↳ Interview #3: InEssenceOfPotatoes

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Award Winner: InEssenceOfPotatoes

"Pondetry" -- won third place in the Poetry category of SGA in May 2022.

Interviewer: devianmisfit

1) Introduce yourself! Tell me how long you've been on WP, and what made you interested to be a WP writer/start writing here?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: Hi, KJ here! :D I've been on Wattpad for less than a year, so I'm still relatively new to this orange world. Actually, I first started off reading on Wattpad, but that was using the Website version. I officially started writing on Wattpad when I finally got the app and began uploading. Fun fact, my very first uploaded poem was a poem I had written for my Literature teacher, who had chosen to retire in Australia. Very interesting, wouldn't you agree? I know, me too.

2) You participated in the Savant Awards in May 2022, and the book you entered "Pondentry", won third in the Poetry genre. How did you feel about it when you heard the announcement? Was this your first time entering a contest?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: The me that woke up at 5am and saw the announcement was pretty shocked. She couldn't believe her sleepy eyes. I think I was feeling pretty proud of myself, because there were so many other amazing works competing with much more recognition. It wasn't my first time entering a contest, and certainly won't be my last.

3) What are your views about participating in these awards generally? Did you enjoy them?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: I strongly believe that participating in contests do generally help you home your craft, which would be writing in this case. All experiences last, like it or not :]

4) Was there any particular reason for participating in the Savant Awards? xD

InEssenceOfPotatoes: It caught my eye, I think that's a great reason xDD

5) How was your experience in when writing "Pondentry"? Was it an easy process? Which parts did you struggle with the most?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: "Pondetry" is my beloved first collection of poems. They're beautiful, unpolished yet glimmering. Each time I look back on my poems, I feel a deep sense of pride and fondness for them. It most definitely wasn't easy, and I just really want to thank the readers who enjoyed reading my poetry and stuck with me throughout the journey. My irregular updates were certainly enjoyable. But on a more serious note, nothing in life is easy, and Pondetry was a collection with poems that were written and published on the spot, whenever inspiration struck. The part I personally struggled with the most was finding the motivation. Burnouts are no joke, when I have literally no mental motivation left, I can't do anything, let alone write.

6) Since your book is poetry, do you still come across the writer's rut/hit a wall where your inspiration runs dry?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: Poetry is versatile. It's an abstract craft; every writer has their own style. My personal style would be darker, more sinister, an underlying grim lining. I think because of the fact that my style is as such, unless I face mental burnout, I don't usually encounter writer's block. Hooray for me. ;u;

7) How did you deal with it? What are some ways you would motivate yourself to keep writing?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: As for dealing with mental burnout, it differs per person. I personally like to stare at the sky or take a walk, but as a person with a hectic schedule, it goes difficult. Motivation on this case can be useful, and it comes in many forms. One form is the observation of a possible scene. A lot of the times, my poetry is based on real life events I witness. Surprising, I know. Observing is a shocking way to motivate yourself, because there's a trillion ways you can interpret something. Another form would be doing the things you like. Believe it or not, adequate rest actually helps you write better. A slower update of higher quality is better than a rushed one of lower quality. Things like listening to music, reading, mindfulness breathing exercises, hanging out somewhere or with someone etc., it all might help. Hang in there.

8) What was one thing you enjoyed the most while participating in the SG Awards? Or one thing you disliked?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: I absolutely loved that I was able to check out the works of other writers. If you haven't already, check out "Honey Tears" and "As in a bard's dream"! They're amazing. Definitely deserving of the first and second places. Like seriously, mind-boggling masterpieces.

9) Because poetry is different from writing a story with a plot, what do you think would help WP poetry writers, who are like you, other than participating in awards?

InEssenceOfPotatoes: I believe firstly, one must believe in their works (and themselves). On a platform with millions of writers, it's always going to be difficult to stand out. But just by believing, a lot of the journey is already completed. To love your work, to express yourself through what you, and only you, create? That's wonderful. Furthermore, if all of us take the time to support one another, be it through votes, comments, shares or something else, then we can truly provide the necessary environment for us WP poetry writers to grow and learn. :]

10) Are you comfortable with us posting the interview responses and questions

InEssenceOfPotatoes: Yes! :D

(Interview ends)

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