Chapter 42

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Hermione's pov:

The shower was just what I needed. The stress was starting to get to me and I felt fresh after the warm shower.

After putting my clothes back on and drying my hair, I went back into the dorm room to get Ginny.

But instead of Ginny there was a note.

It read:


I went ahead to the library, I hope you dont mind. Come meet me there after your shower.

Please hurry up..
With love,


I sighed in relief, Ron hadn't sent the note. I quickly got my book bag and rushed off to meet Ginny.

I sped through the corridors nervously. Every little noise was startling me.

I was being paranoid and I knew it. I gripped my wand tightly in my pocket.

I heard footsteps but what I heard next chilled me right to the bone.

"Stupefy" Ron said harshly before I fell back into his arms.


Draco's pov:

Where would Hermione be?
My first thought would usually be the library, but there she wasn't.

I sped off to the Gryffindor common room. When I got there, I realized I didn't know the password.

I stood outside waiting cursing myself for not bringing Ginny.

Right before I ran off to find a Gryffindor, one ran into me.

"Potter" I said relieved for the first time ever to see him.

"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.

"Is Hermione in there?" I cried startling him.

"No I saw her leave a while ago-" He began.

"Fuck" I shouted in frustration as I ran off in a different direction.

"Malfoy wait!" Potter cried but I wasn't waiting.

I felt someone grab me and turn me around to face them.

"What the hell is going on?" Potter snapped.

"I don't have time for this" I snapped.

"Well make time" He said with gritted teeth. "Is it Hermione? Is she okay?"

"I don't know.. look just come on" I cried pulling him along with me.

We checked the great hall, the courtyard, the astronomy tower and some of the main corridors. We still couldn't find Hermione.

"Maybe she doesn't want to be found" Potter snaps.

"Look potter, Hermione and I are not in a fight" I almost yelled.

"Then why is she hiding?" Potter asks.

"She's not hiding-" I began.

"Well if she's not hiding then where is she?" Potter asks.

"Someone is hiding her" I explain.

"And that someone is?" He asks.

"Weasel" I snap.


Hermione's pov:

I wake up in a heap on the floor.

"YOU BASTARD!" I cry when the realisation hits me.

I was naked on the cold ground and he stood over me in a dominating manner.

"Why are you doing this?" I sob as he smirks at my misery.

"You broke my heart and now I'm going to break you, gradually" He threatened.


"You'll deserve everything you get" He said harshly.

He then pointed his wand at me and gestured for me to stand.

I refused at first, but then he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up.

I was taken by surprise when his lips met mine and his hands gropped my naked body.

I pulled away with horror and he attempted to do it again.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed trying to get out of him grasp.


"GET OFF" I screamed as I brought my hand down slapping the face of him.

"HOW DARE YOU!" He roared as he lunged for me.

He slapped me hard and I nearly fell over from the impact.

"HOW COULD YOU?" I screamed as I held where he hit me.

"GET ON THE FLOOR! IM TAKING YOU RIGHT HERE!" He roared and I started crying hysterically.

That was until the door opened..

Thanks for reading!!
I appreciate every read, vote and comment💚

Hahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂

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