Chapter Nine

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Adrien couldn't sleep. Restlessly, he tossed and turned, kicking the blankets off of him before eventually pulling them back up. Everytime he closed his eyes, he would see Marinette.

Normally, that would be a good thing, but now... Now it was just a nightmare. Whenever he even blinked, an image of her almost getting hit by that speeding car would flash behind his eyes.

He sighed as he turned to lay on his back, his hand resting on his chest, feeling his rapidly beating heart. He had so many things happening, so many things he couldn't explain. So many things he didn't even understand.

It felt as if Marinette was becoming more distant to him. She didn't seem the same. He understood that it would take time to recover from the hit she took when she fell off the Eiffel Tower, but it couldn't change her personality... Right?

Adrien ran a sluggish hand through his tangled blonde locks before roughly yanking at the roots. He couldn't help but wonder... What if she was faking it? He knew Marinette. She would do anything for the happiness of others, even at her own expense. What if this is one of those times? She did tell me she loved me awfully fast... And my old Mari would have never let me do what I did to her that fateful night.

The very thought made his stomach churn. If she loved him, why hadn't the string returned? Certainly if she had truly loved him, it would be back.

And Sandman. He was back. He was back and he was targeting him and Marinette. And there was a chance that Marinette didn't even remember him! And the worst part, he felt as if he was starting to lose his feelings for Marinette.

He slapped his hand across his face harshly as that thought entered his mind. He felt the stinging pain and could tell there was a dark red imprint of his hand on his cheek.

You can't let it get to you Adrien. This is just a little stress. You don't need to be thinking those ridiculous thoughts. Think about the future. Imagine how much you will regret it if you let Marinette go.

But... What if she doesn't love me? Can I keep her away from her true happiness? Can I really be that selfish?

He bit his lip roughly, tearing the delicate skin as he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth. He painfully gnawed on the raw wound as he continued to stay in deep thought.

I can't do that to her... I love her too much to make her go through that... Maybe it would be best if he just left her alone?

Adrien moved his gaze to a sleeping Plagg, who was murmuring something about Camembert. He felt alone. He felt as if he had no one he could confide into about this. And that's because he had no one.

He was truly alone. He hadn't seen Ladybug in forever, his father barely managed to look at him, and he couldn't exactly go up to Marinette and tell her what he was thinking. Nino and Plagg popped into his mind, but he immediately abandoned that thought. Nino has no idea that he's Chat Noir, and Plagg wasn't very helpful when it came to these kind of issues.

Everything will work out for the better, Adrien. You just need some sleep, s'all.

And so that's exactly what he did.


"Class, I want to introduce Jace Olsen. He's a transfer student from America, so I expect you guys to be nice."

What? When did this even happen?! And why is he staring at my Princess?! Adrien's brows furrowed at that thought.

In a dark flash, something appeared beside him, traveling behind him. It was a string, but there was a twist.

It was pitch black.

The string was looped around the new boy, Jace's, finger. He trailed the black string, a weird dark aura emitting off it. His throat went dry as he saw the other end tied to Marinette's pinkie.

The pinkie where his red string was supposed to be. The red string can't just switch to another person. And it most definitely can't change color. Something was off about this whole thing.

The boy walked past with a chilling smirk, a strange glint in his eye as he passed Adrien.

"Heh." Was all Adrien heard from Jace before the brown haired brown eyes boy slid in to the seat behind him, his arm behind Marinette.

"Hi, I'm Jace." He introduced himself to Marinette with a smile and a wink.

"Oh, uh, I'm Marinette. And I'm sorry but, you can't sit here."

"Why not?"

Adrien let out a small breath of relief as she practically rejected Jace.

"Only two people in a seat, and I'm sitting by Alya." Marinette gestured to her bespectacled friend that was frowning at Jace.

"I'm sure she can move for the day-"

"She said you can't sit there." Adrien stood up and glared at him. The class and Mrs. Bustier stared at him in confusion from his outburst. But Jace only smirked at him.

"And why does it matter to you, if I sit here or not? Are you her boyfriend?"

Adrien ground his teeth together at his new rival. His summer grass green eyes narrowed into slits as his glare intensified.

"And if I was?" They heard Chloe screaming in the background about how could her Adrihoney do that to her, but ignored her comments.

"That doesn't mean I have to move, now does it?"

"Mr. Olsen, please move to sit by Nathanael."

"I'm sorry, Madame, but I wish not to do that. I feel more comfortable here by Mari."

"Don't call her Mari." Adrien seethed at the new boy. How come this idiot can't get it through his thick skull? Marinette was Adrien's and Adrien's only.

"Only her friends can call her that." Alya and Niño piped in, standing up to Marinette and Adrien's defense.

Jace turned to the red faced Marinette, who was currently looking down at her hands in her lap. A lock of dark blue hair fell out of place and hung in her eyes as Jace spoke.

"We're friends, aren't we Mari?" He moved the arm that was behind her to go push the lock back in place. If not for Adrien's fast reflexes, Jace would have beat him there. Adrien's hand clasped around Jace's wrist as Marinette spoke.

"I'm sorry, but no, we aren't friends."

Once again, in the background, Chloe yelled.

"I'll be your friend! Consider it a once in a lifetime opprotunity."

"I think it's best of you moved now." Adrien hissed in a low voice, his face darkening with every passing second.

Jace smirked and walked up to a beaming Chloe.

"Sabrina, move."

"But Chloe-"

"Move! My Jaceykins is going to sit by me from now on!" Chloe scowled at Sabrina, who reluctantly got up and sat by Nathanael.

Adrien sat down, along with Alya and Niño, and Mrs. Bustier began class.

"Okay, um, so let's begin."

Finally. Now that I have Jace in the story I have more ideas for this and can write more often!

Until next time, peace!

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