We'll be Ready for TAPOPS

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It was like,  what, 2am? 4?  didn't know anymore,  and that was a fact,  they don't know what their doing..

Especially when it's bed time, they couldn't sleep,  they were restless maniacs, eyes having black bags under them,  and undeniable yawns escaping their dry throats, Sleep was always the last thing they want..

"It's sucks to be here.. " a male said, his friend looked over at the others earning a nod, as she faced the spiral ceiling..

"I don't blame you.. I mean,  we're not really forbidden,  just...coords is a problem.. "  A soft Sassy girl said..

"Says the one,  who can see what he's doing through a damn glass" The leader Complained,  the Sassy one let out a scoff,  as she took out a notebook full of drawings and writings..

"Mal,  I get it,  it's been a while,  but who knows,  we'll be able to see Thunder again.. Yes we can chat,  through phone but-"

"It's not the same Jay!!! It's not the fucking same!! " Mal Yelled.. For the first time,  yelling at her friend..

"Sorry.. " She apologized,  as she faced her Spellbooks.. Jay nodded and looked over at the drawing Evie

A knock was heard at their dorm door, Evie the closest, Opened it revealing fairy God mother and her daughter.. Jane.

"We Heard screaming? Is everything alright? " Jane Sheepishly asked..

"Everything's Fine!! No need to worry!! " Carlos said,  clear annoyance in his tone,  the two girls,  then closed their door,  and left them be..

Mal sighed,  she regrets what's she's about to say.. "Say,  Jay,  You wanna go,  do some stealing? I mean,  i'm down?" Mal Suggested..

Jay's eyes lit up,  and his frown turning into a wide smile.. "I thought you never asked!! Cmon!! " Jay,  then grabbed his vest,  from the closest, and his shoes.. Mal,  grabbed her jacket,  and followed him to the door..

"You two sure bout this? " Evie asked,
Mal nodded.. " I mean,  gotta make the most of the time,  since I'm bored,  you two go ahead and do whatever you want, even if it's night.. " Mal proceed to close the door,  and left the two, in the bedroom..

Carlos sighed,  as the sleeping dog beside him,  named ' dude ' wich he found out a few days ago,  is peacefully laying next to him..

Evie,  took out her mirror, and like herself,  she gazed at her beauty without a word stroking her hair,  and directing it in different directions, to show all sides of her..

"Hmm.. Magic mirror in my hand, Show us Thunder in his land" The girl quoted as it showed Thunder,  sleeping, and shifting..

Evie smiled, knowing now that her friend is safe asleep in his bed,  she sighed,  as she turned to Carlos,  whos eyes were drowsy..

Carlos yawned ,  before noticing Evie's Stare.. Evie stood,  up placing her notebook,  down, as she sat behind Carlos,  pulling him into a wall,while running her fingers through his white milky hair.

Carlos,  chuckled,  as he fell sleep with his hand on Evie's arm.. "Night Evie" the boy muttered,  the blue haired girl chuckled as,  he placed him on his pillow,  and went over to her own bed,  and set herself asleep..

---------------With Mal and Jay------------

"Do you even need all this Shit? " Mal asked.. Jay looked at her, "You can never be to sure M.. " Jay Replied,  picking up a necklace and throwing it in his bag, the girl rolled her eyes,  as she noticed someone behind a wall..

"Show yourself!!" She said,  turning towards the wall.. It revealed itself to be a girl.. "Hey you two!  Fancy seeing you here.. "

"Really Silent? Really? " Mal Stated..

"What?  it's not my fault,Alpha sent me and my sister here..? " She Pouted.,"what are you doing here? " She asked,  sitting on a railing..

"Could ask you the same thing.. " Jay said,  turning towards the Wolf..

"Eh, you know us wolves.. Just wandering.. " She Commented.. Mal,  giggled, "Yeah,  anyways... Where is Ellie, anyway,  she's supposed to be in the Fashion Club with Evie?  Right? " Mal Guessed,  the girl hummed, confirming her answer..

"I miss Alpha.. " She said, Mal raised an eyebrow.. "Well?  Why don't you go visit him? " Mal Said..

The wolf sighed.. " I can't,  Us werewolves, are only able to go to our Alpha's location,  if it's an emergency,  or we have been called,  or have permission,the Betas,  have full access to our Alpha's location,  without permission,  but can only arrive due to the howl.. Called.. The Call of the wild" She Exclaimed..

"The call if the wild? " Jay asked,  Interested.. " Its a thing for,  us Dybrids! Every Colony,  or specie have their own call,  for example the howl of the Alpha or Ultima Is the werewolves, Call of the Wild,  Royal Tigers,  Roar of their call if the wild.. " She explained.. Mal nodded..

"You know,  You wanna skip class tommorow? I mean,  Fairy god mother, will be busy with other students,  and I don't think Ben would even care, " Jay said,  with a grin.. Mal and Silent glared at him, before nodding,  signalling that as a yes..

"Who wants to go swimming in the enchanted Lake? We can start now,  and besides,  I'm fucked up for going into some magic lake" Silent cursed... Mal nodded, before taking off her jacket,  "Let's go! " The three then,  made their way to the enchanted,  lake, Jay and Silent dived in,  as Mal stayed behind..

She looked at the stars,  while laughing at the wet duo,  in the water.. The Dragon girl, then opened her book,  to carry out a certain spell..

" Make Him wake,  Make him rise,  Set of all to his eyes.. "


His lids open,  as he looked around.. He yanked stretching his arms,  and straitening his back.. He looked around,  to be in his room..

"Why am I awake? " He asked himself, looking at the clock it's 5:36, AM..
"Why am I.., Never mind.. " He said,  before going to his closet taking out a hoodie...

Few minutes later.. He got out of the room carefully,  making sure not to wake the others..

"Let them close,  let them rest,  have it their way in a sleepless nest"

He then walked off, to god knows where,  as he sees the halls light up,  he blocked the emmiting light ,  from shining his eyes,  he shook off an unusual vibration,  flowing through his body,  as he sees the Head of the company..

"Ah, Admiral!  Good morning! " He said.. The Admiral turned to him in a surprised manner.. "Good morning, Cadet,  why are you up this early? " He politely asked..

"I don't know myself.. Just woke up,  and decided to wander,  and explore." He answered..

The Admiral, ruffled his hair..
"Alright then,  Where are you're brothers? " He asked..

"Asleep sir. " He replied..

The admiral let out a chuckle.. "You know you remind of someone.. Thunderstorm.." He said.. Thunder looked at him,  with a training eyebrow..

"Walk with me.. " He said,  as Thunder stood by the Admiral and walked along the halls,  with him,  passing by awoken members of TAPOPS.

"When I was younger,  I met someone like you,he acts,  sounds,  and even has the same personality as You,You look like him,  but I know he's not you.." He started..

"what do mean? " The Eldest asked meekly.. "Before Kokoci was even a commander,  he fought along side me,  we fought in a war.. Against the Werewolf dimension.. I'm sure you're parents have talked about the different dimension" He said,  and Thunder nodded in a tense matter..

Wait,  he was the one..? He asked himself in thought..
"The Alpha of the Dimension fought me,  and TAPOPS,  for MemoryBot,  we lost, but the Alpha had said to go extinct.. And the werewolf Colony had a new leader, a new alpha I think his name, was Zack Astray? " Then That's what triggered him..

I, I,... I fought Mom and Dads Best friend? But... I thought,  he was.. Thunder started trailing off, he couldn't believe what he was hearing..
"Why are you telling me this? " Thunder blandly asked..

"It's because,  in a few years,  I know you and you're brothers will be able to retrieve MemoryBot,  for TAPOPS..and since That new Alpha,  dosent know where his mate is,  it won't be a problem! Now go,  I have some duties to attend.. " Tarung said,  before leaving Thunder in the halls..


Thunder,  stood there.. His ears must be joking,  or he could've been lying.
Right?  That's what he thought..

"I fought,  moms best friend,  He almost kidnapped MemoryBot from the empire,  and is Doubting the WHOLE EMPIRE?! "Thunder yelled in frustration..

", I,  I have to retrieve MemoryBot from his own home.. To somewhere I know he can't be safe.. I can't trust TAPOPS, anymore, he'll be in the wrong hands if I give him up,  My reputation of being the Ultima will die down,  the whole Universe will fall.. The empire will be in danger.. " He panicked..

Thunder is mad, "So I guess,  I have to play along.. But even harder.. Oh,  TAPOPS , has Underestimated the wrong colony.. And even.. The wrong wolves.. " He Hissed.. "Gotta warn Sonya,  I'm sorry My brothers but,  I can't let someone take something,  that will be the end of us,  more likely,  the end of the whole world.. " He said, opening a portal,  and stepping inside,  the portal then closed,  leaving a tiny hill of dust on the ground.

Gale and Fall were Ice skating around, the rim of the island,  as for Rocko and Bring,  playing a good old fashion game of, Intense UNO..

Sonya was relaxing on the frozen Glacier, looking at the others with a happy calm smile..

"Sonya!!! " Thunder yelled behind making her jump,  and almost fall off..
"I got you! " He said,  catching before making her fall.. Sonya sighed in relief,  as she was back on her feet.. She slides down, Thunder Followed her actions,  as Brino,  pounced at his figure..

"Thundy!! " Brino softly said.. Thunder patted his head,  "What up,  Wolf Boy,  what are you doing here? " Fall asked in a teasing manner..

"I have Bad news and Good News.. " Thunder said.. The others gathered around him,  and let him talk..

"What's Bad news? " Fall asked..

He sighed, " in a few years,  Me and Brothers will have to be Retrieving MemoryBit,  for TAPOPS.. Tarung said,  they tried to do so,  but ended up in a war,  with the extinct Alpha,  A.K.A. Me.. So when the time comes,  my brothers and I,  will be sent "War" with the entire Empire, and Dimension.. And With MemoryBot in the Empires pillars of protection,  hes not safe.. I have to be going war with my own kind,  Fighting Zack,  and the rest of the Colony,  and apparently go against my brothers,  since I can't betray my own Wolfe like that" Thunder explained..

The 5 looked at him,  in complete shock..

"Good news? " Gale started..
"Good news,  is, Admiral, Dosent know,  I'm the extinct Alpha,  and I'm the Ultima.. Of the Colony,  yes,  Zack is the Alpha,  but I'm the Ultima,  and Tarung dosent know that,  He's doubting the whole Colony, cause he thinks Zack will just lead them to their death and demise.. I'll warn Zack about this,  but for now.. I had to warn you guys first.. Cause you know,  how much destruction could be made,  when MemoryBit is fallen into the wrong hands.. " Thunder Continued..

Sonya nodded, Looking at the rest of the group.. They agreed and we'll..
"Guess,  we're gonna have to go back to the War days.. " Rocko chuckled..

"oh boy,  that's a lot to take in.. But thank you for telling us Thunder.. " Brino,  said,  Thunder smiled..

"yeah,  at least we know what's to come in a few years, and yeah.. TAPOPS be dealing with Shit,  in a few years.. " Gale Cursed..

"language,  you bad horse.. " Sonya stated..

"Excuse me?! " Gale and Sonya,  then started to bicker..,Fall,  sighed.. Feeling like the mature one here..

"These two idiots..,never a day were I don't here shouting.. Their gonna be breaking the stalagmites.. " She Complained, Thunder laughed..

"Are you sure, you wanna fight you're brothers the next few years? " Rocko asked.. Thunder sighed sadly.. Already knowing his answer..

"as an Alpha and Ultima , I can't betray the Colony, nor MemoryBot,  I swore to protect him,  and thats what I'll do.. But don't worry"

"We'll be ready for TAPOPS"

To be continued

How's that?  2000 words, and boy,  was that interesting?  I'll be honest,  I had a lot of fun,  messing with this chapter.. And didn't take long at all.. Maybe 3 days? I think.. Oof..

But!!  Hey,  I had fun,  also,  were closing in 30 Followers!!  Thank you guys so much!!  Can't thank you all enough.. If we do hit 30 F, what do you guys suggest I should do? I mean a celebration won't be bad, but I'm interested to hear,  what you guys have in mind!

Also, The Dream team Book,  already over took S.E.R. , and I called it!! I fucking called it! , Also ask Questions if you need to,  but some Questions will be answered in future chapters..

But after this,  I might take a break, and try figure out the next chapter,
And hope you enjoyed a little screentiem with the VKs,  and what they've been up too..

But With that,  thank you guys,  and we'll see you all on the other side!!  Bye~~~

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