Parted Again

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(Thunder Angst)

"how is Tapops Under Attack?!" Cyclone yelled, he and his brothers following Fang and Ying throughout the Hallways..

"Space pirates attacked seemingly, after Ochobot, He's in the Tapops Vault, while the Pirates are in the Training grounds" Ying replied..

Solar glanced behind them, and sees the portal still open..
"Guys! Thunder is still in There!" He mentioned..


Solar scoffed and turned the pther way, going back to the portal..
"Yeah?! Well, How about you guys handle him! Im going to get Thunder!" Solar stated, Reaching the Control room, and re-entering the portal..

"SOLAR!" Leaf called, And got slapped Blaze, "Shut it, with youre damn Act Leaf!" Blaze Hissed at him..

Leaf shivered while he looked down, "BLAZE! you do not say that!" Quake Scolded..

"whatever! Cmon fang.." Blaze hissed, grabbings his hand, and running along the corrider..the remaining brothers not knowing what to do as they stay stood there on the same spot..

"What do we do?!" Ice asks..not knowing whether to follow his twin or solar..

"Ill go with solar, you three go after blaze and fang" Leaf orders, as he knows blaze would not be helping him in battle, Leaf turns the other way, and jumps into the portal, The three looks at each other with a hesistant frown..

"Lets just go.." Cyclone mutters, as he runs in the opposite direction of the portal, being followed by Quake and Ice who are both hesistant with their descisions..


Leaf looks around and sees Solar banging his head on the wall.."Solar stop!" He cguckles as he pulls his younger brother away from the wall..

"whats wrong?" he asks..Solar groaned in annoyance..Leaf looks around and sees that their both floating?

"Why are we floating?!" Leaf yells..

"You are in can only watch youre brother, but not help him.."

"Great..just great.." the other whined..

Solar gestured Leaf to follow, and within a few seconds they see Thunder above lava on a metal tightrope..

"Thunder!!" leaf worriedly calls..

" Can we dance to forget? Actually?" He states, dodging an arrow from a NPC archer..

"not a bad idea..lets do it!" A feminine voice was heared echoing from the other side of the wall..

calming lullaby music was heard playing, and after a few moments Thunder started Dancing gracefully above the tightrop, keeping his eyes close and his mind at ease with the sounds of the lava popping and the swoosh of Arrows passing by, as his feet flawless followed the metal string with no problem..

Leaf and Solar's Mouth hung open, seeing their oldest flawless spin and dance in such a remarkable situation..

"What the hell.." Leaf Mutters silently..

He eventually made it to the other side, and with a brown pouch all the treasure was scopped up into his bag, and the score board rising higher with their team in the lead..

Purple Pandas has completed the Lava-Arrow Paurkour!
Team Coins Updated: 3994
Player Sands of Time Points: 1746


Thunders third person pov

Thunder then was teleported back to spawn, as he sees the current scoreboard, with their team with an easily 2844 lead of coins..

"We domimated that!!" he cheers, as he searches for his Wicked Teamates..
He looks at the time and notices that, they still have like 1 hour of more gathering,
But seemingly, almost the whole map has markers to clue them that they've already explored that tunnel of whatever..

"huh..why is it so quiet?" He asks himself..
He hears sudden laughter from the other end of spawn, and sees his friends playing..Uno?

"Where did you guys get Uno from?!"He yells approuching their table..

"Carlos found them in a chest, at the end of the maze" Mal lazily glanced at Carlos, whole she places a Wild Draw 4 on top of Jay's , Yellow 5..

"Dammit..." he mutters, as rettracts 4 cards from the deck.. Mal laughs as victory is crystallized in her silver eyes.

"I don't know about you guys,  But I'm definitely gonna head out,  and you guys might wanna take Detention in Auradon before Evie goes nuts.. " He reminds them, as they groan in pain..its clear that they don't wanna go back,  but what choice do they have?

"Also,  I found this.. You can keep it of you want? " Jay then,  pulls out that same Cat,  "Hello! " The bell jingles as the Cactus News,  with its eyes opening..

"Where'd you find this little guy? " Thunder asks,  sl8ghtly surprised to see Cattus and Bellbot in the arena..

"Found them in a dungeon... And if I'm not mistaken,  you're on a power sphere mission correct? " Jay reply's,  as The other sighs in Depth,  slightly annoyed that he brought that up..

"Yeah,  I'm gonna take Cattus with me.. I Guess.. See you guys next time? " Mal stands up, as she hugs Thunder before they leave..

"It was nice seeing you again.. " She mutters into his ear,  slightly disappointed that their gonna have to part ways.. Again..

"Yeah.. " CARLOS and Jay also stand up,  and they do one last group hug,  in wich they wish they could do for hours.. But then again.. They don't have much time..

"I love you guys.. Until next time? " He says.

"We'll be the ones.. That have the ways to be wicked.. " They part,  and bid farewells,  all three of the VK's then gets consumed by the portal,  and Thunder could definitely tell,  he was crying.. And no doubt,  Mal being the most emotional VK,  would be Balling her eyes in her dorm..

"One day,  well be together again... For real.. " He smiles,  and enters the portal,  not bothering to wipe his tears, as he is too focused on this very adventure to even care about the water droplets on his face..


Thunder comes out,  and TAPOPS is shaking to the brim,  he looks around and sees the Training room Not to far away, he goes inside and his Brothers and friends are seen with space pirates, and Captain Separo.. Judging by it...  They've been fighting for a while,  Solar and Leaf enter beside him,  as he sighs,  and Places Cattus down.. By the door..

"You two,  go help them.. I'll join shortly.. "He orders the two,  as they quickly join the battle with no questions at the minute..

"Wipe you're tear Thunder.. They'll be concerned.. "Bellbot quietly states.. He sighs and nods..

His blades are seen with a crackle of Lightning,  as he begins to fight.

Hahahahaha,  I'm lazy-   so skip!!!

The battle ended quickly,  as The Captain is seen tied up in Leafs Vines,  Interrogation is taken upon notice as everyone celebrates the defeat of a villainous Alien...

The oldest sibling takes a glance at the door,  with no emotion he proceeds to leave, He picks up Cattus,  but was called by Solar..

"Thunder!! What happened man? Damn you look horrible,  I mean.. I saw what happened.. But you look worse than earlier!" Solar stares into his eyes,  as they gone slightly dull..

"I'm just gonna go to bed.. " That was kinda a lie and a truth,  he was wanting to sleep,  but the thought of the VK's, would make him cry or be sleepless for tHe next few days or even weeks..

Cyclone and Quake, stand beside him,  and nod.. "We'll get you're bed ready,  You go take a bath.. " They offer,  and he dosent object.


After a few minutes,  Thunder climbs in his bed,  as he is in their bedroom alone..
His eyes furrowed.. Whether he should go to sleep.. Or just wait,  for something to happen...

"Thunder? " Someone calls,  He didn't look at the door,  Leaf and Solar slowly approach h8m,  but he dosent meet their gaze on him..

"you OK? You seemed close.. To them.. " Leaf muttered,  He knew what they meant,  and he hated that..

"Who were they... " Solar Disney wanna be the type of person, who just shoves it on their face.. So he waits..

"You don't have to tell us.. We'll leave you alone for the time being, go to sleep,  it's been a long day.. " He states,  as he leads himself and leaf out the door..

A few seconds of silents covered the room,
And  Thunder finally speaks..

"When will we be together again.. "He mutters in pain,  feeling slightly lonely..without the VK's, He feels a little..  Sad,  Depressed,  He got so used to be8ng with them so much,  His Kingship and new job as an agent ruined it.. Ruined it all..

"I want things to go back to the way it was.. " He pleads,  as a tear drops into his pillow before falling asleep..


Right,  I'm sorry for not posting in a Month,  I'll keep This short,  Lazy, School,  YouTube(Kinda), Summative Tests,  Etc.  mostly,  lazy,  NGL,  kinda forgot about this book,  but we're not gonna talk about that..

Seriously, I'm sorry for not updating lately,  and Trust me when I say I was fucking lazy,  but,  I hope I made it up,  note if you excuse me.. I'm gonna go sleep,  and enjoy this edit-

Goodnight!!! :DDDD

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