Chapter 10

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Yunlan had had enough. He had gone out at lunch to drink a beer and while there he had bought himself some wine to drink later and then he had tried to work hard trying not to think of Wei and that woman, but it was useless. He had opened one of the two bottles to pour himself a glass of wine and calm down a bit, but he decided that enough was enough when his brain started providing him with images of the two together, doing what only him was allowed to do with Wei.

It was late enough, he could get out a little earlier if he wanted to, so he did. He called a taxi and went back to where he had seen them that morning. He hoped to see them when they got back, so he waited. It was a long shot but he had no better idea.

He set an alarm clock on his phone to remind him when it was time to go home because he wanted to be there when Wei arrived, and took a bottle out of his case to drink something and stop those images in his head.

That had to be his lucky day. Not only that morning he had found a taxi when he needed it, but now he didn't have to wait too long before he saw a car stopping and Wei getting out.

Wei went to open the door for her and Yunlan gritted his teeth, but stayed put.
Wei extended an arm to help her get out, but as she did Yunlan saw her grabbing Wei's shoulders.

Yunlan saw Wei holding her by the waist while their faces were so close that Yunlan's blood started boiling and he lost his mind.

He threw the empty bottle away and ran forward, and before they could realise that he was there he had already pulled her arms away from him.

Wei looked at him shocked, where did he come from?

"Yunlan! What..." he started but he didn't finish his sentence because Miss Zhu, not having him to cling to, tried to find her balance again but failed, the almost broken heel gave way completely under her weight and she twisted her ankle, falling down.

Wei hurried on his knees to see if she was ok. Yunlan watched him twisted by jealousy and tried to pull him away. The sight of them together was driving him crazy.

Wei yanked his arm free angrily. "What's wrong with you?" he yelled, helping her to get up, making her lean on him so not to put too much weight on her hurt ankle, but it wasn't enough, it still hurt, so he picked her up to carry her inside.

"See what you did?" Wei told him and Yunlan watched him leave with her in his arms and stood frozen until he came out again.

"I have to bring her her stuff. Go away now, we will talk about this later," Wei said, not even looking at him, and then entered the house again.

Yunlan was taken aback by Wei's angry tone and was battling his own anger with all his strength while he waited for him, but Wei didn't come out and he had no other choice but to go home and wait for him there.

He was restless, so he opened the fridge and grabbed a beer to calm down and as the anger faded he started panicking, would Wei come to his house again or call him to say that he didn't want to see him ever again?

He paced back and forth around the room, the thought of Wei and that girl together was replaced by the way he had looked before disappearing into that house, who lived there anyway? Was it his house or hers? Did they live together?

He started getting angry again thinking that she might be living with him, but then he remembered how Wei had looked at him and he got worried again, wondering if he had lost him already.

When he heard a knock on the door, he rushed to open it and found Wei with an expression that he had never seen before.

"Wei, let me explain..."

Wei's expression was hard and angry. "Please, explain to me why I almost got fired, why you weren't home as you promised, why you threw a girl on the ground, yes please, explain it to me because I don't get it."

"I... I didn't throw her down, but she was embracing you, I thought she was going to kiss you, and I... I don't want anyone else to kiss you but me."

Those words pierced thru Wei's heart, Yunlan was jealous of him!

"What were you doing there?" he asked.

"I was going to stay home as I promised you, but I got a call, I had to meet someone in that area, and then I saw you with a girl in your arms and I lost my mind, I want you all for myself, I'm sorry Wei, I never wanted to get you in trouble."

"She wasn't 'in my arms', her shoe broke and she was simply steadying herself," Wei said but he felt his anger already dissipating, Yunlan looked sincere in his apology, and he wanted to forgive him and make love to him again.
"You should have trusted me, you could have asked me about it tonight, you didn't need to assault her like that, she got hurt you know."

Yunlan had the decency to lower his eyes looking guilty, and Wei's heart skipped a beat. God, he looked so cute Wei couldn't wait to ravish him, but they still needed to talk, Yunlan had to know the consequences of his action, so he went on.

"Luckily she didn't blame me, her father wanted to fire me but she blamed it all on the 'crazy guy who came out of nowhere' and she told him that I helped her, so I still have my job."

Hesitantly, Yunlan inquired about what he did, and Wei forced himself to open up to him at least a little bit more. It was hard for him but he thought that what had happened might be partially his fault, if Yunlan had known more about him, if he had known that he was just doing his job, maybe he wouldn't have acted that way.

"Basically I do whatever Mr Zhu asks me to. I can be a driver, a butler, a cook, a waiter, a secretary, whatever he needs. He can be rude sometimes, but he pays well."

Yunlan remained silent, listening to his every word. Wei went on.
"When we first met, I had been sent to deliver some important documents, it had started like any other day and then I met you..."

Their eyes locked, Yunlan moved closer to wrap his arms around his neck.
"I knew right away that you were special."

Shen Wei averted his eyes.
"No I'm not, I am just a poor employee, I don't have your status, you could have..."

Yunlan took his face in his hands. "I want you," he said. "Please don't be scared but I can't hold it inside, I know it started as a casual thing between us, but having sex with you hasn't clenched my thirst at all, I want more, I want all of you, I want your thoughts, your body, and your soul to be only mine, I want your heart to beat only for me, I love you, Wei."

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