Chapter 10

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Shadestorm woke up somewhere she didn't recognize. Four enormous oaks rose around a clearing, where a rock stood in the center.

Shadestorm inhaled sharply. Fourtrees?

Am I...dead? she wondered, remembering the sharp pain and the snap as the badger had bitten her. Is it all over? Just like that?

"Finchflight?" Shadestorm called out tentatively for her sister, hoping desperately not to hear a reply. 

"Your sister isn't here."

Shadestorm whirled around to see Firestar sitting on the Great Rock.


The golden tabby dipped his head slightly and the stars above them began to grow and shift and slowly transform into cats, who floated gently down until their paws rested on the dewy grass.

A gray tabby stepped from the crowd. Shadestorm stared at him for a moment.



The tabby nuzzled her affectionately. "I've been watching you. I'm so proud of you, Shadestorm."

"I've missed you." The words caught in her throat like feathers.

Firestar coughed. "Um..."

"Sorry," Larchsun said, pressing his nose to Shadestorm's forehead. "With this life, I give you everlasting strength. Use it well, so that you may run through the forests forever."

A fiery pain shot through Shadestorm's pelt, then disappeared as quickly as it had come. Larchsun turned to rejoin the crowd of starry-pelted cats.

"Wait- Larchsun-" Shadestorm called after him.

The tabby turned back to face her and his amber eyes met her green ones. 

"I'll wait for you forever," Larchsun promised, before disappearing into the crowd.

The next cat was Shadestorm's mother, Hawkflash. She leaned down, pressed her muzzle to Shadestorm's head, and whispered, "With this life, I give you faith. Even in the worst of times, never betray StarClan."

Shadestorm gasped, feeling like a sudden great wave splashed over her, pinning her to the forest floor and nearly drowning her before settling again.

When she opened her eyes, her mother was gone and a small kit stood in her place.

"You don't remember me," the kit squeaked, "But I'm Rainingkit, your sister. I died before you opened your eyes."

"I'm- sorry." Shadestorm managed. 

"Don't be," Rainingkit told her. "I'm happy here." 

The kit stretched up to touch her muzzle to Shadestorm's head. "With this life, I give you the gift of humor. Use it to light up the darkest nights."

After the first two lives, this one came as a relief, with a warm sensation like a beam of sunlight hitting her fur.

Rainingkit bounded away into the sea of cats and a smoky-gray she-cat with stunning blue eyes replaced her. 

"My name is Cinderpelt," the she-cat explained. "Long ago, when I died, I was given another chance at life; a cat called Cinderheart, born at the moment of my death. But my spirit in her ruined her life, convincing her that the cat she loved wasn't right for her. Finally, she let me go and I drifted free to StarClan. With this life, I give you the gift of choice; may you always make the right one."

Shadestorm felt as if her soul were being torn into, pulled in different directions by invisible cats. By the time it cleared, Cinderpelt was gone.

This time, a bright ginger she-cat stood in front of her. She recognized the cat as Squirrelflight, from the old stories.

Squirrelflight stepped forward. 

"With this life, I grant you the gift of determination. Never give up, Shadestorm."

Shadestorm's legs ached as if she had been running for moons. It can't be this hard to not give up, she thought frantically. Can it?

The next cat was a tortoiseshell, like her, but with her mother's eyes. 

"Finchflight!" Shadestorm exclaimed. It was good to see her sister so happy, good to have the last image of her small head bloody and lifeless replaced with the cheerful, bouncy Finchflight that she knew. 

Finchflight licked her. "I have a life for you!" She mewed, sounding like a kit again. 

"With this life, I give you memory. The past is part of the Clans, and without it StarClan is nothing."

Shadestorm barely had time to reflect that this sounded nothing like her usual overexcited littermate when a strong, chilly wind blew over her, pushing her forwards. She shivered, but didn't move.

"You'll be a great leader," Finchflight murmured.

The next cat was a cream-colored apprentice. Shadestorm smiled. "Hi, Petalpaw." Her old friend had died of starvation in the leafbare before the badger attack. 

Petalpaw grinned back. "I missed you! I'm so glad I get to give you a life!"

Shadestorm nodded. 

Petalpaw turned serious. "With this life, I give you respect, Shadestorm. Not only for your Clanmates, but for your enemies, and yourself as well."

Shadestorm braced herself for pain, but all she felt was a faint chill and cold water. When she looked up, Thunderstar stood in front of her.

"With this life I give you courage. Face your foes in true combat, not sneak attacks."

This life felt like a fire burning inside of her. It increased and intensified until she felt as if she would explode- and then the pain evaporated.

"I hail you by your new name, Shadestar!" Thunderstar meowed. "Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of ThunderClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the ; live each life with pride and dignity."

Shadestar awoke with a shuddering gasp.

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