Chapter 36=

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Hermione's POV:

How do I even begin to describe Mondays?

Especially one after the Halloween party that previous Friday night.

All who attended walked around with hangovers the next day, and those are the ones who woke up.

It was a great night and there was no fights. People were to drunk to care about which house anyone was it.

For example:

Upon walking back up to the castle with Draco, we saw Pansy Parkinson and Ron making out.

I do not want to think about what happened after that.

The next morning I was fresh as a daisy due to the sobering potion from the night before.

I felt my cheeks heaten. That night I did something that makes me blush furiously.

I gave Draco a blow job.

The next morning he had a good laugh mocking me.

"Draco I'm going to suck your dick-" He laughed hysterically. "like a lollipop."

According to Draco I'm the best type of drunk person: A horny one.

This morning I made my way to class with Ginny who also had a good Friday night.

Our first class was with Hagrid down by his hut.

Unfortunately Draco had quit care of magical creatures for unknown reasons.

But the same couldn't be said for the rest of the Slytherin's.

Harry was standing there looking lost until he saw us coming.

"Where's Ron?" Ginny asked.

Harry only pointed and Ginny and I gasped at what we saw.

Ron and Pansy making out grossly.

"What-" Ginny began.

"the fuck" I continued.

The two separated and Ron strutted over to us smugly.

"Ron what was that?" Ginny snapped.

"Just kissing my girlfriend, the way you kiss Harry." He said innocently "and the way Hermione kisses Malfoy."

"Ron I swear to-" Ginny threatened.

"Oh Ginny would you just shut up" Ron snapped before standing beside Harry.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Harry growled.

"She's my sister." He snapped.

"I don't give a damn, she's my girlfriend and brother or not you can't talk to her like that." Harry challenged.

"Oh just piss off." Ron snapped and went and stood beside Pansy.


Draco's POV:

I sat down in my seat in potions awaiting Hermione.

Soon she stomped in with Harry and Ginny.

Weasel followed but he wasn't looking to friendly.

Hermione sat down and I could tell she had been crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

"I'm fine" She said sadly.

"No you're not." I told her.

"Just leave it Draco." She said wiping her eyes.

I turned around to face Harry and the weasel.

The two seemed to be really mad at eachother.

"What did you do to Hermione?" I snapped at the weasel.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Weasel replied smartly.

"He said something to her at lunch and she hasn't been the same since." Harry said glaring at Ron.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY!" I shout getting out of my seat until I'm standing nose to nose with the weasel.

"Wow Malfoy calm-" Harry began.

"Shut it Potter." I snapped and then turned to weasel "You better tell me."

The whole class was watching by now and it's almost as though the weasel was enjoying this.

"So what I said some things, not really your business now is it?" Weasel replied.

"Of course it's my business." I snapped.

"Oh yeah I forgot. She's your girlfriend isn't she?" Weasel smirked and I could hear everyone gasp.

"I HATE YOU RON!" Hermione screamed flinging a potions book at him.

She ran out of the classroom past Professor Slughorn who was getting to class late.

The whole class was now in hysterics about the announcement.

I didn't need to think twice. I ran after Hermione but not before hearing Harry say "You're an idiot Ron."

Thankssss for reading !
#vote4dasmut and comment also!
Byeeee lads 😉😜😍

Found that pretty hilarious!

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