↳ June Issue

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Hello everyone! Welcome to this month's bi-monthly issue on the SGM News column. It has been some time since we last posted and I hope the content so far has been useful to you (in some form or way, I would appreciate it if you can let us know via the comments <3).

Through these issues, we hope to raise awareness of our community updates, the types of resources available in SG Community and also the things going on in Wattpad. You can add "News & Updates" by Wattpad into your private library as this is our main source of reference when it comes to updates in Wattpad. Otherwise, you can add SG Magazine into your private library for updates of our community and some freshly brewed tea🧋.

Disclaimer: Please read at your own risk.
We are NOT affiliated with the Wattys or any part of the Wattpad Community, but our sources come from following these accounts. All works under SGM are made with 100% curiosity, passion, and effort.

Today's fun question is what's your favourite song you listen to when you are writing? For me, I tend to listen to pop songs with a chill melody and recently I've picked up a taste for Latin Pop thanks to CoffeeAndSilverInk 💃🏻

Alright, let's move on the latest events that are happening or upcoming in the SG Community!

The Savant G. Community

Savant Awards May 2024
In case you guys have yet to hear the news, the Savant Awards for May 2024 is up and running in Wattpad! This is our fifth award and also to celebrate the community's fifth anniversary. We have many slots open for Phase 1 genres including Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Horror/Thriller, Teen Fiction and Young Adult. Phase 2 is to be coming once slots for Phase 1 are filled. Also, we would like to announce a big thank you to our judges for stepping up and signing in to help us with the awards: LadyInLostYearn  SardonicBeauty  CoffeeAndSilverInk  JuliaJustWrites  MistressZuzi  mxtsuro  _Baby_A_A_  LiloClasie (Romance and Fantasy genres have been filled so please start judging away!)

Writing Events in Discord
In the past we have hosted a SaNoWriMo event, and now we are back with a newly re-vamped version of it called the Meraki Writing Challenge. This writing challenge aims to complete your writing goals for the month. Anyone is free to participate in this event that's happening in our discord server <3 There will be writing sprints hosted based on your time zones, writing feedback sessions and weekly check-ins! There are also interesting server roles to earn if you manage to complete your writing goals by the end of this event.

Upcoming: Halloween Games in Discord
We have some fun activities planned for Halloween in our discord server so stay tuned~

New Members
We have a new member who joined as a SG Admin and *drumrolls*, we are proud to welcome echoesofemotions into SG Community! 🫶🏻

So far in Wattpad...

Removal of Direct/Private Message function from 6 May 2024, despite the many cries of outrage from Wattpadders. We, as in the general community of Wattpadders as a collective whole, have now already learnt to make peace with this update from Wattpad. WP communities like us have beseech members to move into alternative platforms such as discord servers. We believe there are many reasons behind this update from WP.

Wattys 2024 has been up and running since 21 May 2024, and submissions are open since 15 July 2024. Shortlist of entries will be announced on 14 October 2024, so keep your eyes peeled if you have submitted your book into Wattys this year. The results of Wattys 2024 will be announced in December 2024 TBA.


Issue: June'24 - July'23
Writer: devianmisfit

: ̗̀➛ Feedback: Do you wish to have a specific topic for us to talk about? Maybe what are some of the best book clubs in WP? Or how about great reading recommendations? Let us know in the comments and we will do up an issue so we can all talk about it <3

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