Chapter 50=

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Hermione's pov:

Ginny and I went down early for breakfast this morning. Everything was just starting to go my way, and for once I could enjoy school, with no distractions.

-Except the lovely Draco malfoy.

Although in my opinion he would always be a distraction, but he was my distraction.

It was like hell had frozen over this morning, when Pansy Parkinson smiled at me. It was like scary...

I knew without a doubt the whole school would know soon, about Pansy's 'condition'.

Blaise was definitely a gossip!

At the moment the gossip was Ginny's little stunt yesterday. Punching Pansy Parkinson and living to tell the tale.

Ginny and myself took a seat beside Harry, that boy was missing out on everything lately.

"Did you really break Pansy's nose?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yeah" Ginny replied sheepishly.

"I miss everything" He moaned.

"Guess what else you missed" Ginny smirked towards me.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Pansy's knocked up" I chuckled.

Harry looked stunned.

"With my brother's child" Ginny added.

Harry blinked once and fell backwards off the bench.

"Harry.." We gasped looking down at the chosen one.

He pulled himself back up and looked at us suspiciously.

"Funny.. just hilarious" Harry said sarcastically.

"We aren't kidding" I said seriously.

"Lord Jesus" Harry muttered to himself.


The two girls were ready to go, they knew the guys had a wild evening planned.

"This is going to be so fun" Ginny squealed.

"Or dangerous" I remarked.

"I like to think of it as exciting" Ginny replied.

"Maybe.. slytherin style means, a quiet evening, curled up with a book. We are probably forming a book club" I said hopefully.

Ginny looked at me like I was speaking Japanese..

"Brightest witch of her age.. say what?" Ginny said.

"Do you like Blaise?" I asked suddenly.

She looked down at the floor. "I dont know" She replied.

"What about Harry?" I asked.

"I love him" Ginny replied. "Although I'm still trying to figure out, my feelings for Blaise."

"I understand" I winked.

We had now arrived at the secret room.

"I'm going to regret this" I mumbled.

Upon seeing me walk through, Blaise started singing and dancing like a ballerina. Then after seeing Ginny, started doing slut drops.

"I gotta big booty" Blaise smirked.

"He actually does" Ginny says in amusement.

"You can touch if you-" Blaise smirked.

"WHERE'S DRACO?" I scream.

"Probably off having a wank or something" He muttered.

"Really?" Ginny laughed.

"Most likely... Draco's a very horny boy" Blaise winked at me.

"And you're not.." Draco smirked coming out of the bedroom, with a couple of bottles of firewhiskey.

"Awh yeah.." Blaise laughed. "But what gets me really horny, is a flash of your malfoy ass."

"Shhh Blaise, they weren't supposed to know" Draco said sending me a cheeky wink.

"That's kinda hot..." Ginny giggled.

"Help yourselves" Draco said referring to the firewhiskey.

The three each took one and then their eyes shot to me.

"Fine... Just one" I said firmly.

I picked up one and decided just to sip on it for a while.

"Truth or dare anyone?" Ginny asked.

"Duh" Blaise said sounding awfully like a teenage girl.

"You first Blaise" Ginny said.

He smirked at us and then shot me a look. I'm totally done for!

"Hermione..." Blaise said cheekily. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" I replied without a second thought.

"Hmm, is it true that, you find me attractive?" Blaise said striking a pose.

Draco coughed loudly. "Why yes Blaise, I certainly do" I smirked.

"In your face Draco!" Blaise teased.

"Like I'm jealous of you... Peasant" Draco sneered.

"Your turn Hermione" Ginny laughed.

"Ginny, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare" She replied bravely.

"I dare you to sit on Blaise" I replied.

She laughed and then made herself comfortable on Blaise's lap.

"Draco, truth or dare?" Ginny asked with a devilish smirk.

"Dare" He smirked.

"I dare you to tell us, how many times have you wanked over Hermione?" She asked and I felt myself blush.

"At least once a day" He replied straight faced.


"Shut it Blaise, truth or dare mate?" He asked.

"Truth" He replied.

"Are you on a boner right now?" Draco asked with his best smirk.

Blaise blushed red. "Maybe."


"Let's go out and play!" Blaise yelled like a child.

I was definitely drunk, although I wasn't the worst, that award went to Blaise.

"Yeah, I just feel like swimming" Ginny slurred

Draco and I shared a sloppy, but romantic kiss.

"I bet I could go swimming down there" Draco whispered seductively in my ear.

"Draco" I moaned, when I felt his hands squeeze my bum.

"Let's go 'mione" Ginny slurred pulling me by the hand.

"Where?" I slurred slightly.

"Swimming....." She squealed.

That is how we ended up standing in front of the black lake. Ginny was definitely going to go swimming.

She had stripped down to her underwater. Although Draco still had all eyes for me.

Blaise was standing beside Ginny, wearing only his boxers.

"Right" Blaise slurred. "I'm a mermaid and you are the giant squid."

Ginny giggled and fluttered her eyelashes, like it was the most romantic thing ever.

Blaise dived straight it and came up shouting. "Fuck its to cold."

"Told you.." Draco muttered and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I'm going to jump" Ginny slurred, but before she could, collapsed on the ground.

We then all made our way back to the castle, Ginny was in Blaise's arms, he seemed to enjoy it.

"I'm wet" Blaise giggled.

"Your not the only one" Draco remarked smirking at me.

"I'll snap your wand in half" I threatened.

"Which one?" He laughed.

"The shorter one" I replied.

"My wand?" He asked.

"Nope" I smirked.

And that was our wild night...

Thanks for reading!!!! Vote vote vote!!!!!!!! I'm kinda hyper atm;) dont judge😝😝😝

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