Mischievous Hangout

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Quakes Pov

It was morning..Day 1 of our Parents not being in the Castle..I got up and did my morning routines and headed down stairs to get breakfast...

I passed by Cyclone's bedroom..and he was already out since he left his door open for 57th time...why Cyclone,Why...I thought to myself and continued my way downstairs..and as I expected I hear the twins fighting over pancakes...our usual breakfast...

"Blaze!that's my pancake!" Ice yelled trying to get his pancake that blaze stole..

"Twins..Share.." I said and they finally shared their last pancakes..but I noticed we were all here but Thunder..."where's big brother?" I asked, but Cyclone shrugged

"Don't know...The Chef said he already took his breakfast and headed out somewhere.." Cyclone added as I made my way over to my seat..

"Strange..also Cyclone,you left you're door open again.." I said and Cyclone's eyes widen..he slapped himself for his mistake..we giggled..

"It's ok big bro.." Solar said while putting down his sandwich..

"Mmmm...shut up..Quake how many times have I done that?" He asked me...

"57 times..." I said and Cyclone banged his head on the counter,the twins laughed..."i.hate.my.self!" He said while banging his head on the counter...

"Ok...that's enough..how about after breakfast we go look for Thunder?"

"Sure!" The twins said together and we continued our breakfast...

"Speaking of Thunder,wonder what he's up too..." Leaf said..and we did wonder what Thunder was up too..but we ignored it and continued eating...

Thunder's Pov

I left Early again..to see, the VKs at the lake...


The night where The VKs were looking for Thunder's Ember..

"Oohhhh...yeah..sorry.." Jay apologized..

"I told you guys on..Call..Text..and IRL..you all have bad memory... don't you..." I said getting Annoyed...

They nodded in sorry.."Also..Thunder..I saw Gale go after you're parents Ship...what was he doing.??" Sonya asked..she completely changed the topic, didn't she...

"Yeah we saw her too.." Evie added,I sighed.."well..I told gale to make sure they survive in the dark sea..on their way to Atlohontai.." I said and there was a moment of silence..

"What?..." Mal said..."do I have to repeat myself?" I asked..and they shook their heads..

"Wait..But Atlohontai is in the Enchanted Galaxy...How in Heck are they supposed to get there?!?" Sonya yelled.."The ship is Secretly a Spaceship..." I replied...

"Ok I'm done.." Mal said..I giggled..."ok enough about that.. here's the Ember..." I said taking out the Glowing crystal behind my bookshelf..Sonya was about to take it but then she remembered..

"What's wrong Sonya?" Mal asked.."it's just... remember..You know what Thunder is...if I touch or hold it..you know what'll happen to me!" She yelled her last words..and she was right..I nearly forgot about that.

"Yeah..I just remembered...you four forgot about this didn't you...?" I said and I started to glow...and I felt something on my head..something fluffy..

"Oh yeah..I forgot about that..." Carlos said ..I really feel comfortable being like this instead.."how about you come over to our little place and have some fun here in Rintis..Yeah?" Sonya said..and I nodded..

"Ok then... I'll meet you guys at Blue Coral lake..the same place where Mal had set something on fire" I said

Mal kinda giggled in embarrassment.. remembering she set a tree on fire by accident..

"Ok then...I'll make sure you're parents get over to Atlohontai safely.." Sonya said before opening a portal and leaving..now it's just me in the VKs in my Bedroom...

-----End of FlshBack-------🐝🐝

As I made my way over to the lake..I had to use my parkour skills..so the people in the kingdom wouldn't see me...and I did have to use my lightning speed a few times..

5 minutes later..

"Made it!" I said to myself..as I accidentally rolled down the hill..

"You ok?" A female voice said above me..I opened my eyes to see Sonya looking at me...I nodded tiredly...since I used up almost all my energy to get here..

"Here let me help..." Sonya added extending her hand towards me...I took it and I stood up...I sighed in comfort..."the others aren't here...are they?" I asked..She shook her head..

"God...their late again..." I said...and Sonya giggled..."Thunder behind you!" She said..and I turned around to see a magenta flame at the other side of the lake...

"Is that him?" Sonya asked..and I nodded...the fire gradually came closer to us...and us I expected...it clamed down when it got closer to the both of us...I extended my hand closer to it...

"Hey buddy..." I said and a tiny lizard climbed up my hand..and showed itself...

"Hey Brino..." Sonya said..The lizard then climbed up my arm and onto my shoulder to sleep...

"He's cute" Sonya added...just that moment... A portal opened up..and saw the others come out...

"Sorry we're late..." Evie said...Mal looked at her really annoyed..

"Mal? What's wrong.." I asked miss purple hair.."well...the reason we we're late, because Evie... Didn't know what to wear..." Mal replied...Evie scratched her head...

"Really Girl?" Sonya said..as I facepalmed myself.."can't blame her..since..she literally has a heart for fashion...and like her mother told her..She has to be the fairest of them All..." I said remembering what her Mother said...

"like mother, like Daughter.." Carlos said,making us giggle..."alright let's start today shall we???" Jay said and we all nodded..

(A/N: now..for this next part.. you'll see how Thunder acts..with The VKs and Sonya..Out of the Roleplay and in the Roleplay...)

We made our way into the kingdom...and of course we have our disquise so no one in the kingdom will recognize us..mostly me...since they know what I look like..I had to dye my hair so I am completely different...

We made our way into an Alley..and grabbed our spray paint... "Ready?" I said..they all nodded..."Mal!" Sonya whispered and she took out her book...

"Wing of Bat and Raven's Eye,lift us up into the sky.." Mal added..as soon as she finished we flew up onto a roof of a house...we looked at the kingdom..the people looked so peaceful...Kids were playing...having fun..but that was about to change..

I didn't care,I didn't hesitate,I didn't mind one bit...we each did our part..Mal had her spell book in hand..and the rest of us have our spray cans...I did my sign..and the others did their's...

"Slithery Slippery snakes...Come out into the open and let the people of Rintis suffer your fate!" She said and before we could look up...

it was raining Snakes all over the village except for the castle..all we could do was giggle and laugh at our creation..now that the kingdom is filled with Snakes..My brothers will definitely not hesitate to check the kingdom..

It wasn't long till my younger brothers had came out...and the best part is...Leaf is scared of snakes...

"Oop!look who's come out of the castle..." Jay said..gazing at my brother's...

"Well,well,well...looks like Leaf is gonna have nightmares today!" I said laughing...

"Although..let's be honest..we feel a bit bad for the kingdom yeah?" Evie said..we all thought about it but we all just shook our heads..though I was more worried about my Brother's..

Knowing Leaf can't survive a swarm.. he'd be done for by now...

"Mal,spawn more!" I said..and without a doubt..Mal repeated the spell..."Slithery Slippery snakes,Come out into the open and let the people of Rintis suffer your fate!" She said..another Rain if snakes came from the sky and onto the ground making the citizens more frightened than ever...

"ok let's just admit,this has to be in our Top 5 best ways to cause trouble in Rintis.." Sonya said...

"Top 3 maybe?" I said and they all nodded..we all looked down to see my brother's sending down guards with nets to capture the snakes...

Leaf was behind Quake shivering..Solar was trying to calm him down..

"Their probably looking for you..." Carlos added...I nodded in delight...
We sometimes did Laugh..and to our surprise...My brother's didn't notice we we're even up here...Mal sometimes added more snakes adding more Chaos than earlier..and they sometimes looked at me if I was going to stop them...

But I shook my head,besides..I'm making the most of it, if Mother and Father aren't here...they can't stop me if their not here..

We all promised ourselves not to cause Mischief here..and do it in the Isle...but...the Isle of the lost was getting a bit boring..so I just agreed to cause it here..because..the people here have no idea me and the VKs are even here..not even my Brother's...

It was nightfall..and the Swarm of snakes is still coming only a quarter was left...but since it was nightfall..we decided to call it a day..the VKs and Sonya went back home and I did the same..only I had to lie to my brother's...so..I already made up my lie to them..

Inside the castle

"Made it!" I yelled..as soon as I said that..I saw my brother's running towards me..."THUNDER!" they yelled and we all hugged each other..

"Where were you?" The twins said worried about me..

"I was called to a meeting, but by the time I was going home...I saw a swarm of snakes..in the village...What the heck happened?" I Explained...

"We don't know...we were looking for you..then a guard came and warned us about the snakes..." Cyclone Replied..

"Sorry I made you guys worried..but I couldn't get to the castle..since the snakes were everywhere so I had to go into one of the alleys and wait there..." I said...

"Well then...atleast you're back!" Quake said...

"Now that I Think about it..Leaf are you ok?" I asked my little brother and he nodded nervously..

"He wouldn't get out of his room for an hour!" Solar said..

"Well..it's ok..wait..what did you all do with the snakes??cause there were millions of them!" I asked...

"Well about that...we threw them into the dungeons so they can rot away.."

"Not gonna ask.." I added..."well how about we go get dinner and head to bed...?" Quake said and we all nodded..

------- To be Continued ----------

Tundra: hey guys.. so yeah I hoped you like this chapter...and just to be clear...I had a lot of fun making this one chapter...

Thorn: why do you have to be so mean T?!

Thunder: Thorn be Quiet...

Bolt: Nice...

Tundra: so yeah..I hoped you like this chapter again I love you all and i hope to see you all next time...

Quake: why snakes?!

Cyclone: yeah out of all the animals in the world it has to be snakes!

Phoenix: this should shut you boys up...*transforms into a snake*

Phoenix: ssss ssssss!!

Thorn: gah! *Runs upstairs*

Xoral: *facepalms*

Tundra: now! I will hopefully see you guys in the next chapter! Bye my little Werewolves!!!🐺

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