Kate and Peter (3.1)

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(Author's Note - Sub genre - BardPunk (William Shakespeare)

Prompts - For this round, I had to choose between 'Taming of the Shrew' and 'Romeo and Juliet', then use the song Paint an Eight by the Black Crowes as inspiration to write a sci-fi story about "what happened after Big Wills lay down his quill".

Word Count - about 2700

PS I chose Taming of The Shrew - everyone knows what that one was about, right? It made me into a staunch feminist.)

Kate and Peter (A Tale in Four Parts)

"Tired after a long day at work? Then come home to Kate. Kate will hand you a cold drink while you sit down and relax in your sparkling clean home. Watch your favourite holovid, listen to music or read the epaper while Kate serves you a delicious home-cooked meal - no need for you to load the dishwasher afterwards! Your wish is her command. Never tired or cross, Kate is always happy to see you, day or night. Our latest and most advanced model, Kate comes in a variety of sizes and colours to suit all tastes. Only 2500 credits when purchased direct from Androids 'R Us."

"Looking for someone who cares? Peter will listen when you want to talk, or simply be there when you don't. Relax in your sparkling clean home, while Peter hands you a cold drink before serving you a delicious home-cooked meal. Never tired or critical, Peter always puts your needs first. Our latest and most advanced model, Peter comes in a variety of sizes and colours to suit all tastes. Only 2500 credits when purchased direct from Androids 'R Us"

That should do it, decided Bianca, rubbing tired eyes. She closed down her work console. I wouldn't mind having a Peter to go home to myself, she thought ruefully, then shook her head. She didn't need an expensive new android when she had Handy Andy, the housemaid's dream, and Luke, her very human partner.

She gazed at the miniature holograms of blond, blue-eyed Kate and tall, raven haired Peter hovering above her desk and smiled proudly. Version 8, they were her best product yet, she could hardly wait to see the sales skyrocket when they went 'live' tomorrow.

Programmed to obey every command, even to agree the sun was the moon if its owner insisted-that's what their focus group and market research had revealed people wanted.

And why not? Surely people had the right to expect complete obedience from their android servant.

She pushed back an unwelcome memory of her business partner's reaction to the prototypes. "But they look so human, Bee," Elsa had protested, uneasily. "You don't you think that could be a problem?"

"How could that be a problem? That's going to be our best selling point."

"People might get... confused," Elsa continued to look worried. "They look too real."

Bianca had laughed. "They might look human, but they're only androids you know- machines when you come down to it. Just a good looking household appliance."

Elsa hadn't seemed convinced, but Bianca had persevered and now here they were, her perfect creations. She could hardly wait for morning.


Kate and Peter were an instant success. Models flew out of the warehouse as fast as they could be produced. As Bianca had calculated, male buyers tended to buy Kate while women preferred Peter. Not always, of course. Her own brother, Vincent, had been one of the first to buy a Peter.

"Just what we need to do all the boring stuff," he told Bianca with a wide smile. "I know Giorgio is going to love him."

Vincent hurried home, eager to get Peter set up before Giorgio returned from work. An hour later, Giorgio opened the door of their flat to be greeted by a strange man with a warm smile on his face. To be honest the smile was the first thing Giorgio saw, before he realised the man was offering him a salt rimmed glass of marguerita.

"Welcome home, Mr Giorgio," said the stranger, "How was your day?"

"Er... fine," answered Giorgio automatically. "Er... who?"

"I'm Peter, your new household companion. If you'd like to relax for a while, dinner will be served in about an hour, if that suits?"

"Er... fine," said Giorgio again, bewildered but polite. He wondered where Vincent was. Surely his husband should be home by now-perhaps he would know what was going on.

"Vince? Are you here?"

Vincent appeared from the living room, beaming from ear to ear. "Isn't he great?" he asked, coming up to Giorgio and giving him a hug. "Peter is the latest in android technology. I bought him for us, this morning."

Giorgio was still staring at Peter. "He's an android? He looks so real."

Vince nodded. "He'll do all the housework, cooking too, when we can't be bothered. Anything we want."

"He looks like me," Giorgio blurted suddenly. "Like I did when we first met..." his voice trailed off. Before I put on ten years and ten kilos, he finished, silently.

"Does he?" said Vince, turning to stare at Peter. "I suppose he does, a little bit. Good thing he's not human, then! I wouldn't want to get you mixed up," he laughed.


Bianca's feet were aching and she was thinking only of a hot bath and bed when she opened the door of their flat. She'd called Luke earlier to warn him she'd be late and not to wait up, but he'd left the hall light on low for her.

"Welcome home, Ms Bianca." A woman's voice came out of the shadows. Bianca only just managed to stifle a small scream. Who the hell?

A hand offered her a glass of whisky, single malt by the colour.

Her dazed brain took a moment before she registered that the stranger was a Kate. The most popular model of Kate, the blonde, blue-eyed one, with perky breasts. What the hell was a Kate doing here? She hadn't bought one. She and Luke had already discussed the matter and decided it was really too soon to upgrade. After all, their Version Seven, Handy Andy, was still less than a year old.

Luke must have made the decision to buy one, by himself. She felt cross and disgruntled. They didn't need a Kate. Why had Luke gone behind her back?

"Surprise!" Luke's voice came from the top of the stairs. "Isn't she great?" he beamed, full of enthusiasm. "She's already run your bath and there's food in the warmer if you're hungry."

Bianca tried to summon up a grateful smile. Luke was only trying to be thoughtful, but she couldn't help wishing he'd discussed it with her first. If he really wanted a Kate-he should have said so, instead of pretending to agree with her.

(to be continued...)

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