↳ Interview #6: addledwalrus

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Award Winner: addledwalrus

"The Tour Guide" -- won first place in the Paranormal/Supernatural category of the Savant Awards (SGA) in May 2022.


1) Introduce yourself! Tell me how long you've been on WP, and what made you interested to be a WP writer/start writing here?

addledwalrus: Hi, Adeline here. I'm glad to be part of this interview. I've been on Wattpad since 2017, but I didn't publish my first story until 2019. I used mostly Fictionpress before that, though I eventually decided to post here in the hope of increasing my readership and reaching a different audience.

2) You participated in the Savant Awards in May 2022 and the book you entered "The Tour Guide", won first place. How did you feel about it when you heard the announcement? Was this your first time entering a contest? If so, were you nervous?

addledwalrus: Although this is far from the first contest I have entered, I was quite excited and flattered to find that my book came first. It doesn't happen often, so I guess something about the story really appealed this time.

3) What are your views about participating in these events generally? Do you think contests are helpful?

addledwalrus: I think participating in a contest can be a good way to gain more exposure and also see how your book compares to others in its genre. That said, a contest is only as good as the people who host it, and I'm usually selective about the ones I enter.

4) How was your experience when writing "The Tour Guide"? Was it an easy process? Which parts did you struggle with most?

addledwalrus: Writing 'The Tour Guide' was quite rewarding, but also difficult at times. My biggest struggles were having to research extensively about 1980s Japan and finding the time and energy to write. I study full-time and I have an exhausting job, so you can imagine how much of a challenge the latter was especially.

5) How do you feel about your current writing after coming so far?

addledwalrus: When it comes to my writing, I believe there's always room for improvement. While I don't usually struggle with grammar and spelling, I've found that editing my story is still an ongoing process because I keep thinking of better ways to portray certain character traits and the workings of my universe.

6) Having read a snippet of your book, and knowing it was an interestingly wonderful depiction of life from a kitsune spirit's POV, I wanted to ask where you drew inspiration for your story/stories?

addledwalrus: It goes without saying that I was inspired by Japanese mythology. I was also a fan of manga and anime as a child, plus I've watched enough Japanese dramas and movies to have an idea of the common character archetypes found in their media.

7) What sort of writing advice would you like to give to other fellow Wattpadders on their writing journeys?

addledwalrus: This will sound cliche, but practice makes perfect. It's also important to pay attention to constructive criticism, since it will guide you to get better.

When it comes to research, always try to make sure that your sources of information are reliable.

8) What was one thing you enjoyed the most while participating in the SG Awards? Or one thing you disliked?

addledwalrus: I appreciated that this contest was run in an organized and timely manner, with the rules being pretty clear. The April Fools joke in the first chapter was a nice touch.

Some genres like Fantasy could have allowed for more participants because of how popular they are, but I understand if the hosts and judges didn't want to be overworked.

9) What do you think would help WP writers, other than hosting awards?

addledwalrus: As I've mentioned earlier, practice and heeding constructive criticism goes a long way. It's helpful as well to read the stories of other writers, since this can give you an idea of what works and help you build rapport.

10) Are you comfortable with us posting the interview responses and questions?

addledwalrus: I believe I have done my best to give meaningful answers to your questions, so I'm okay with them being published.

(Interview ends)

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