Chapter 5*

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Hermione POV:

I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling with an exasperated sigh. My hair, still frizzy and tangled, was spread out around my head like a halo. It was 12:46 pm on a Saturday, and I still hadn't gotten out of bed. What was the point? Ron was gone, Draco was maddeningly baffling, and I... well I was confused. Very confused. Hence the sleeping in.

What on earth was I supposed to do? Ron, the love of my life, despised me, and Draco, my once sworn enemy, was being illogically kind to me. But despite his previous errors, something about me was drawn to the scion of Malfoy. The force was like a magnet, drawing us closer even as Ron and I were pushed farther apart.

Regardless of my troubles with Ron, I couldn't stop thinking of Malfoy. Sex lessons? Where on earth would that take us? Was there even an us to begin with?

I felt my cheeks turn red, and I bit my lip anxiously. I rolled over onto my stomach again. Uuuuuugh. I hated this feeling.

I was startled when an owl flew through the open window. The owl was one I've never seen before. It was very beautiful, a startling silver gray with shockingly bright eyes that seemed to shift from black to silver to a color I couldn't name, all in the span of a second.

I grabbed the small roll of parchment from the owl's outstretched talon. The roll was tied with a shimmery green ribbon that caught the light brilliantly. I untied it with a tug and unfurled the parchment to read a note scrawled in Draco's intricate script.


I'll be waiting in the restricted section. When you see me, don't make eye contact. Just follow me inconspicuously.


Oh, crap! Already? I threw the covers off and ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and sighed at the gigantic rat's nest that was my hair. This was going to be difficult.


Once my hair was at least semi-tamed, I added a touch of lip gloss just because and threw on some leggings and a loose blue top. That's casual, right? Ugh, why do I even care? I sighed, once again exasperated with myself. Giving up, I grabbed my wand and headed out to meet Draco.

I had almost reached the portrait when Ginny spotted me. "Hey, Hermione!" Ginny yells.

"Hi, Ginny!" I say, walking away as fast as possible.

"Where are you going?" She asks, suspiciously.

"I-I'm going to the library." I lie.

"Boring!" Ron yells, rolling his eyes at me.

I narrow my eyes and force myself not to kill him. Why is everyone yelling anyways? Ignoring him, I ducked out of the portrait hole and walked away.

I'm doing this for him; I tell myself. And then he will turn back into the old Ron. The one I love.

I made my way down the familiar path to my second home, but I deviated slightly to the restricted section. I spotted Malfoy leaning on the wall by the entrance nonchalantly. He noded towards me and walked down the corridor. I followed a bit behind him, careful to be inconspicuous, when suddenly, Malfoy disappeared. What?

"Malfoy." I hissed. "Where are you?"

Then without warning, a hand reached out of the wall and grabbed hold of my elbow, dragging me into the wall. Suddenly, was no longer in the hall. I was in a room I didn't recognize.

"Merlin's beard," I sighed as I looked around the room. The room's walls were a deep forest green, and the floors were dark, shiny hardwood, matching the mantle around the great fireplace. Beside the fire was an elegant leather couch and perched on it, looking smug, was Draco.

"Sorry about the surprise. I have quite the flair for the dramatic. Impressed?" He smirked.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"A secret room that my great grandfather built." He answered. He stood, and walked across the room to a dark oak door that I didn't notice when I first scanned the room.

He opened it, revealing an impressive master bedroom. The bed was huge, with a dark oak headboard. The bed covers were a silky silver with elegant green embroidery in intricate swirling patterns, and the head of the bed was piled with pillows. The thought of what I -what we- might be doing in that bed soon made my breath catch in my throat.

"This is amazing!" I said, absolutely gobsmacked.

"This is where I'll teach you." He said, interrupting my amazement.

"Oh," I say, as I try to fight the blush threatening to show on my cheeks. I turned to see him looking at the flush rising in my with an intense expression I couldn't place. "Malfoy?"

Suddenly, he raised his hand to my cheek in a motion so delicate and gentle; it made me feel as if I was the most precious thing on earth. His rough fingertips just barely brushed the skin on my flushed cheeks. His pale pink lips were parted, and the storm raging in the silver of his eyes was one of passion and lust and a million other things that I couldn't name, yet still his touch was but a whisper on my face.

"Malfoy?" I repeated.

"Kiss me." He said, suddenly. "Might as well start now."

He looked at me expectantly, so full of desire, that I couldn't breathe for a moment. The desire in Draco's eyes was something far different from the need I had grown used to seeing in Ron's eyes. Draco was looking at me like I was the only thing in the world that mattered at that very moment, his eyes devouring me hungrily as if they couldn't believe that I was really in front of him.

In spite of myself, I stepped further into his embrace, pressing a hand to his chest. His hand remained on my face, still but a whisper of a touch, as if afraid that if he pushed, this fragile moment would shatter beyond repair. I stared up at him, confused by his hesitation. These were just lessons, right? I was so used to kissing Ron that this was strange, what made it even stranger was that it was Malfoy I was going to kiss. His hand unconsciously drifted to my waist, and he pulled me closer gently, making it clear that this was my choice, and I could break the embrace if I wished.

His face came closer to mine, slowly but steadily, and it stopped just centimeters from mine. He was so close now, that I could see a faint scar on his lower lip. If I just moved my head a bit...

"Malfoy," I said once more, but this time it was not a question.

"I know," he said breathlessly. And simply in those two words, he showed me that he understood. My hesitation, my love for Ron, my fear of what this kiss would mean.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked, my voice but a breathy whisper. I tilted my head a touch, almost closing the minuscule gap between our lips.

But he didn't answer. Instead, he pressed his lips to mine with a passion so sudden that I gasped. But my gasp was swallowed by Draco. His lips were barely touching mine, once again making it clear that this was still my choice.

It wasn't like the demanding, tense kisses I had with Ron. It was a kiss I had read about in books. One so amazing that your body was literally on fire. It had so much passion I felt I might fall. Sensing this, he tightened his grip on my waist, deepening the kiss. He nibbled at my bottom lip expertly, and I sighed.

And then, all at once, it was over. His hands disappeared from my waist, his lips pulled away from mine, and he was standing a respectable distance away once more.

I expected him to smirk at me, remark at him easily he had captured my lips, and then kiss me again, officially beginning our lessons. But the sight that greeted me was far from that.

He was as breathless as I was, panting slightly and his hair was a mess, probably from me running my fingers through it, though I don't remember doing so. His his pale cheeks were flushed a brilliant pink. He looked as though the only thing he wanted to do was kiss me again, as hard as he could, and I may have wanted him to.

"Draco," I whispered. He took a step back, and his expression turned to one of such fear that I thought there might be something horribly wrong. He staggered back into a wall in terror. But in an instant, he composed himself and looked at the ground.

"You better go. I'll see you tomorrow." He said as he walked me out.

"Uh," I said, still speechless. Then he guided me out of the wall and he was gone. I walked a bit down the hallway without knowing where I was going, and then stopped, leaning against the wall with a shocked expression on my face. My hands went to my lips.

I kissed Malfoy. And he kissed me.

"I'm doing this for Ron" I whispered, as I reassured myself that I was doing the right thing.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed. Things will get Smutty! Vote for this chapter or comment what you think!

Xxx :*

Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying the edited version so far! Why do you think Draco was so afraid?
-Siren Song

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