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since chapter 1 reached 150 votes, here's an update

goal vote: 150 goal votes till next update

Is this even right?

"I think I'm gonna faint." I grumbled, gripping the blanket as it covered almost my entire body while eyes fixed at the ceiling above. I bit my lips, shaking my head over and over again in disbelief before I sat up, and lifted the blanket again. My eyes widened, a groan escaped my lips when I looked at the sight underneath the blanket. "Seriously? Did I just?"

"How old am I?! Why am I so tiny?!" My lips pouted unconsciously as tears started to form without me knowing. I felt like crying while looking around, and the unfamiliar surroundings made my chest tightened even more and lips curving down. 

Why did I reincarnate as a child?  I sniffled, lips bitten, and crawled over to step out of the bed. I jogged towards the massive mirror, and looked to see that I'm really like a kid. I'm even a little halfway past the mirror. "Just where am I?"

"Azir!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, clenching my fist and looking above while eyes glared at the ceiling. "Why did it have to be a child?!"

I may look like a fool, throwing tantrums at the ceiling. "You asshole!"

After a few minute of screaming here and there, I managed to calm down. Chills trailed down to my spine, whole body froze, and slowly glanced outside through the window to see that all along, someone was staring at me.

"What?!" I screamed at them, eyes shotting fire towards them making them jumped on their feet, and continue working as if nothing happened.

Pressing my lips together, I stared back at the mirror. Why did I turn into a child? Isn't it supposed to be just going in some dimension and such? How could I do some missions if I am just a child?

"Mama!" I cried out, sobbing. Why am I acting like a child? Sniffling my tears away, my head snapped towards the door when I heard the sounds of the creak.

"Mady!" My supposed mother screamed in shock before running towards me in panic.

It's been two days since I arrived here, and got back healthy that even doctors think that it was a miracle, but still the illness inside me must've not been cured considering the look on their faces back then. I'm still figuring out what kind of illness do I have the mother of this child would be in panick all the time.

Talking about mother, I've met my supposed 'mother' several times in this reincarnation, and barely met my father. They seemed noble and high rank status considering the clothes they're wearing as it looked elegant. It doesn't matter because what matters now is that their child can't even remember anything after collapsing. I pretended to have no memories, but still, I have to be careful because I didn't want to be suspicious, and just kept quiet the whole time of my stay here. I don't want them to figure out that their child is gone, and I'm the one who took their child's body.

"What's wrong?" She asked, hands cupping the side of my cheeks and kneeling down to meet my eye level.

I am so lost right now. I couldn't even figure out nor know my purpose here. What am I going to do now, Azir? How could I survive in here? I miss you, and everyone. I miss him. Why did you have to let me leave? I didn't want this, I just wanted to save my family, you and him.

I closed my eyes before opening them back and stared back at my mother's face, pouting. "N-Nothing."

"You're not sick or feeling well?" She asked tenderly making me pursed my lips together, holding back my tears. Her touch feels like a real mother's touch that made me really miss everyone.

"I am not." I sniffed one last time before wiping my nose, avoiding her gaze at the same time, and span around with my back facing her. "I need some time alone."

"Oh?" Disappointment and dishearten could be heard from her voice, feeling her back away a little before standing up behind me.

"I need some space." I informed her once again before walking back towards my bed, grabbing my blanket and covering myself.

"A-Alright." She stammered before turning around, and leaving the room. I didn't intend to hurt her...it's just that I'm not used to this. It's unfamiliar and uncomfortable yet secured and safe.

"You are now in the future, Lady Nefi." A voice came out of nowhere making me squeal in return, hands abruptly gripped the blanket, and showed a defense of covering my body.

My eyes widened, looking around the room to see no one was there making me baffled. Who was that? How come I heard a voice out of nowhere? But then a couple of seconds gone by, my jaw dropped when a sudden figure came out behind the screen. He peeked, staright right into my eyes with a serious expression.

"What—?" I gasped with my eyes bulging out of the sockers, backing away and my throat tightened. "W-Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

"I am glad to meet you, Lady Nefi." He bowed with much elegance just like how the people— more like how servants here bow towards me when they enter my room. "Allow me to introduce myself."

"W-Who?" His hair was colored in Teal with strands of gold, and his eyes has the mixed colours of both teal and gold that at one glance, you could be mesmerized by the gorgeousness of it, and when taking a glimpse, it could be enticing enough for everyone to fall on their feets. This type of man is out of ordinary one.

"I am Elfido Las Tivosa, you can call me Elfido." He introduced with a serious expression as his fingers fixed his glasses. "And I am the guardian of Seven Lives of Reincarnation."

"Pardon?!" I squeaked, eyes bulging in astonishment and looked at him intensely. So I am really inside the spell that Azir mentioned? The Seven Lives of Reincarnation? But what guardian is this man talking about? 

"This spell is created by the one and only Goddess of Niles River, allowing a person to change the history." He explained. "The Goddess created different dimensions, and created me to guide the participants in succeeding the seven lives."

He stood straight up, but continue to stay still. He was as elegant as any royal family. "However," 

He paused, eyes piercing through me making me nervous. "I, in a way, cannot help you when it comes to life and death situation because the goal of this spell is to survive and pass the mission. I can only guide and inform you."

I continue to look at him, staring blankly as if my mind is processing everything he is spouting before I exclaimed. "I'm still confused."

"Just like what I said earlier," He walked towards me before he stopped his tracks with a distance just enough for us without being in an intimate distance. "You are in the future, and a thousand years away from where you came from."

My mouth dropped as soon as those words left his mouth. I'm in the future now? A thousand years from my life, you say?

"But we are not in your country now," He continued, shaking his head. "We are in different country and at the same time, in different era."

I shook my head, bewildered. "Different era?! How—"

"Yes, my lady." He nodded. "I may not know the reason why the Goddess chose these seven dimensions as part of the spell, but I'm pretty sure they have the reasons for doing so."

Lifting his hands, he slide it to his side up in the air and showing an unknown map as he pointed at it.  "As you can see, there are different countries aside from your home." 

He continued to give informations, pointing at different directions of the map shown. "There is France, Russia, China and other countries."

He continued. "Entering the Seven Lives of Reincarnation spell will have to do with travelling a lot in different eras and dynastys whether in the past, present or future. It might be possible with other worlds."

"What is this?" I retaliated and snorted, amused by the words. "I don't even understand what you're saying."

"Right," He sighed. "I forgot you're not even from the modern world that you couldn't comprehend what I'm saying right now. You'll know soon as I explain further when we travel." 

"Are you trying to say that aside from me, there's someone else who have gone in this spell?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow. 

He nodded in agreement. "Yes, my lady. The one who let you enter in this spell must be one of the masters who was taught by the Goddess of Nile. There are different people who entered this spell, and one must be lucky enough."

"Luck enough?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Though they will have different experiences and reincarnations just like you will have different ones too." He shrugged before clapping his hands in excitement. "I really want to go to another world again, and wonder what's more that are out there. The Goddess is really amazing for creating this spell especially the hot men."

"What are you babbling about?"

"You're too serious." He groaned, shaking his head in disbelief before he continue to explain. "Anyway, since there is only one guardian in this spell— who happens to be me, the Goddess will only choose the one who is worth to enter this spell. Not anyone can perform nor enter the spell because the master who learned and started the spell should have the strong desire." 

I shook my head. "But my master wasn't the one who started the spell. It was his disciple who did."

"My lady," He chuckled, covering his mouth in a woman manner. "That is..."


"Then how did you enter this spell? I mean what is the reason then? Why would the disciple decided to let you be the one in? He could've been the one to enter this spell, but why would he let you in?"  I reflected his words, and my heart tightened when memories of Azir came flashing by like a flood drowning me.

Hell. I screamed inside my head, gripping my chest as my eyes started producing beads of water. I remember now. Master was the one who taught Azir about the spell to protect me. Master did it to protect me—he made Azir learn the spell to protect me. He wants to protect me— no, they all want to protect me because in the first place, they hid me. But why? Why someone like me?

"I will do this for you, master." I sobbed, gritting my teeth. "If what you desire is my protection then I will complete this, and save everyone of you."

"Guess my journey with you wouldn't be a waste since you're smart enough to realise that." He crossed his arms.

I sat straight up in my bed as I looked up at him. "What else is there to know? Since you're my informant or  whatever you are called."

He bowed again in respect. "As you know, your name is Madeleine, the hidden daughter of the Duchess. Born in this country called Kingdom of France, born on the 10th of August in the year 1520."

"Hidden— So you're basically saying I'm a child of the Duchess?" My mouth went agaped,and I wiped the tears on my eyes. But a certain word made me question something. "Wait, what is a Duchess?"

"A Duchess is equal to your home's Queen but a little lower I guess?" He answered, onto the point. "A Duchess is a title granted to the one who married the King's brothers—a prince."

Really? I know that my parents here are noble and high status, but I never expected them to be in the highest status in this so called country. However, what's with this hidden child? It's not like I'm an illegitimate child knowing I am the daughter of a Duchess, right?

"Wait, why am I hidden if I am a daughter of a Duchess?" May eyebrows raised, lips parted in confusion. "Aren't they equal to Queen? So I might also be a daughter of a potential King!"

"It's because you are the Duchess' first daughter from another man." He sighed, pursing his lips. "The King knows about this but nonetheless took you as his daughter after marrying your mother. No one in this world knows your existence except the palace maids and butlers."

Is that why the King is so cold towards me? He never even see nor visited me when I was sick because I am not his biological daughter.?

"I also have to inform you that your mother's first marriage was with the king's younger brother, Prince Dauphin. It was a forced marriage from the former King and Queen." He pressed his lips into thin line. "A complicated family story, you say." 

"And what is there more I have to know?"

"Let me get this on point and straight," He raised his hands. "Your mother had you from her lover, hence even after 2 months of pregnancy, she still got married to Prince Dauphin, and took the title of Duchess. Yet 3 months after the marriage, Prince Dauphin died, and the King stepped in to snatch your mother away since he's inlove with her."

"That is..." My mouth dropped. "Insane."

"I know right. " He rolled his eyes. "The only thing you have is the title of a princess, and do not hold any procession the royal family have since you have no blood relation towards the King. That's why you have to be careful with your identity because if people knows the truth, you might be killed along with your mother. " 

"T-That's cruel." I stuttered, cowering down and bringing my knees towards my chest. "Everyone is cruel here."

"Don't worry, my lady." He smiled. "The butlers and maids here are trained not to say anything because if they do, they will be killed by the King right away. You are still known as the princess in those servant's eyes since they think you are Prince Dauphin's child. "

I whimpered. "I hope so...because I'm really scared, Elfido." 

"Princess," He called out, giving me a reassuring smile. "You have to remember this...this is not your home where magic, goddesses exist. Each country is blessed just like your country being blessed with magics and spells. In this country, there are bloods that will be shed, there are souls that are dying, and there are families that kills each other."

"Alright..." I replied with clear sorrow in my voice, suddenly remembering my family and my world but I have to survive here in order to protect everyone there. They need me, and they are waiting for me. My master desires to protect me, and I will protect everyone in return.

I frowned, raising an eyebrow as soon as I realised something.  "Wait, I have a question." 

"Yes, my lady. Anything."

"How come I know how to speak their language? I don't even know what kind of speaking is this?"

"That, my lady, is what we call the English language." He answered, smiling. "That's the price you had to get as soon as you entered here. Speaking fluent language, and fluent writing."

Sighing, I nodded, and leaned my body against the headboard and straightened my knees before looking at him. "What year is this now?"

"Year 1530, month of February." He responded.

I inhaled sharply, holding back my tears. "I really am thousand years away. But....what is my purpose of being in this era now?"

"Just like what I said." He paused, showing no emotion. "I am only here to guide and give you information. Regarding that, the Goddess is the one who will choose where you'll be landed. I cannot intervene anything even the life and death situation. It is now your own path, and when the path is right, you will go to the next reincarnation."

I nodded before moving myself to lay on the bed, and covered myself with the blanket.

"You have to survive on your own." 

Author's notes:

By the way, regarding the language barrier, no need to think of that. I hope everyone won't mind especially if she goes to another reincarnation.

Please don't get bored by this story, I'll make it up for greater chapters?

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