he looked at his hand,  to see Cattus not there anymore..

"Hahahhahahaha" we heard a laugh behind us.. They had Cattus in their hands..

"WHO ARE YOU?! " Blaze Shrieked Now having fireballs circling him..

"That's not important~ right now,  Thank you for the power sphere~" A Female said behind the man with Cattus, now tingling the bell..

"The bell was the power Sphere? " Ice said..

"If you want him back,  you might have to fight the wither,  and bring back a wither rose~ and a Wither Heart~ see you in the pyramid~" They both said before disappearing with Cattus..

"Cattus!! " Leaf yelled..

"what's the wither? " blaze asked..
"A wither is a three headed beast,  that will spread decay to anything in its path, will destroy any building it sees,  and it's Wither effect is decaying you're skin,  and smoothening you're bone into a black skeleton" Thunder started...

We gulped,  as we heard this..
"But how do you know?" Solar Asked Quite Terrified..

"Cyclone.. Quake.. Do remember the Rintis Colussium?" He said.. And it flashed before my eyes..


"I don't wanna! " a young Thunder shouted at his parents..

"Thunder,  you must keep you're voice down young man.. You will face this beast! " the king of Rintis yelled..

"But,  I have no knowledge against that thing!!  Especially when it's power is decay!!  Why me?!! " Thunder had tears in his eyes...

"Dear,  if he dosent wanna,  don't let him" His Mother, tried to reason with the king..

"No,  if he needs to learn how to fight,  for Rintis and his brothers,  he must face monstrous beings like this.. " the king yelled..

"But.. Won't I die? " Thunder asked..
His father sighed in frustration..
"We don't know.. But with that, there's a possibility.. And I'm not taking the blame" The kind started,  walking away.. The Queen,  scooted at her husband's Behaviour..

"I'm sorry,  Dear,  but, I'll try to reason with you're father.. " His mother started before running up towards her husband..

Thunder was left there, Cyclone and Quake were asleep.. He sighed before he stood up,  and summoned his blade..
"Thundy...? " A young voice,  started.. The young boy,  looked behind him to see the young vks..

"Hey guys.. " he wiped his eyes,  putting away his blade.. Jay placed his hand on his shoulder..
"We don't wanna lose you.. You know" Carlos said..

Mal nodded.. She sighed before turning towards him.." I got an idea.. Spellbooks To Help you? " she offered..

"Mal,  you haven't mastered you're books potential.. It's dangerous.. " He reasoned..

"yeah.. But it's worth a shot?  I mean.. I don't wanna lose You, neither do any of us.. Please,  I wanna help"

Thunder looked at them sadly,  before sighing.. "Alright" Hs smiled,  before leading them to the front gate to bid farewell.. Thunder sighed,  before going upstairs to his bedroom...

He sees Quake and Cyclone cuddling playfully with each other on his bed,  making it a mess.. Cyclone and Quake sees him enter his room,  and immediately speaks..

"Hey Thundy!! " Cyclone said happily.. Quake,  jumped off the bed to give him a hug.. Thunder picked up Quake,  and went over to his bed..

Quake took notice of how he looked..
"Thundy?  what's wrong? " Quake asked,  already Growing Worried..

"It's nothing, Quake.. " They both didn't buy it.. They knew better..

"Are you sure? " Cyclone Continued.. Thunder nodded before laying down on his bed.. He slept with his brothers peacefully..

The next day

Thunder was no doubt scared,  he looks at the royal perch his Family was, in.. Cyclone and Quake was Incredibly worried,  with the twins in their hands, Their Father having a smile on his face,  and their Mother standing there, with teary eyes..

A guard gave, Thunder the last wither skull needed to build the beast he's about to face.. The crowd was cheering his name, some citizens terrified for the young prince..

Thunder looked at his gate,  to see the VKs, with Sonya, ...He felt a breeze fly past him as he approached the altar..

"Good luck Thunder,  I'll be helping you.. " Fall whispered as she swirl around him..

Thunder took a long breath before, placing the wither skull in the middle,  Thunder backed up,  gripping his blade in his hand.. The explosion sounded in his ears, as the beast,  was now facing him.. It blasted his fireballs at him,  as he was barely dodging...

"I don't wanna die.. " He muttered..



As Cyclone Remembered the memory,  he knew he couldn't face it one more time.. He stood up hugging Thunder..

"IM NOT LETTING YOU ALMOST DIE FOR THE 3RD FUCKING TIME!!! " Cyclone cursed.. Quake sighed deeply before nodding..

"what do you mean.. Die...for the 3rd time? " Solar Hastily asked..

Cyclone sighed..

"Thunder has sacrificed a lot,  and even almost dying in some of them,  the first almost death,  was in the Rintis Championship, Thunder had gotten into a coma,  cause of the wither.. That's when the twins were born" Quake started,  Leaf started shaking,  and the twins had shredded tears,  with Solar had a gaping mouth.

"2nd time is.. Thunder being forced by our father to kill our one of the knights,  cause they dishonoured the kingdom,  resulting Thunder getting chocked and set aflame in his room..
That's why he couldn't play with us that day" Cyclone Continued, Thunder looked down sadly at the horrible memory..

"But,  how come we didn't know? " Solar spoke..

"Father didn't want his Youngests of sons,  to be "stubborn and weak" like Thunder, " he said.., The twins,  had eyes of disbelief..,"IS this all true? " Leaf looked at Thunder..

Thunder sighed,  wishing he didn't have to show this..Thunder rolled up his hoodie,  and showed a black scar at his chest,  and finally a red mark at his neck,  and bruises barely visible..

"This Bruise,  was from the fire,  and the red mark on my neck,  was from the choke.. The Black scar is decaying skin, when I got hit during the championship" He explained..

"OMG.. But why did mother not tell us? " Blaze, desperate to find out the truth..

"Mother didn't want you to worry,  she only told us,  cause she knew,  she could trust us,  and Solar wasn't even born back then,  and Mom was still Pregnant will leaf,  The twins were toddlers, and Quake was always locked up in his room,  for some reason,  do that just left me.. I tell Quake about this, but of course he understood,  so we kept Thunder in good help,  as best as we can.. " Cyclone Admired,  as Thunder looked at the Pyramid with dark eyes..

"And we couldn't do anything about it,  as Father would put me in mental timeout..for almost 2 hours" Quake started,  stroking Ices Back..

"That's, Unbelievable.. But I know you guys wouldn't lie.. But why? Why would Thundy,  keep it to himself,  and most likely.. Why would Father do that.. "

"Dad wanted,  Thunder to be strong, and responsible.. But he was just a kid back then.. He didn't knew any better till getting older.. He became Dads Vision,  but ending up in the wrong path" Ice Said..

"How? " His twin asked..

"He led Thunder to his beautiful future,  yet ending up in the ditch,  and there he is in Hell,  Dad left Thunder to fight for nothing,  Just because he needed to be strong dosent mean he will always perfect the kingdom,  he was dumb enough to let his oldest just go,  and die for almost 2 times.. " Quake Replied..

And that was his Mistake...... Thunder thought, he may have led me,  to become this,  but at least he led me to be the evil maniac I am now.. And I thank you for that.. Though,  I really wish you could've died.. In my hands.. Thunder thought before,  chuckling quietly,  and smiling like a psycho..

"thats all decaying Memories.. So it's no more.. I hope.. " Thunder spoke after a while..

Solar sighed.. Before standing him,  and getting himself in a tight hug..

"Can we go home? I don't feel like fighting,  right now. " Solar said, Adressing TAPOPS as his new home.

"sure,  let me call fang.. " Ice then pressed his ear piece,  and got fang in a call..

(A/N: I was lazy at this part,  so cut to the part where they go to sleep,  Also,  this was already at 2000 words.. Oof)

We were in our bedroom,  as I watched my Brothers sleep,  peacefully.. I smiled as I took out my ears,  and felt them lay softly in my pillow..

I took a glance, at my drawer,  and heard a buzzing sound.. I opened it to find my phone,  I quickly opened it find,  countless messages missed,  and Calls..i opened our group chat,  and see all the messages I missed.


Mal_Böok: Where the Fuck iS this man?!

Evie_forHearts: I knowwww...;-;

JayOwO: He's been gone for a while..

Mal_Böok: Yeah,  I know that mister obvious..

Carlos_Devī: Shit!  it's been so long!!!!

seen by, MeanieThundy


MeanieThundy: I'm sorry?

Carlos_devī: Yeah where were you man?!

MeanieThundy: FUCKING MISSION IS WHAT!!  I'm sorry.. Kinda got busy..

Evie_forHearts: It's fine,  How have you been?

MeanieThundy: Could of been better,  How have you guys been holding in Auradon?

Mal_Böok: I don't know.. This place is stupid..

JayOwO: yeah,  not fun.. Well kinda fun..

MeanieThundy: 😂😂😂

Carlos_devī: Mean!!

MeanieThundy: Well,  I don't know bout you guys.. But I'm going to bed..

Carlos_devī: K!  bye!!!


I exit the chat,  as I yawned,  I turn off my phone,  and sleep for Tommorows fight.. I let my ears disappear, so my brothers won't find out, when they wake up.. I close my eyes and end up in the Werewolf Empire..

"Thunder!!! "

To be continued

Well,  I got lazy,  that's one thing,  and this chapter kinda took a big turn,  in reality they were supposed to fight the wither,  but I ended up making dark secrets..


Hope you guys are Hally,  that I pulled out the fucking unexpected card,  again... I would bang my head now.. But it's fucking night time,  and I have some shitty classes tommorow..(it's night, as you're reading this part)  Not that I'm complaining since my schedule isnt that packed,  but I have to get up early as Shit..

Also,  I fucking called it!!!  The Dream team book,  over took S.E.R. no surprise... I noticed how S.E.R. now has, 1.11k? You guys are destroying this!!! Thank you!!!

Also next chapter might come out early then expected, if I have a lot of motivation, I might upload double.. But for now,  I'm going to bed.. Thank y'all for the support and look further more for more secrets..

(Message to 7Sapphie7: In Still questioning where the Fuck,  did the king get his fucking grenades.. Cause,  i took some inspiration from that to here.. QwQ|||)

Also!!  What do you guys want me to do,  if I hit 1.15 K on this book?
Let me know.. In the comments.
With that,  I hope to see y'all in the other side.. Bye~~~

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