Chapter 8*

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400 views wow! Thank u❤❤ Lys x

Song selection:

1. Writing's on the wall~ Sam smith.

2.Robin s - Show me love (Bass king Bootleg)

*If you have any song suggestions for me leave them in the comments❤*

Hermione's POV:

"Ahhhh! What the hell Ginny?!" I yelled.

"What?" she replied with fake innocence.

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you screaming?" she shot back.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I woke up to find your face an inch from mine with a Cheshire grin! Screaming is a pretty normal reaction to that! What were you doing?"

She shrugged helplessly. "I'm just so excited! You and Malfoy after breakfast!"

The anxiety hit me like a tidal wave, but I attempted to play it cool "So?" I rebutted nonchalantly, pulling the covers off.

"So? So? This is not "so". It's a huge deal! You can't go looking like a dead person!" she shouted indignantly, and I laughed in response.

"Since when have I ever looked like a dead person?" I shot back with a cocky smirk and a flip of my hair. I pulled open my dresser and grabbed my uniform button down shirt.

"Hermione, no! Wear something sexy!" She hopped off the bed and snatched the shirt out of my hands.

"I don't know where you've been the past 7 years, but Hogwarts has a uniform."

"But that doesn't apply to 8th years on weekends! C'mon, don't you want to look good for Draco?" she asked suggestively, raising an eyebrow.

"Ginny!" I shouted, smacking her arm. "Don't be inappropriate!"

She smirked in response. "Hermione and Draco sitting in a tree, f-u-c-k-i-n-g!"

I gaped at her. "Ginny!"

She winked and tossed the shirt back into the dresser. "My inappropriateness is not on trial here, your outfit choices are."

"What should I wear then, since you know so much?"

She rooted through my drawers for a moment before pulling out denim skinny jeans and a black crop top that I don't remember buying, and shoving them into my hands. "This!"

I eyed the outfit critically. "You got me these, didn't you," I said with a laugh.

She shrugged and laughed with me. "You never wore them."

"Still don't plan to," I shot back with a smirk.

"Pleeeeeeease? For me?" she begged. "C'mon Hermione. You know I won't stop bothering you until you do."

I sighed, knowing that she would never stop bugging me. "Fine!" I snapped, turning away from her to go change.


"I don't know Ginny. This doesn't seem like my style." She was perched on my bed, watching me inspect the outfit I was wearing in a full-length mirror. The crop top showed my toned stomach, and the jeans clung to my ass like a second skin.

"Not your style? Please, you look hot!" Ginny exclaimed.

I snorted in response. "Thanks, Gin. You too," I laughed, looking over her pyjama shorts and purple t-shirt. The writing on it was faded, but I was pretty sure it read SPQR.

"Here," she said, tossing me a gray cardigan.

I threw it on and tied my hair up in a ponytail. "C'mon Gin, let's go to breakfast."

"I should hurry so you can get to *ahem* 'after breakfast'," she said with a wink, giggling at my blush.


Upon entering the Great Hall, my eyes were inexplicably drawn to Draco, who was watching me with hungry eyes. I blushed at the implications of his gaze and fixed my eyes on the floor as Ginny and I made our way to our usual seats. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a wink from Draco and saw him standing to make his way out of the Hall.

"Did you hear that Seamus asked Dean out? Who knew?" Ginny said as we sat down.

"Uh-huh," I murmured absentmindedly, my eyes glued to Draco's back. His back. I was definitely not looking at his butt.

"Uh-huh? I tell you that kind of news and that's all you have to say?"

"Yup. Sounds great," I responded, still watching Draco exit.

She followed my eyes and smirked. "Oh, go ahead and follow him. I can't enjoy my breakfast with you mooning over Malfoy right next to me."

"Bye Ginny!" I said, blushing fiercely, before following him out of the Hall.

She smirked at me from the table and the butterflies came back.

I raced down the corridors as fast as I could without running (that was against the rules!) and arrived at the secret room in no time. I paused outside the wall and took a deep breath, adjusting my top before stepping through the wall. I was in for a surprise when I did, running right into Draco's chest.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Why were you waiting so close to the wall?" I asked, stepping away from him

He took another step forward, his hungry eyes raking over my body, pausing for quite a while on my lips. He leaned his head towards mine, and I closed my eyes expectantly, before I felt his breath tickle my ear.

"Love the new look Granger," he whispered huskily. I felt a tingly sensation, and I was pooling in my knickers. My words abandoned me.

"Um, I-"

Draco pulled his head back and chuckled. Then he took another step forward, causing me to move backward until I felt my back hit a bookshelf. He placed a hand on the shelf, right by my head, and tilted his chin. His eyes sparkled dangerously.

"I have so much to teach you, Granger," he whispered. "But I think to start, I'll pleasure you. That okay with you?"

I swallowed hard and nodded, still not able to find my voice.

He laughed at my response. "Oh, judging by that response, I think you're far more than," he put his lips right by my ear, "'okay' with it. I think you're positively soaking, aren't you?"

I shivered at the closeness. "No," I whispered defiantly.

He exhaled. "Oh no, Granger. You don't lie to me." He stepped even closer, pressing his chest to mine. He placed a delicate bite on my earlobe. "Now, you're absolutely soaking, aren't you?" He leaned in and began to kiss my neck.

I threw my head back with a gasp. "Maybe," I whispered back.

I could almost feel his smile against my neck as he continued to kiss it. "Excellent. You like it when I talk dirty, don't you?" he said seductively.

"N-No." I stuttered, still pressed against the bookshelf.

His hand moved up to my hips, and he pressed his fingertips just above the waistline of my jeans. I gasped at the suddenness when he lowered it just a touch and began to rub me gently.

"Do you want me to stop?" Draco asked, smirking at me. He continued kissing my neck, leaving a rough bite here and there before smoothing over it with his tongue. He applied more pressure and I moaned.

"Don't stop," I begged.

He paused only to place a hard, demanding kiss on my lips before pulling away as fast as he came. "Got it." Then the hand that had been pressed against the bookshelf moved down to firmly grip my ass.

My breath hitched, and the moan I had been holding in escaped. "Ohh Draco."

"Let's get these off," he said and started to unbutton my jeans.

And I let him...

Thanks for reading! You guys are awesome❤

Don't forget to vote and comment... until next time Byee :*

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