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Blinking my eyes twice, I managed to snap out of my thoughts, and when that happened, tears started to race down my cheeks. Everything was going too fast, and realizing that fact, my heart broke down into million pieces that I couldn't even handle the agonizing pain I am feeling as of the moment.

The shattering of my heart could be heard if it were a piece of glass yet it was endulged in silence that no one could hear aside from me. It was tearing apart, and the sad part was, I am the only one knowing about it. The pain that I felt was as if digging down to my heart, twisting it while a hammer was slammed against my chest but couldn't be ripped apart, and continued to smash against. I couldn't breathe at all— it was extremely hurting me.

Why? What happened? The sight was impossible— How? We were happy, in harmony, and in peace, but why did this happen all of a sudden?

I want to...I want to go back to the time where I could change myself. However, that would be too impossible. Why does regret have to be realized at the end of our life? When we're at the peak of death awaiting us. I want to save myself and everyone, but how come it's overturned? It turned out to be horrible.

"Nefi—" A man's voice cracked, echoed throughout the area, and with my tembling body, I looked up to see Azir walking towards me with wounds and blood all over his body.

"Azir..." I whispered, tears continue to flow as he dropped on his knees, and palms covering over his wound.

I took a glimpse at his entire body, lips trembled in terror at the thought of what could've happened outside the cave I am staying. Everyone was out there, fighting for their lives to protect each other, and their own lives. While here I am, just staying inside the cave as they won't even allow me to fight alongside them.

"What happened to you? What happened to everyone?" I asked, biting my lips.

"I failed to protect you. I failed to protect everyone." He whimpered, eyes losing hopes as he looked up at me. He was obviously not answering me.

"It'll be alright, Azir." I whispered, kneeling as my hands travelled towards his bloody cheeks. "You did well already."

He flinched and winced for a while before he pressed his cheeks against my palms. He pulled away, and looked at me straight in the eyes. "This is leaving me no choice."

I stared at him, baffled while my tears continue streaming down my ashen cheeks, and eyebrows furrowed, lips tightly sealed. "What do you mean?"

"He..." He mumbled before kneeling properly in front of me, and grabbing both of my hands. "He taught me something."

I sniffled. "Who..?"

"But this could be a chance." His chin trembled, tears never stop forming and leaking down.

Pressing my lips together, I asked with anxiousness spreading my entire system. "What are you talking about?"

"Seven Reincarnations." He breathed in causing me to blink rapidly, trying to process what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about, Azir?" I raised an eyebrow, still demented. "What is this Seven Reincarnations you're talking about?"

He coughed making me startle a little bit. "You have to go through the obstacles of seven lives, Nefi."

"Seven lives?" My eyes widen at the sudden unfamiliarity of the spell.

He nodded up and down. "He knew that this would happen, so he taught me about the spell to help you escape from the turmoil."

"This must be crazy." I shook my head in disbelief, chuckling at how nonsense it is to make a new magic in order to save me. To save someone like me who doesn't even deserve to live.

"He truly loved you even though you doubted his love for you, Nefi." His fist clenched, knuckles turning white. "You know, he taught me this spell so that when time comes of chaos, this will save you, and let you escape from the situation." 

I started at him in amusement, backing away and snorted weakly. "You're all talking about me escaping! And what? Protect me? Then, I refuse!"

"What do you mean, Nefi?" I could hear the devastation in his voice yet I couldn't do what he requested. "It will only cost you seven reincarnations to—"

"Azir? Are you crazy?" I cried, glaring at him in disappointment.

"But Nefi—"

"No!" I yelped, never leaving my eyes off of him. "How could I be selfish enough to save myself but couldn't save all of you?"

He stared at me while I kept on screaming for him to understand what I truly want to convey and relay. "Just to save my life, I have to leave everyone of you? Everything is in chaos, Azir. How could I just save myself like that?!"

"You have to leave." He sighed, shaking his head. "You must protect yourself to protect everyone. Leave us, and be on your way."

"I don't understand." I shook my head, eyebrows knitted. "You want me to escape? What is there to protect when all of you are gone and everything is destroyed—"

"At least protect yourself to save everyone out there, Nefi!" He screamed, closing his eyes and panted making me flinch. I stiffened, surprised by what he just told me.

"I don't know as to what extent could this spell do, but this could be a way for you to save everyone, Nefi." He looked away making my eyes widened. "Why don't you try doing it? It may save everyone...but then that is if that's what you truly want."

"Azir..." I shuddered, mind slowly changing as it was blinded by the idea of saving everyone.

He gave me a small smile. "He told me that one should go through seven reincarnations in order to achieve what you wanted. He told me that when the reincarnation finishes, it would give your desirable wish."

"A desire?"

He nodded. "Maybe if you wish this way, everything will go back to how it was."

"I h-have to go through seven reincarnations just to save them?" I stammered. "A wish?"

Azir nodded with clear pity and sorrow in his eyes. An audible gasp escaped my lips, and my body produced a great amount of tremors. I shook my head, not agreeing to his wish.

"You need to reincarnate...in seven different timeline." 

My heart twisted, another batch of tears came rushing down. I swallowed my saliva, choking on my sobs. "What about y-you? How could I leave you?"

"I have to go back." He smiled weakly before standing up. "There are still members inside the place. I have to save them."

"B-But I furrowed my eyebrows, lips tightly sealed."

"My Nefi." He cut in, eyes piercings with sadness. "Please be well."

"Azir—" I coughed, hands travelling towards my neck. What is happening to me? "No! I just—Azir!"

"Please s-survive." He looked down at me. "When you are done with your mission, you will go to your next life until everything is over. Only then will you get what your heart really desires."

What mission? How would I know?

With words that he said, he took five steps away from me before lifting his hands. I took a glimpse of his eyes that showed heartbreak and despair. What do you mean by this, Azir? How could I leave you? How could I leave everyone? I breathed out, unable to breathe properly and coughed out in reflex.

"You need to survive." Fragments of magic spells floated on his hands, colors of red, blue, yellow, white and black mixing all together.

A smile appeared on his lips before saying. "We will be waiting for you."

Glancing one last time, I managed to give him back a small smile.

How could I leave everyone of you, Azir?

Which one do you want first?

Medieval Era
Egypt History
Korean Dynasty (Goryeo, Joseon)
China's Dynasty
Another World of Male domination

Each of the reincarnation will consist at least 40-50 chapters or maybe 20-30 chapters. So expect a long ride for this one.

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