Chapter 17

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"What is it?" Wei asked.
Yunlan murmured "mailman" and blushed.


"You would be sorting out the mail for the whole company and deliver it to the employees, and sometimes they might ask you to deliver outside the company. They'll explain everything! You'll get to know everyone, from the employees to the big bosses, and make some connections, and maybe you might get the chance to prove yourself and make a career."

"If that's so, why is the man doing this job now retiring still a mailman? Why didn't he make a career?"
He wasn't complaining, he just wanted to believe that Yunlan was telling him the truth and wouldn't interfere with it in any way.

Yunlan shrugged. "Old Li didn't want that, he worked the mornings at our company then he had the rest of the day free to do another job. He provided for a wife and two sons that way."

He saw that Wei had looked interested at his last words, and added: "You could do the same, you could find yourself a part-time job for the afternoons and get more money."

This sounded interesting and Shen Wei was listening, so Yunlan went on, seeing that he was breaking the wall. "It's a job well paid, it's easy but you would be handling important documents and correspondence so they need someone dependable. It will be in the contract that you can't talk about anything you see in there with anyone, but I'm sure that won't be a problem for you."

Yunlan held his breath, Wei was really considering it!
"Here," he said. "This is the address and the number you need to call for the interview. You can call anytime, just don't think about it too much, they'll have to choose someone next week."

He scribbled the details than handed it to Wei. Yunlan looked at him a bit more, taking in all his lovely features, then he got up.

He paid for the teas they drank, the food he ate and the wine they didn't touch, and it was indeed expensive! That bottle alone went even with all the money he had been saving on alcohol these last weeks, but he paid without a word.
Whatever the cost, it was worth it, if only for that little chat that had given him new energy.

He went back to work feeling like a lion, he had seen Wei again, and even talked to him without fighting!

He stopped at the first floor and looked for Cong Bo. He asked his secretary to announce him and went in.

"Yunlan! What brings you down here?" Cong Bo said patting him on the shoulder.

Yunlan took a deep breath before saying. "I need a little favour."
It wasn't like he really lied after all, he had told Wei that he hadn't done anything, and he hadn't, yet!

He went on. "I'm not sure if he will, but if a Shen Wei calls you for old Li's job, I'd like you to hire him."

Cong Bo frowned. "Who is he? I'm not comfortable with hiring someone I know nothing about."

"Of course I don't want to tell you what to do and if you think he's not the right person, then it's your decision. The only thing I'm asking is that you give him a good chance. He's dependable I assure you, serious and responsible. You won't regret it."

Cong Bo looked at him with narrow eyes. "What's he got to do with you? If he's so good, why are you sending him to me?"

"I messed up," Yunlan confessed, and Cong Bo didn't pry any further.
It wasn't everyday that Golden-Boy-Zhao-Yunlan admitted making mistakes.

"So you're not asking me to give him special treatment or anything?" he inquired some more.

"Oh no! God, no, he would kill me if I did that!" was Yunlan shocked reply. That would be too much, and he knew that Wei would find out and never trust him again!
"On the contrary, the more work he has the better, make him work hard, he'll probably be happier this way."

Cong Bo was surprised at that, but also curious to know this Shen Wei now.
He said, "Ok, he'll have his chance, and if I think he can replace Old Li I'll hire him. I want to be the judge myself, but I can at least promise you that in case of multiple suitable candidates I'll give him priority. Is that alright?"

Yunlan thanked him, and having said what he wanted, he turned to leave.
Suddenly he stopped, and Cong Bo looked at him.
Yunlan murmured, "In case he gets the job, would you... I mean, could you... just let me know how he's doing, will you?"
Cong Bo raised his eyebrows at that, then he just nodded.

Yunlan went out. He stopped at the secretary's desk, wondering if Wei would... then he approached him and said: "If... anyone new asked about me, would you mind saying that you don't know me?"

The secretary had known him for years, since Yunlan and Bo were sort of friends, but since Yunlan got promoted everyone in the company knew who he was, so the man asked, "How could anyone not know the company's golden boy?"

Yunlan snorted at the nickname, he never found out who started it but he was never fond of it.
"Just say that you don't know me personally, can you do that?"

The secretary couldn't really understand why but he agreed. It was always best to indulge the higher-ups' extravagant behaviour.
Yunlan thanked him and got back to work, wondering if Wei would show up.


Wei looked up at the big building, wondering if it really was a good idea. He wasn't sure what he was hoping for, other than to make more money; did he wish to meet Yunlan again or was he just looking for a new job?

He sighed, checked the hour and went in. He had called to inquire about that position, and he had been given a date and hour in which he should show up. They didn't even ask for his name.

It was only five minutes early so he figured that he was enough on time and didn't wait any longer.
He walked in and asked for directions. A busy-looking woman pointed him towards Cong Bo's office.
"Whatever you need just ask his secretary." Then she went on her way.

Wei found it easily now, and introduced himself to the secretary who seemed to have never heard his name before.
Wei raised an eyebrow, so Yunlan really didn't recommend him?

"Wait here, he's with another one at the moment, but it won't take long. Take a seat with the others, I'll call your name when it's your turn," he was told.

There were five others waiting, five men all younger than him. They didn't look older than twenty, probably even younger, and suddenly he felt old.

One by one they went in, until he was the only one left.
Wei hesitated, but the curiosity was too much so he approached the secretary's desk again and asked, "Do you know a Zhao Yunlan, by any chance?"

The man acted well, he barely looked at him but smiled a big one. "Our golden boy? Everyone knows him! Not personally of course, he's at the fifth floor already," then he naturally looked at him with a bit of understandable curiosity and added, "Why? You know Mr Zhao?"

Wei hurried to deny it, saying that he just heard about him.
"That doesn't surprise me at all," the man said, then suddenly his company phone buzzed. "Yes sir? Yes, there is another one... no, just one more... right away sir."
The man turned towards him. "It's your turn, good luck."

"Thank you," Wei replied and went in.

Cong Bo was waiting, eaten by curiosity. Would this be the Shen Wei Yunlan told him about? He rather hoped so, because those guys had made him question how this new generation was raised.

He heard a knock on the door and smiled. That was a good start already.

He asked his name but kept his poker face when he heard the answer. It was him.

Cong Bo asked about his previous jobs, about why he wanted to work there - which put Wei in a bit of difficulty and he couldn't come up with anything brilliant. All this time he had thought only of one thing (one person) instead of preparing himself for a real interview.

Since saying "to see Yunlan" was out of the question, and he wasn't yet prepared to admit it even to himself, after a little hesitation he opted for the truth.
"Because I need to work and I don't have qualifications for a better position."

That was lame, he really should have prepared himself better!

Cong Bo didn't comment and went on with his usual questions, and he asked what he thought were his best qualities and what his worst defects.
The first question was difficult for Wei, he thought back at Yunlan's words, but was it really up to him to say if he was dependable? He settled for saying that he was always on time.

The second question was easier and he answered without hesitation. "I'm stubborn," he said. "And maybe too proud."

He wondered if it would have been better to say that he was a perfectionist or that he worked too much... what would an employer want to hear?

He sighed inwardly, he had never been good at saying the right things.

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