↳ Creative Chaos (And How To Embrace It)

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Hello dear readers! This is the first column from the 'Writing 101' team. And in this issue we'll be discussing ideas, more specifically chaotic/creative ones.

Ideas, I think we all can agree are the backbone of everything. You can not continue something without a plan, but you will never even begin if there's no idea.



No, we're not talking about actual seeds my dear; we're talking about that concept in your head. You know, the one that you had deemed too ridiculous to pursue? Or maybe too ambitious? Too cliche?

Well, my budding gardener, here's a little secret you must know: that idea, is completely valid.

Regardless if it's done before, if it's too simple, if it's nonsense. Whatever. It is completely valid.

Now, have you ever read the story, The Twits by Roald Dahl? Well, fun fact readers. Mr. Dahl never had any grand schemes or fantastical concepts—at least, not at the start. For the story I mentioned, his starting point was simply (accuracy is debatable):

"Write something against beards."

It may seem odd or laughable, yet it bloomed into such a wonderful story.

Just because the seed is small or big or weird or different, does not and will never mean it's a failure.


Now, you've got some ideas right?

Let's say it's simple or maybe even cliche, that's perfectly fine. Or you have an idea that is crazy or just utterly ridiculous, that's fine too.

Or maybe you don't like the idea, that's fine as well.

I'm not here to force you to write down every single thought that pops up in your mind. Unless you want to, that is.

My point is; do not be afraid to have ideas, do not worry about the logic or the plan yet. Just embrace the chaoticness, creativity of it all.

Even the most nonsensical plot can become the greatest tale.

There's this one Japanese manga, the plot is absurd (it's a parody/comedy but still). Yet they received an anime adaptation and even the manga had a sequel too.

You know what the main plot is?

The protagonist is trying to stop this empire/evil people from making everyone bald. What is the hero's power? To control nose hair—and he can also hear the voices of others' hair.

Oh and he can even fuse with others, alter reality, and defy every scientific rule.

Plus, he likes to beat up his 'friends'.

Again, it's comedy but mweh. Kudos if you know this show.


Now you've got the idea, what next?

Well, write it down. Now look at it.

Does it inspire you? Can you imagine the world? Can you see the heroes? Can you feel the story?

If not, well you have two options:

Put it aside or brainstorm.

Oh, by the way, I lied. There's a third one: put it aside for now and go back to it—at some point.

It may seem weird, yeah. But sometimes, you need to step back and relax.

The seed is there, the pot, the watering can, everything you need. But...

You worry you may not be able to care for it, or may not be able to let it flourish. And that, my dear readers, is completely fair.

Maybe, one day, you'll get the inspiration/motivation you need. Or maybe you won't. There is nothing wrong with that.

Ultimately, we are the authors. If you decide, that this idea doesn't resonate with you. Then okay, you're the boss.

For example, I had this (art, but still applicable) piece, yeah? I hated it, it looked horribly uninspired to me. It took me one hour, but wasn't even close to being finished, much less satisfied. So what did I do? I deleted it—every single little detail. (It was digital)

Then redid it from the start. The main points were the same: same hairstyle, same eye colour, similar accessories. It took me twice as long.

And you know what? I loved the redraw. It was much better. I was happy, elated with the new results.

What's the point of this story? Well, you see, once I got the idea, I went with it. But, I didn't like it.

So I left it alone, did other things in the meantime. Then one day, I looked back at it.

And finally gave it another go. Same idea, different execution.

Remember: Ideas are like seeds and we writers are the gardeners. It is our job to nurture and make them flourish.


And that ends this article. So, what did you think, dear readers?

Did it help? Did it inspire you? Did it make you feel better?

Well, I hope it did. Anywho, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment!

Written by: MeowMeow422 (SG Interviewer)

Ideation: PinkMarbella2050 (SG Writer)

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