Chapter 57=

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Pansy's pov:

"A bump isn't meant to show, for a few weeks. We are okay until then" I told him.

"But then what, Pansy?" Weasel snapped.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I smirked. "You'll know when the time is right."

"I don't want to do this anymore" He said, firmly.

"I saved you from being expelled, you owe me." I reminded him.

"Nobody will talk to me anymore, they hate me. Whatever your planning, will make everything worse" He whined.

"I don't care" I snorted. "So for now keep your mouth shut."

"NO, I refuse. I miss my friends" He replied.

I pulled my wand out. "Imperio." I smirked, watching his face go wild.


Ginny's pov:

"Do you think it's working?" I asked, applying mascara in the mirror.

"Well, it has to be" She replied. "I haven't seen him with, Alexis."

"Theo, is a good guy. I'm gonna try my best not to lead him on" I said.

"Well you better hurry, he'll be waiting." She reminded her.

"Thanks for helping me get ready" I smiled, gratefully.

"No problem, where are you meeting him?" She asked.

"The courtyard, do you think I'll be warm enough." I asked.

"Definitely, have fun." She smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

I set off to the courtyard, nervously. When I arrived, he was waiting, looking tense.

"Theodore" I smiled.

He turned around and shot me a grin. "Hello, ready for our date?" He asked, winking at me.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"You look beautiful" He complimented, hooking his arm into mine.

"Thank you" I replied. "You smell great as usual."

"I fancy a butterbeer" He smiled.

"You just read my mind" I grinned.


The three broomsticks was packed, due to it being a Hogsmeade weekend. It was full of people from school.

Theodore and I, sat in the corner. We sat laughing, and drinking butterbeer. I found him leaning in closer, eventually he put his arm around me

He was a great guy, he really was. Although, he was no Blaise.

When we decided to go back, we stepped out into the street, it had started to snow.

Theo held my hand as we walked back to the castle. The snow had got heavier and he looked absolutely adorable, his hair full of snow.

In the courtyard, there was many students out, playing in the snow. Theo, held a wicked smile, when he made a snowball, he threw it hitting me in the face.

"You prick!" I growled, picking up some snow and throwing it at him.

He went to pick up some more, I ran away from him. I heard him coming after me, until he caught me.

He turned me around to face him. I then thought it okay, for my lips to meet his.


Pansy's pov:

"Draco" I smirked, as his eyes went wild.

"What the fuck do you want?" He growled, at me.

I got off his bed and walked towards him. "You" I whispered, before putting my lips on his.

I was immediately pushed away, but that was expected. "You don't want me? Its the last time I'll ask." I warned.

"Why would I want you, when I have Hermione" He shouted. "Get the fuck out, you crazy bitch."

"Okay.. Draco" I smirked.

I left the room, ready to take action. I was going to do something, once and for all, about that mudblood.

50k omfg!!!! I love you guys so much❤❤❤❤❤❤
There's like 6 chapters left😭
Vote and comment!!!

Anyway, the one-shot competition;)

If you want to enter, put it in a book, publish it and tag me in it!!

It has to be a smutty scene! It can have as many words as you want, as long as it's not to long or short.

Closing date the 8th of May 2016!!!

The winning one will be published in this book!

Good luck❤😁😁

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