↳ Behind The Gaki

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Presenting to you justagaki, one of our residents Graphic Designers (you may recognize her from the May Awards graphics) joins us to tell us the origins of her name, some tips for graphic designing and how overwhelming writer's block can be.

Interviewer:  LadyInLostYearn

Lily: Finally! I got to interview you. I hope you're doing well and safe offline. It's been a while.

Gaki: Yeah, I am doing very good. Oh life has been blessing me recently!

Lily: I'm so glad to hear that *inserts :bigtears:* You deserve it after all the BS

Okay. You first joined WP around 2019 (which is relatively new to me). What made you come to WP?

Gaki: I have been actually using wp since 2014. Most people don't know but I wasn't always Gaki. I was once Miso too.

I joined WP in school, I guess it was 8 grade and everyone has recently started reading romance books, teen fictions and some of my friends were writing too. I used to read their book.

Lily: Oh! I assume you wanted to start anew with Gaki?

Gaki: Yeah. Fresh start has always been part of my journey.

Lily: What made you dabble into designing covers?

Gaki: Canva. This tool made me realize that I don't have to learn professional softwares or get classes to design. I have always been amazed with Graphics, illustrations and everything with designing. And Canva made it easy for me to practise.

Lily: And so with it, you opened a graphic shop. Is managing a graphic shop a difficult thing to do?

Gaki: Sadly, I hardly get any order as I am not active much on Wattpad. But it's easy if you have time and interest in working.

Lily: I understand. When did you first join SG and what made you stay?

Gaki: I joined on May 4 lol so its a year now. Haha. I liked the vibe. Omg I was so excited because the folks, Juls, Ria, they were both so good to me. I was like this is going to be a server I ain't leaving so soon.

Lily: Niccce *inserts :catblush:* I'm glad they are.

Since you're also SG graphic designer, you must've received requests in here too. Had you found a particularly difficult request? If so, how did you tackle it?

Gaki: I haven't received any difficult request. I am so glad that whoever has requested graphics from me has been very much cooperative. Oh I do remember this weird request like they need a specific breed of parrot as their pfp. It was so funny, they were here in our server too. Don't know where did that person go.

Lily: 😂 Quite a unique one. Good that no one causes trouble for you. Or I'd go bouncer on them.

Switch to writing. I TBR'ed your ONC book, It's A Match. What inspired you to write it?

Gaki: Oh, my own mishappenings on Dating apps. I was on and off with dating apps last year a lot so I wanted to explore that. Haha. And ONC had the perfect prompt. Somehow I don't think writing is working for me. So I might actually leave writing entirely.

Lily: Oh that's a shame :/ But I guess writing isn't your strong passion?

Gaki: It's sad because my job profession has to do with writing, content and all. I guess the job has exhausted me that I have lost interest in fiction writing.

The 8th standard Gaki was fighting her mother to let her write, and look at her now giving up one thing she had used to make her career.

Lily: It's terrifying to see when a passion lost due to it being wrung dry. Hopefully, in time, you'll get your writing passion back.

Gaki: I hope so too.

Lily: What is your weakness in designing? And what is your strength that you're most proud of?

Gaki: My weakness would be that I am very bad at selecting the right font. I am so tired and frustrated sometimes that I end up deleting my work. As for strength I guess I am very good at creating minimal designs.

Lily: Good minimal designs are underrated tbh

Have you tried a variety of design styles before?

Gaki: Oh I have. I make graphics professionally for my clients, office work and for different purposes. I make few bucks here and there with my work.

Lily: Whoa that's impressive. So you write and design professionally irl? Makes sense that you're not really active in Wattpad.

Gaki: Yeah girl gotta bring money on table haha

Lily: You have ups and downs in writing fiction. What are your tips on it?

Gaki: Stay consistent in your writing. Draw inspiration from your own people and life. Do not try to make your first draft the best one. It will never be. Just try to be as you as possible. It happens open that we try to mimic some writer we read or you know some big name we saw but then we often forget what makes our writing unique is us. Also, write what you want to read. Write what you feel the need to write. Don't write about this genre or this theme because people are more attracted to it. Write what you would be attracted to.

Lily: Great advice and tips *inserts :chaos:* Writers need these reminders time and time again.

I peeked into your poetry book, Wired. I found it sweet since you understand how k-pop fans feel. I, too, a loyal fan of a certain K-singer, so I understand as well. What pushed you to publish the book?

Gaki: Oh my love for Taeyong goes way deep. I had been admiring him and all the poetries are what I have felt at initial stage of me being a fangirl.

I published it because there were lot of people who wanted to read about it whenever they wanted, well seems like people with one sided love story really likes my poetries.

Lily: Ah shii the ache comes

Perhaps I'll be one of those people who need to read your poetries too

Last question. What things you had learnt from SG? Did it help you as a writer and designer?

Gaki: I have learned one of the most important things. I am never alone. There are people miles apart who are rooting for me. I am so thankful to the people in SG for helping me get through one of the toughest time. Thank to this cute little birdie Lily for showing me that I have a choice, I will always have a choice I just need to be brave enough.

Lily: Daww :') You gonna make my eyes water at 3 am here. I'm really happy again you're doing good. Thank you, Gaki, for the answers. It has been a pleasure of interviewing you.

Gaki: Thank you for taking your time and interviewing me at 3 am! Go to sleep girlie✿

Inventor questions

Andie: Gaki, where did the name "Gaki" come from?

Gaki: So, this is a Japanese word for a spoiled brat. It was a pet name that stuck with me.

Astrid: Why did you become an ambassador?

Gaki: To learn how Wattpad works! My experience there have helped my job roles.

Arianna: What is your writing style if you can describe it.

Gaki: My writing style is more detailed. Like it has more to do with the setting.

Juls: What is your favourite ice cream flavour? And your favourite song genre?

Gaki: Ice Cream Flavor? Got I am enjoying this kulfi these days— with pista. As for the song— I am more of your soft pop!

Juls: Kulfi? What's that?

Gaki: It's a desi ice cream haha indian ice cream.

Ana: What would be an advice you would give to a person who wants to try designing their own graphics for the first time?

Gaki: You need to start. Get inspiration and try to recreate it! Practise every day!

(Interview ends)

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