Forever and Always

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I ran and ran and ran. I looked behind me seeing him. red and black stripes, glaring eyes and a stupid smirk on his face. "Amyyyyy! Get back herrreeee." I gulped and kept running. as if on cue I ran Inside the market and hid behind the counter. the cashier lady looked at me. "what are you running from?" She asked her eyebrow rasing. I was about to say a maniac was chasing me when shadow walked in. "Have you seen a pink hegehog running in here???"he asked impatiently. I held my breath as the lady answered. "Just you sir." he scoweld and began looking around. The lady eyed him suspiciously."I see why you left him." I thanked her as soon as he left the store and took of. I peeked around and saw it was clear.
'Guess I lost him'
Letting out a breath I continued walking. I was just about to pull a cap when I felt something touch my shoulder. Suprised, I spun around seeing him behind me. he glared at me harshly with his red eyes shining than ever. "Amyyyyyy.......dont you dare run from m-"
Before he could say anything else I let go of his grip and dashed down the street. I herd him growl behind me and say all the bad words in Alphabetical order. "AMYYYYYY!"
I gulped and contiued to run. no way was I letting him catch me.
We darted down another street that less people seemed to roam. I kept on running till I spotted a sign. "Dead...." as I ran closer to it a shock hit me.

'D.E.A.D E.N.D'

Peeking behind me I could see that Shadow was barely touching my jacket. he had the most furious look on his face I have ever seen in my life. feeling the most fear i've ever had I desperately looked toward the dead end. to my luck I spotted a gate that looked climb-able. So I took off and once I was close enough, I lunged for the gate.
As I was Grasping for the gate a sudden arm forcefully slipped around me and pulled me down. I was soon held against the wall looking straight into blood shot eyes. He glared at me and said "Amy I told you not to leave me again....."he snarled and came closer. I started to panic and tried to squeeze out of his grip. "LET GO OF ME! IM NOT YOURS!" I pushed, shoved, and kicked but his grip on my waist still remained unmoved. he growled again and pulled me closer to him. "YOU WILL NOT MOVE FROM ME!" He yelled pushing me up against the wall. I yelped at the pain of his grip as tears escaped my eyes. I was scared of him now. More tears streamed down as I looked down at the floor.I just wanna go home....
A hand touched my face but I quickly moved away. I looked up expecting an angry shadow but instead I saw a sad look on his face. His hand touched my face again. he looked into my eyes sadly and I surprisingly felt bad. I felt like I wanted to changed that look on his face if it meant facing the whole world. I looked down again but he slowly lifted my chin again, to reveal my puffy wet eyes and red face. "Rose please dont run away." 'He seems....different. he's so sad...'
I gazed apon his eyes and I was once again trapped in his eyes. It was once so gruesome but now its shines like rubys, sad yet loving eyes. I took a moment to picture those eyes again. pulling into its comfort gaze. Claiming me and forever protecting me from any harm.
it was pulling me closer and closer...............

I felt his pair of lips touch mine. I slowly closed my eyes, a single tear escaping me and forming a wet stream down my cheek. The kiss was so soft and loving and caring. That my world had suddenly dissapeared from my mind and all there was, was us. My back against the gate, my hands gripped against it, my heart bumping louder and louder and finally, shadow pressed closely to me. I felt my heart bouncing in my chest, my face burning deeper than red. 'I shouldn't be doing this' I thought but then reality was pulled again and I was suddenly wishing for more. Without noticing, my arms griped onto Shadow's neck and pulled him closer, deeping the kiss. He seemed to be suprised at first but then he pulled me closer. Our lips pressed together in sync. I felt a smirk form on the corners of Shadows mouth when I suddenly got pushed up against the wall, our lips parted just long enough to notice my arms were now pinned on top of my head and my legs were pulled around shadow's waist. I blushed madly as I looked at Shadows flashing grin. "So now you Want me....." I blushed and looked away. 'Great, he's back to normal.' I faced palmed at his change and he made a pouty face at me. "dont make that face rose." I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Aww come on. What can I do to make you feel better?"he asked tesingly. "You could kiss me...."I muddered under my breath. He grined and slipped arms down to my hips. I blushed noticing he heard me and was pulled yet again into another kiss. this one lasted longer and was a bit more stronger.
I couldn't take it anymore. I slowly pulled him out of my grip and looked down to hide my face. My heart was beating faster than ever now. my arms still hung around his neck and his arms were now the only thing holding me up. I pressed my head against his chest.
"Shadow....I-" I began but he cut me off. "Its ok rose. This will continue later in the future"he smirked and kiss me cheek. "Ok rose?" I giggled softly. "Ok shadow." Somewhere far and beyond from today.
We stayed there in silence till I realized somthing. I burst out laughing and giggled while Shadow looked at me strangely. "What is it?"
I giggled then said "your mouth was watering the hole time."he looked at me weirdly then noticed a stream of water driping at the end of his chin. he blushed a bright red in embarrassment. I laught and emprersonated his voice and said "Mmmmm dident know you loved meh" I smirked and giggled as his face got redder.
"Oh its not that bad-"I was cut of by being suddenly picked up bridal style and carried back up the street.
"Shadow!"I yelped and blushed.
He smirked and said"well you asked for it." I looked down embarrassed as people started to stare but he just kept carrying me. "This is embrassing" i said hiding my face in his soft fur. "Its no that bad. Plus we've got a long way to go till we reach home. Might as well get used to it" he said blankly."Shadow are you going to carry me all the way home!?"I said shocked. "Why are you shyyyyy?. You love me enough to handle me carrying you right?" he asked smirking again. I sighed and smiled. "I love you toooo!"


I quietly rolled over to my husband.
he laid there peacefully while cradling our baby in his arms. The sounds of them snoring made me smile. "Oh what am I going to do with you to?" I giggled and pecked them both on the cheek. as always Shadow stiffled a cute snore and snuggled closer to the baby. I held in a laugh and silently laid down too snuggled in closer to Shadow, while wrapped my arm around our child.
"Forever and always..."

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