God's Plot Twist

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[Inspired after Poem in Noisy Mouthfuls, a poem by Chen Chen, covering his choice to write about his identity often]

"All you write about is being gay or Chinese"

oh how I can't get over that,

& wonder if it's true. No matter

The hour my brain pops,

Up like popcorn with images

Of what life was like,

In those "gay or Chinese" years,

I wonder why & why & why.

Because I'm attracted to,

Black boys, & black masculinity,

& black hair & black bodies,

Because I crave male friendship

& intimacy -

I wonder why & why & why.

Does my normal, have to be

Society's wicked?




This is my lived experience. This is my lived experience.

Walking home yesterday, a black boy told me:

"Ooh, I like your watch!"


"Ooh, I like your earrings, I see you with that swag man!"

As I walked home,

I don't think he realized how much,

He made my day.

I kept on walking and walking...

Contemplating on the right thing to decide, as Xscape sang it.

Who can I run to, when I need love...

I've worked so hard to build & build,

My identity after,

Breaking it down to crumbles,

& starting all over again in various points,

All it takes is time and patience, to bring you near...

I've found a sense of validation,

In being one of God's creation,

I've found a sense of validation,

In being one of God's creation,

I've found a sense of validation

In being one of God's creation.

I told that friend who said:

"All you write about is being gay or Chinese"

God said life got too boring on Earth, he needed a plot twist up there!

Until we find value in our unique purposes,

Until we embrace asking why,

Until we embrace the constant rebuilding,

Construction of self,

We will never see ourselves,

For the beautiful souls,

We are. 

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