Chapter 55=

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Wattpad keeps fucking up so hopefully you can see this now:)

Ginny's pov:

"Go over there." Hermione whispered, smirking slightly.

Theodore Nott, sat at the slytherin table having breakfast with his mates.

"He's with his mates.. not a chance." I replied, immediately.

"Hmm I wonder if Blaise is with Alexis right now." Hermione retorted.

"That won't work on me." I laughed.

"Fine.. talk to him when he leaves the great hall." Hermione said.

"What if his mates are with him?" I asked.

"Then this will be way more entertaining." Hermione smirked.

"I hate you.." I frowned.

"I hate you too." She laughed.

"Shit.." I said, when I seen him get out of his seat, and start walking out.

"Go. Right. Now" Hermione ordered.

I shuck my head and grabbed on to the table. "I can't" I replied

"Oh look there's Blaise now." Hermione pointed.

"I'm going.." I reluctantly said.

I sped after Theodore until I caught up to him.

I tapped him on the shoulder, and he spun around and smirked.

"Hey, Theodore" I said, flirtatiously.

His eyes looked me up and down, before coming to rest on my eyes.

"Hey there" He replied, flirtatiously.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blaise watching.

"Are you going to hogsmeade, this weekend?" I asked, casually.

"Maybe.. if you come with me." He smiled.

"I'd love to." I replied, smirking to myself.

He linked his arm in mine. "What are you doing?" I asked, laughing.

"Walking you to class" He replied, with a grin.

"Aren't you nice?" I smiled.


Pansy's pov:

"So how are you dear?" Madame pomfrey, asked.

"Not so good, morning sickness is a bitch" I replied, snickering to myself.

"I could arrange an appointment at St.Mungo's if you want" She offered.

"No that won't be necessary, I'd like to wait until Christmas, to go with my mother" I lied.

"Okay Ms. Parkinson" She replied. "You may go now."

Pretending to be pregnant, was hard..


Blaise zabini's pov:

I saw her flirting with Theo, it hurt more than it should. Alexis hasn't spoken to me since, the kiss.

I felt kinda wierd liking two people at the same time. It was wrong, I knew, but they were two amazing girls.

Ginny was wild and carefree, and extremely beautiful. Alexis was mysterious and something drawed me to her.

So much for Ginny and Potter.. I seriously don't understand girls.

Alexis caught my eye from across the table, and her eyes looked sad. They looked from me, to Pansy.

I raised my eyebrow at her and she shuck her head, and looked back down at her food.


Alexis's pov:

I used to go to Beauxbatons. I was expelled due to obliviating my ex best friend.

She knew my secret and after a fight, was going to tell everyone.

I had to do it and I guess I did it a little to well. She couldn't remember much, and luckily didn't remember my secret.

My parents sent me to Hogwarts, to finish my education. It wasn't my first time being here.

I came during the Triwizard tournament. Pansy didn't speak to me whatsoever.

Then the Yule ball came around. I went with some idiot, and ended up sneaking off outside for some air.

There was a girl sitting on a bench in the courtyard. I sat down beside her and we got talking.

One thing I forgot to ask was her name...

I didn't know Pansy was watching us. She is the ruiner of life's and is definitely pure evil.

But that night I found my first kiss being stolen by that girl. I didn't even know I was into girls.

Pansy has threatened me with it ever since and I've tried desperately to keep it a secret.

What kind of sister does that? But I know I'll never be truly happy, if she keeps doing this to me.


Heyyyy guys! Just a warning: Any homophobic comments will be deleted and the user blocked!

I doubt there'll be any mean comments, because I know how nice you all are xo

Vote and comment;)

Happy birthday to Dramione_4_lyf my bae ❤⭐😜

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