Chapter 10*

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Song selection:

1. Scars~James bay.

2. Hello~ Adele

Hermione's POV:

All through lunch, I couldn't eat a single bite. My attention was completely captured by my mysterious Slytherin. The way his platinum blonde hair glinted in the candlelight, the way his gray eyes roved the Great Hall, the occasional flirtatious wink he threw my way. Yeah, I was a tad preoccupied.

Yet every time I thought about him I felt a small pang of guilt. I couldn't help feeling like I was using him. But, I thought, wasn't he using me? Shouldn't it be okay for me to use him back? I'll ask him about us tomorrow, I promise.

All this ran through my mind as I lay on my bed, an arm thrown over my eyes, but I was snapped out of my reverie by Ginny entering the dorm, her hair slightly tousled and a goofy grin plastered on her face. I sat up and stared at her while she slumped onto her bed.

"Harry?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

She blushed furiously, then assessed my own disheveled state. Even though it was past lunch, my cheeks were still flushed and my hair was still messy.

"Malfoy?" she shot back.

"His name is Draco," I said, almost giggling. Wow. Giggling, Hermione? Really?

"Oh, so how do you feel about Draco?," she teased with a cheeky grin.

I fought the smile trying to cross my face as I toyed with the edges of the pillow in my lap. "I don't know, I mean, he's really sweet."

"Are you serious?" she asked incredulously.

"He's changed a ton. I mean, we all have since, well you know, but he's really different," I said.

"How do you know?"

"Well, for starters, today he saw the scar from what his aunt did, and he cried."

"He cried?" she gasped

"I know! It shocked me too." We sat in silence for a moment, pondering the enigma that was Draco Malfoy.

Then Ginny cut through the quiet with a very blunt question. "So are you guys gonna go out?"

"Ginny!?" I gasped, my mouth open in a wide gape. "Why would you ask that?" I hissed and she smirked in a far more evil manner than should be legal. "It's far too soon, and I told you I don't like him."

"Oh c'mon Mione. Don't lie to me, or yourself. You obviously have something."

"I don't know..." I stared at my lap, picking at the edges of my shirt. "He's just so...perplexing."

Ginny arched a carefully sculpted eyebrow at me. "Welcome to having a crush."

I buried my head in my hands. "Gah! It's just all so complicated. How am I supposed to know where I stand with him? The first time we kissed, he freaked out, blushed like crazy and ushered me out immediately. What does that even mean?"

"What do you mean "freaked out"?"

"He staggered back into a wall and almost screamed. Then his voice went all weird and told me to leave. I... well I never had to read into Ron like this."

"First of all, stop talking about my brother, he's a ubiquitous, vexatious little shit. Your relationship was uncomplicated because he's a simpleton. And secondly, it sounds like I need to have a little chat with Malfoy about you."

"Oh, Merlin! Ginny no! " I protested.

"I will and you'll like it! You need to know where you stand, you said so yourself," she shouted.

"Ok, disregarding the fact that he doesn't even know that you know, he won't tell you anything! How exactly are you planning to convince him to tell you what he thinks of me?" I asked

"Oh, don't you worry. Your precious Draco won't know what hit him," she said with a laugh that I used to think only evil geniuses with platypus archenemies could pull off.

"First of all, he is not my Draco, nor is he precious."

"Denial," Ginny said in a sing-song voice. "Besides-" She was cut off by the screech of the owl that had just flown through my window.

"Oh! That's Draco's owl." I dashed to retrieve the note from his talon, my heart inexplicably racing.

"See? Deniiiiaaaallllll!" Ginny teased at seeing my reaction to the possibility of another meeting.

"Shut up," I groaned, lightly swatting at Ginny's arm, eliciting a giggle.

"So what does it say?" she asked, peering over my shoulder at the parchment.

"He asked if we could meet up tomorrow morning."

"Hmm. Alright, I have an idea. So..."

Thanks for reading GUYS !
Updated again just for DRAMIONELOVED.

Vote and comment anything! What do you think of their plan?? What are you getting for Xmas??

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