chapter 2

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Two weeks later.

Virgil awoke to a blinding white light and a fierce spike of panic at the unfamiliar setting. "Well, look who finally decided to wake up, the shadowling is conscious at last," hissed a boy to his left, his contempt for the injured boy clear in his voice. Virgil sighed and pushed himself upright, locking eyes with the boy perched on his bed. "Listen, I don't know who the hell you are, but there's no need to be rude, I haven't even done anything." He fired back, ignoring the sharp pain in his stomach as he adjusted his position.

"How do you not know who I am? You literally nearly killed me, I only won that fight cause you were already weakened, dr dark." The boy responded, and Virgil groaned out loud. "Of all the people to rescue me, it had to Prince obnoxious, didn't it?" He muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, will you at least try to be grateful?" The prince sighed "now if you don't mind, I'm going to get my father, let him deal with your idiocies," the prince groaned, getting to his feet and walking over to the door. "I'd say it's been a pleasure, but I don't feel like lying to you," he snapped, closing the door behind him.

It was only about 10 minutes later that the next visitor walked in. He was certainly a lot happier to see that Virgil was awake, checking his injuries before turning to the 11 year old. "Logan keeps saying this won't be good to ask, but I gotta know, how come you're here, we have no records of a power like yours in a person alive to day, and everyone is registered, even villains." The man said, a half curious, half concerned look on his face. Virgil sighed, how the heck would he explain this one?

"That's cause I technically died about three years ago." He answered. "Deceit killed my dad and gonna kill me when my Shadow shot out and formed a protective bubble around me. He decided my power was to useful for me to be killed and trained me, along with another boy, until a year ago, when he decided I was ready to fight, he gives me missions, tells me who to kill and who to rob. My final job was to kill the Masked Prince, to truly 'prove my worth' or I'd be killed. Guess I failed that one. I suppose that's good news to you, one less villain around is one less problem for you, right?" He concludes his speech by looking into the older mans eyes. And was shocked by the horror he saw in them. "You were forced to fight? For that long? Oh my- that's terrible! And, did you say he was gonna kill you?" The honest worry, anger and undisguised concern in his enemy's voice almost made Virgil physically jump, he'd never heard such kindness before, so he simply nodded, slumping backwards and studying the ceiling. "Well then we can't let you back out there, not back to him anyway! I don't want you to get hurt!" The stubbornness in this mans voice was even more surprising. "You, you want to help me," Virgil stammered, gaping at the man.

"Yeah! I'll talk to Logan about it, either we'll look after you or we'll find someone else who can," his anonymous helper shot to his feet, shooting him a wave and disappearing out of the door.

Logan was going to loose it if Patton continued to pursue this, they couldn't harbour a villain, even a forced one! Just looking after him for this long had taken some serious string pulling, adopting him or getting someone else to, as Patton was suggesting was going to be nigh impossible. And yet, if Shadow's story was true, he wasn't really a villain, more an unwitting chess piece on a far larger board, and Logan could only resist his husbands begging for so long. "I will decide after speaking with him, we don't even know his name, Patt," Logan sighed eventually, adjusting his glasses and getting to his feet, a semi bored look on his face as he walked to the door.

Shadow looked positively terrified when Logan walked in, and Logan wanted to scream in annoyance. Of course he looked enough like his brother to scare the poor kid. "Hey, how's your rib?" Logan settled in saying, figuring saying "I know who I look like, I'm not Deceit" would be to suspicious. "Good, who exactly are you?" The boy was glaring at him now. "My name is Logan, though you probably know me as Logos," Logan couldn't help the slight elation he felt at the loosening of the younger boys shoulders. "And you?" He urged gently, hoping to get some more... concrete information on the boy than just his origin story. "Virgil, Virgil Aneid." He whispered. Logan smiled. "Ok, Virgil, I hope your view of us won't be tarnished by-Uh- prior encounters," he said "we do, after all sincerely want to help," Virgil just nodded.

"Why do you look like him?" Virgil demanded. Ah, there it was.

"Deceit was my brother, I suppose it is simply an unfortunate family resemblance, I assure you, it is only looks we share," Logan responded, as a loud "WHAT?!" Floated in from a nearby room. Logan sighed "I'll have to sort that, goodbye Virgil, I do hope we can help you."

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