House of my Enemy

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Edd was happy.

He was reunited with one of his best friends a few days ago. He lives in one of the most beautiful apartment buildings in New York. And couldn't imagine his life without Kevin right by his side.

It was 6:30 am and he walked to his bathroom for a shower. During his routine he couldn't believe how much his life changed. Going back to school is a dream come true. And Kevin... Kevin was a wish he never imagined to actually happen. Someone to call his "lover".

Edds face redden with happiness. Never before he had someone like that. Yes the kanker sexuality assuliting him doesn't count. Kevin made his heart burst and gave him "butterflies".

"Edd you home?"

Edd turned his head hearing kevins voice. Coming out of his room Edd found Kevin laying back on the couch. His head hanged over the back and had a wet cloth on his eyes. His coat was thrown on the singles couch. Edd tried not to stare because the thin white shirt revealed all. Stretching backwards let edd remember how good Kevin's body was.

He noticed kevim shunned from the light eletronically lowering the blinds. Feeling it was just a migraine edd went for first aid kit under the sink. He was very glad he stressed the importance of once in the house. Grabing a clear glass cup from the cabinet and filling it up with water he went to Kevin's side and sat down.



"Thanks dork."

Kevin shifted towards precious maid and took the small blue pills.  Edd got up and moved to the kitchen to make breakfast. Kevin felt a shift in the couch and reached up to grab edds hand. Edd felt his heart skipped a beat and stared at his red headed friend.  The second heartbeat jumped as Kevin pulled his dork in his arms and fell back on the couch. Edd followed through the movements and allowed himself the luxury.

Both idiots smiled silently against each other. And they sat together as the world slowed down. It was the feeling of complete perfection of the world. Kevin pulled up edd a little more looking deeply into his eyes.

"E-Edd. Um-I. "

Edds face flustered. His eyes widened with anticipation and he gently tighten his hands. Kevin was looking away with a thin smile. Edd didn't want to tell him that his face was a noticeable pink.


Kevin cursed with a mighty fury at the bastard at the door. It was a sad distraction was all edd needed to leave his arms. Edd moved to answer the door and jumped again when the rythem of the knocks changed.


Loud banging echoed in Kevin's head. Who ever was at their door really had a temper.

"Kevin you bastard!! Open this door!!!!"

Eddys voiced boomed through the entire floor. The tone and banging was a different kind of anger from when they were kids. This was a burning and almost bloodthirsty that threaten to break the door down.

Kevin pushed edd aside and started unlocking the latches. When the final match was gone Kevin felt the door down against his face. Kevin landed on the floor holding a hand to his face. Eddy was a angry little stump least compared to Kevin. Holding on to some papers in his right hand he glared at the red head.

It was like someone reignited an old flame. A grudge. And threw some gasoline on it. Eddy threw the papers on his ex-bully. There was threw people with him when he came through the door. Two men in suits and a women...

It was Ms. Harper from the unemployment office.

When Ms. Harper and edds eyes meet. She was almost pitiful and sadden. She said nothing and watched Kevin.

"Is this what you do you bastard!? Take people in and rock with their heads!?"

The papers were flew in the air as the men behind eddy grabbed both Kevin's arms. Kevin imeditally started to fight back against the men. She spoke in a stale and monotone voice.

"Mr Barr. Your being brought up on charges of sexual harassment on your employees. Resisting arrest. And possible rape."


It was Ms. Harper that walked up between the two men and showed the picture to him. It was him and edd in his office. It must have been messed with or timed perfectly for him to looking right at the camera.

His blood began to boil.

"What the fuck is this?!"

Kevin fought to be free. Edd was being stopped by Eddy from coming anywhere near him. Eddy was a even bigger asshole for touching his edd.

Edds eyes filled with tears at the signature. It was defiantly Kevin's handwriting. Eddy wasted no time consulting his friend as he cried on his shoulder.

The sinking feeling when he saw Dee before they hauled him off. His dork had a hand over his mouth trying his best not to cry. When I tried to scream for his attention it was like a trigger for the floodgates. The last thing Kevin saw was Edd crunching the picture in his hand and crying hard. His heart and brain were at war. One wanted to scream and cry at his own stupid but the other smarter part of him questioned.


While Kevin was being taken away a man came up from behind eddy. He was tall and fairly large man that looked like a gorilla. His hair was thinned hair was combed over the light spot.

"Hello edd. Or do you prefer Mr. Vincent?"


"You probally dont remember me but my name is Ethan Jhonson. Eddy older brother."

Edd recalled a man from his childhood that was mean and harsh. They mabey meet one and found him questionable. But if kevin coupd change mabey him too. Even if Eddy idolized the man he never got to know him much. There was always something about him that was irking.

The man showed no sign of comfort and replied.

"A concerned citizen- brave soul- gave us a copy of this horrible picture from inside Kevin's office. We've compared his signature against a file he signed in his office just a few days ago.... I'm sorry.  But they are a match."


"With the current investigation and your involvement. We can't have you living with here. Do you have anywhere to stay. Mabey your parents?"

Eddy looked concerned about edds hesitation. Edd didn't talk with eddy yet. He needed to explain everything to his friend. About his parents. About his life... And especially about kevin.

"I'm. I. We had a falling out"

"WHAT? When that happen?-"

"Doesn't matter. You are welcome to stay with us for the time being. From what Eddy told me. Your pratically family."

Eddy looked at his brother with adoring eyes. He mentally praised his brother and felt pride as his image of his brother grew. It was plain to see eddy and his brother wasn't taking no for an answer. So he nodded his head.

"Perfect. Just grab your things and we can go."

Eddy was excited. He was happy. But edd was scared and he didn't know why....

'Could this be wrong?'

Note:Too much? Or what.

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