Chapter 52=

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Hermione's pov:

There was many rumours going around at the moment. Some were true and some were stupid.

Everyone knew pansy was pregnant, she denied it till her voice was hoarse, but everyone now knew, she was pregnant with Ron weasley's baby.

Blaise started a rumour that Draco was really a women, and how that tied in with everything, I'm not sure.

I later found out that nothing happened between, Ginny and Blaise. The two weren't exactly talking much right now.

It was nearing Christmas time, my favourite time of the year- well used to be. A parentless Christmas wasn't Christmas at all.

"Hey gurl.." Blaise smirked.

"Why are you at the library?" I gasped.

"Well I happen to have an obsession with erotic novels" He laughed. "Just kidding.."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Sure but one shouldn't tell lies."

"Can I talk to you about something?" Blaise began, taking a seat beside me.

"Go on" I smirk.

"The other morning, when you and Draco were shagging in the shower, I kissed Ginny" He revealed. "She pushed me away and told me she loved Harry."

I frowned slightly. "I'm sorry Blaise."

"I thought there was something there you know" He said. "I also have a thing for someone else."

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Alexis" He frowned.

"She's a bitch, Blaise" I told him.

"But there's something about her.." He explained.

Little did they know someone was listening in the shadows.


Pansy's pov:

"Hello sister" I smirked.

"You haven't called me that in 4 years" She replied.

"Never to late to start" I said.

"What do you want Pansy?" Alexis, the goody good, favourite asked.

"Dear sister, what I seek is revenge" I smirked.


Draco's pov:

"Are you really a girl?" A stupid first year, asked.

"For the millionth time! Fucking no" I growled.

I stomped off to find Blaise, he was definitely getting a pounding.

I stomped off in the direction of the library, Blaise mentioned talking to Hermione earlier.

I came to a corner and what I saw, shocked me deeply.

-Potter and cho chang, sucking each others faces off.

"Potter!" I growled, kinda protective over Ginny.

The two pulled apart and Harry looked guilty...

"It's exactly what it looks like" Potter began. "I've been meaning to break up with Ginny, the spark we shared is gone. I don't want to hurt her."

"Well you better get to that.. instead of snogging another girls face off" I scowled at Cho.

I turned around to walk away but potter grabbed me.

"You won't tell her.. Will you?" He asked.

"If you dont I will" I snapped.


Ginny's pov:

Blaise or Harry?????

I had came to a decision.. I went off to find him.


Hermione's pov:

"Your irritating" I scolded Blaise.

"Your hot.." He laughed.

"Piss off Blaise" Draco snapped, he clearly was in a bad mood at the moment.

He kissed my cheek and took a seat, massaging his temples.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I guess" He replied.

"Secret room?" I winked.

"Definitely" He instantly replied.

Blaise groaned. "Fine ditch me!"

Thanks for reading💚
Hate this chapter tbh..
Vote anyways ⭐⭐

Some smut next chapter and many reveals😜😜

Dramione_4_lyf 💖 I just love our RP⭐⭐

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