Chapter Twelve

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Adrien stuck close to Marinette the whole day the next day, keeping a watchful eye on Jace the entire time. Every time he saw Jace come near, he would subtly scoot closer to Marinette, an evil glint in his eye as he stared him down. At one point during the day, he had actually hissed at Jace, which surprised not only Jace, but the onlookers who stared at the famed model and son of Gabriel Agreste.

The real suspicious thing about the whole thing, was the fact that Jace had not only stuck around with Chloe, but that he was actually returning the nicknames and her affection. Now, normally that wouldn't bother anyone, especially not after the scene in Jace made in class on his first day of school there, but Adrien could see that he didn't actually care for Chloe. No, not with the way he kept staring at Marinette as he hugged the blonde girl, or kissed the blonde's cheek.

And it annoyed Adrien that he was using Chloe like that. Sure, she isn't the same girl as she was when they were toddlers, but she was still his childhood friend. And his mother told him to protect everyone he could, and made him promise not only that, but that he would always treat women with respect, and stand up for them when others aren't. And he wasn't about to break that promise any time soon.

So, he went up to Jace after he made sure Marinette had left the school for lunch.

"Jace, I need to talk to you privately." Adrien said, faking being nice for all of the people that were staring at the two very, very attractive boys.

"Sure, Adrien." His tone seemed polite enough to those around them, but to Adrien, who was practically an expert at noticing things about people that they wouldn't even know themselves, could sense the hint of malice that was laced in, a bit back annoyance.

"Thanks." They walked to the back of the school, making sure no eyes were on them, before their demeanor completely changed. Jace openly glared at Adrien, his arms crossing over his chest as he stared down Adrien. Adrien glared back, his shoulders becoming more straight and stiff, looking almost as if he were ready to punch Jace if he had to.

"What do you want, model boy?" Jace's stance practically seethed venom as they continued their stare down.

"I want you to stop using Chloe. She is not some toy you get to play with." Brown eyes met green, the tension between the two males so great, Adrien wouldn't be surprised if sparks of electricity started flying around them.

"I thought you would be glad that I'm dating her. After all, that means I can't date Marinette, and I keep Chloe away from hurting that sweet twin tailed bluenette."

"Chloe is not as bad of a person like you. And dating Chloe isn't doing anything about Marinette. You're not as sneaky as you think. You can fool everyone around you, but you can't fool me. After years of being around people who only use me for money and evil intentions, I got pretty good at seeing past facades. So give it up now, Olsen. You aren't going to win. I won't let you."

"That's a surprise. Considering the fact that I already won, Chat Noir."

Adrien's narrowed green eyes widened a little bit in shock as the brown eyed boy in front of him grinned a twisted smirk. He quickly recovered from the surprise as he went back to the collected and stony look he was wearing earlier.

"You're not that sneaky either. You can't even realize the big picture here."

Big picture?

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, it's all over for you. Marinette will be mine, and I will win this game. That's just how it works you see? No matter what you do, I will come out on top. It's written in stone, it's destiny."

The anger in Adrien bubbled, the blood coursing through his veins boiling to the point that he could feel his skin heating up, his calm face scrunching up in disgust, crinkling his smooth brows together, his mouth tightening into a snarl.

"Screw destiny. I will rewrite it, if I have to, for Marinette." Adrien bit out, putting more emotion in his words then he has ever done before, quickly falling off of his sharp tongue. His teeth ground together as he restrained himself from attacking Jace, the veins on his forearms popping out as his muscles tightened.

"You lose." Jace said, his smirk growing as he leaned in next to Adrien's ear. "I'm gonna take her from you, use her," Jace paused, a wicked aura coming off of him. "And then I'm gonna destroy her... All for my own pleasure in watching you cry in agony over her, as she writhes in pain."

"You sadistic-" Adrien threw himself at Jace, his arms encircling around his waist as he tackled him to the ground. Adrien straddled Jace's body as he punched Jace in the face, words spilling out of his mouth after every hit.

"You don't," punch, "deserve," punch, "Marinette." CRACK.

The sickening crunch of cartilage breaking made Adrien stop punching Jace long enough for the brunette to roll them over, exchanging his share of punches on Adrien. A thick stream of blood ran down his nose, as he continued to shower Adrien with his fists. After his hand connected with Adrien's right eye, Nino had popped around the corner.

"Yo, Adrien, we're gonna be late for cla- Adrien!" The tan boy quickly pulled Jace off of the blonde haired teen, holding him back as Adrien got up from the ground, his already swelling eye squinting even more as he glared angrily at Jace.

"I won't let you touch Marinette, Olsen. Never."

Dramatic enough for you? I hope so. I finally know where this book is going again. By the way, talking about this book, I'm sad to say there are only going to be 18 chapters on this. But don't worry! There will be a third book!

Until next time, peace!

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