Sexy office fantasy

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?? Pov

He watched as one by one his cameras were being disabled. Several screans were now a fuzzy picture of black and white. And the security camera outside of Kevin Barrs office were no longer his.

One of the screens were still active. Someone in the office let their computers Bluetooth camera facing a cute little maid. He licked his lips with an unholy desire. Destroying Kevin's live was one this but taking the boy may just be icing on the cake.

The camera zoomed in on the blushing nerds face. He reached out his hand and crest the screen. A dirty smile erupted on his face.

"I'll make you mind soon. I promise..."

The screen went black and all his cameras were disabled. But that didn't stop the plot forming in his head.

Kevin pov

This shit has to be karma.

No fucking way this was real...

Can this this fantasy ruin his stamina any more than it already has......

Kevin sent out Nat to check his home 3 hours ago. And thanks to that the break room, waiting room, bathroom, and Nat's desk suffered at the hands of this adorkable clean freak. Kevin felt like his workplace was sparkling from head to toe. Other workers didn't seem to mind the works cleaning. Probably glad they didn't have to do it themselves.

Now here was Kevin's problem. For those three hours Kevin left to go back to work. As much as He wanted to watch his dork walk around in that skimpy outfit he wasn't sure if he could control himself. So He gave Dee his coat. The coat was a nice dark contrast and covered his backside up to his maid thigh. Kind of a silent reminder if anyone so much as looked in Edds direction they would deal with him. He figured that at least Nat's desk work occupy Dee's attention for a while. But now it has been three hours and the whole floor was practical dirt free. And what does the dork ask?

"Should I pass the time by cleaning the other floors. Frankly all this dirt and bacteria is disgusting."

Kevin felt possessive with his dork once again and bluntly declined. But now his dork got the sudden idea to clean his office. Kevin's face was redder than a strawberry as he squirmed in his seat. His wooden desk was big enough that it covered his lower half. Kevin was now watching in agony at his maids cremy white legs were fucking teasing him.

Edd couldn't bear to look his red headed friend in the eye. He was practically being eaten alive with curiosity that involved this morning. When he came in the office to do something since he strangly wasn't allowed to leave. His eyes may have lingered a bit longer to the bed/couch than he was willingly able to admit. It was cleaned and made like they never slept intimately next to each other.  The memory left his face flushed and a newly reoccuring problem in his bloomers. Yes Nat stole his clothes when he was forced to wear this insanely embarrassing outfit.

Edd avoided the couch by dusting the bookshelf. Kevin kept to himself but not daring to move from his chair. He felt eyes trail him but tried now to show it. Edd placed a hand on his beating heart lovingly. Kevin could have dreamt of any beautiful woman in the world but he thought of him. He was glad he was facing away from Kevin because he was certain that his face wouldn't stop smiling.

It was when bent over to water a small plant he heard a loud cough.  Turning around he saw Kevin hiding behind his a newspaper. The edges of the paper wrinkled in his grasp and edd could see the red tips of Kevin's ear. No other word but "cute" came to edds mind.

'Kevin's watching. Should I give him something to really watch?-oh god when did I become a wild tempest? "





Kevin looked past the paper and found he was alone. His leg finally stopped bouncing up and down. Edd didn't know this but he was one skirt flip from pressing him against the wall. He almost lost control when that dork bent down and showed him those god damn bloomers.


Kevins head shot up and saw his dork come back into the room with a blue squeegy bottle. Kevin didn't get so much as a "hello" before edd walked past him. In the corner of his eye he could see edd spray the Windex on the window. Still no eye contact but his leg started bouncing again.

Kevin could see edd cleaning low and moved up.  His mouth was starting to water each step closer. Each time edd tried to reach the high places he would jump. And each time Kevin would lower his head trying to get a better view.

The best part of this experience was went he couldn't see edd at all. From behind him he could hear the squeegy spray and feel the back of Dee's skirt skimming his neck. The chairs arm rest were close to cracking and like his self control was about break. All he needed was a sign. Something from the dork to show him to make a move.

A snap of a heel caused edd to fall backwards to Kevin. Kevin hearing the snap turned his chair and got a face full of ass.  This was Kevin's breaking point...

Kevin grabbed around for Dee's hand and pulled down. His other hand was placed firmly on the dorks side and got to his feet. Grabbing now both hands above their heads Kevin eyed his prey. So delicate and withering. Soon he would be withering for another reason.

Kevin looked in those bright blue eyes and soft pink lips.


He wanted to taste but waited for a struggle. When nothing came Kevin got closer. They were almost inches apart till finally....



"KEVIN! Wake up man. You can go home now..."

Kevin's eyes shot open and felt the sting of the bright lights once again. Add was on the other side of the room holding a bag with pink lace popping from the top. So Edd really did wear the dress.... fuck he fell asleep when red left the room. That means that none of that happened.

Kevin banged his head on his desk. He let out a groan of complete and utter misery.

(Did I get anyone with that???
How have you been people? Me? writing new stories and junk. Had a bit of writers block but I'm good.

Oh p.s

Who do you think Mr. E is? Have fun guessing)

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