Chapter 15*

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Song selection:

1. Focus~ Ariana Grande
2. Break free~ Ariana Grande

Draco's POV:

I tapped my fingers on the arm of the couch impatiently. She was late. Ginny's note had set the meeting time for almost an hour ago, and Hermione was nowhere to be found. Perhaps she was with Ron, laughing at me, at how she managed to break the great Draco Malfoy, reduce him to a lovesick fool. Or perhaps they were doing other things, making use of all the things I'd taught Hermione.

I tapped my fingers again. I was dressed in my most impeccable robes, hair neatly slicked back, shoes polished to perfection. For the time being, I had to play a role. For this meeting, I wasn't Draco the suave charmer, or Malfoy the bully, or even just regular old me.

I was Scion Malfoy of the Noble House, heir to a high seat of the Wizgamont and the Malfoy fortune. Professional, polished, and above all, utterly emotionless.

That was the only way I would be able to push her away from me.


I snapped to attention at the sound of her voice. "Hi."

Hermione forced a small smile. "Sorry I'm late, I got caught up talking to Slughorn. You know how he is."

I nodded stiffly, finding it surprisingly hard to keep up the facade in front of her. I always did. "Can you take a seat? We do need to talk after all." I smiled encouragingly and she sat down next to me, albeit quite a distance away. Good. That would make this easier. Well, that's what I told myself, to stop my irrational urge to pull her into my arms.

"Look, Hermione, I think that it's best if..." I paused, glancing at Hermione's hands, which she was wringing nervously. "What are you doing?"

"What? Oh just...Merlin, Malfoy, I just can't stand it, I have to know. If this arrangement, whatever it is, is over, I at least want to know her name."

That cracked my mask. What on earth..."Huh?"


Hermione's POV:

"Draco, today, when you woke up from Ron's Stupefy, you umm, you almost called me..." I trailed off as I noticed Draco's fierce blush. So I was right. "Go ahead, who did you think I was?" It was all I could do to keep from growling. To have Draco within my grasp and to lose him so suddenly...

He buried his head in his hands, his reply slightly muffled. "You don't want to hear it."

I chuckled humorlessly. "I'm quite sure I don't, but you're going to tell me, now."

He sighed. I could barely hear his reply. "Darling."

I blinked. "Huh?"

"I almost called you...darling. And I'm so sorry, I know that these were supposed to be just lessons but I couldn't help myself oh and I just had to go and ruin everything. I promise I won't tell Ron anything, he'll have you back with open arms as soon as he realises that there's nothing between us and I swear to you that I can control myself, even if I haven't been able to in the past, oh Hermione just say something!"

"Darling," I said, tasting the word.

"Yeah, I know." He looked out from the protection of his hands and studied my shell-shocked expression. "Hermione please I haven't ruined anything between you and Ron, I swear he'll take you back, he has to, and-" He was cut off by my lips. It was a brief kiss, simply because I needed to pull away so my breathless laughs could escape. "Darling."

"What are you on about?"

I gripped his face with both hands. "Darling. I like it." Another breathless laugh escaped, unbidden.


"No, I think I much prefer darling."

"Seriously. You're not mad?"

"Mad? I'm ecstatic! Just to be clear, you're definitely not in love with some other girl that's not me?"


"Fabulous." I kissed him again, pushing him onto his back on the couch and straddling him. I leant back. "One more thing before we continue, I don't like all this put-togetherness." I mussed a hand through his hair, further ridding it of it's stiff gelled style. I put my mouth to Draco's ear, lowering my voice. "I like you a bit," I placed a careful bite on his earlobe and he gasped. "Messier."

He laughed huskily. "Can do. So, uh, just to be sure, are we...?"

I blushed and bit my lip, my sudden confidence disappearing. "I don't know, are we?"

"You have got to stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Biting your lip. It makes it very hard to resist kissing you while we're trying to talk."

I smiled. "Then why resist?" I leant forward, treating him to a delectable view down my shirt. "We can always figure out Ron and all that later." I desperately hoped that he would agree. Ron had been quite off this morning, but he was nothing I couldn't handle. And despite whatever I was doing here with Draco, my heart was still in Ron's clutches.

For now at least.

Draco clenched his jaw, shifting slightly beneath me with barely restrained desire. "But I really think this is an important-!" He cut himself off with a gasp as I slid down to sit in between his legs and unbuttoned his shirt before tracing a path of kisses downwards from his collarbone. 

"You sure we need to talk right now?" I whispered, punctuating the now with a movement calculated to make the sleeve of my shirt slide off my shoulder. I was far from ready to have any kind of "talk", so if seduction was the way to avoid it I was up for whatever. 

After a brief hesitation, he rolled me off him and into his arms, standing up as he did so. "Yeah okay. Now we can move on to the fun stuff. Let's get down to business."

I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck, still being carried bridal style. "To defeat the Huns."


"Oh nothing, just kiss me already, you look far too delicious with that messy hair of yours."

He gave me a puzzled look, but a kiss was an excellent distraction. Draco leant me against the couch, deepening the kiss as he curled his hands into my hair.


I gasped and broke off the kiss. Who was there? Ron? Harry? Pansy? A sigh of relief left my lips once I caught sight of Ginny, her eyes wide with disgust.

"Hey Gi-"

"Merlin you two, put a damn sock on the door or something!" She dramatically threw an arm over her eyes and leant against the wall. "I'm scarred for life!"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Count yourself lucky. There are worse things you could have caught us doing." He shot me a wink.

"Eww!" Ginny mimed throwing up. "Eww eww eww!"

"Right," Draco said. "If you're done being an idiot, can you either tell us what is so damn important you came in here, or you can let us, um, get back to it."

"Eww. So I guess you actually talked to each other?" I nodded, guiltily avoiding Draco's gaze. We sorted out the miscommunication, but we had made no progress on the issue of redefining our lessons or Ron. "Great. Now that you two have sorted out that problem, we have another one to deal with in Gryffindor Tower."

Draco straightened and I stood up. "What is it?"

"Ron and his stupid blabbermouth. I love him but damn he cannot keep a secret."

My eyes widened. "Shit. Draco, I have to go."

He gave my lips a quick peck. "Same time tomorrow?"

I nodded and let Ginny pull me away.

Thanks for reading it's like 5 am and my fingers hurt. {Editor's note: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)} Don't forget to vote :)))) and comment! Ilys

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