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Shadow Alpha sits at a popular restaurant waiting for Alex and Angela to show. They come in and sit at a table, they had made an attempt to disguise their identity, for most people they wouldn't know who they were. Unfortunately their disguise was not fooling Shadow Alpha, he waits for a few minutes before he goes over to them.
"We need to talk, please follow me your lives are in danger."

Not knowing what else to do they follow and sit in a booth at the back of the restaurant. They sit and wait, Shadow Alpha makes sure it was safe to talk before he begins to speak.
"My name is Shadow Alpha. I was hired by Richard to eliminate you, but I'm not going to. He made a fatal error, he hired me to kill the true Alpha and Luna of The White River Pack, an ally to the Shadows. My father Shadow X has instructed me to fake your death and bring you back to our location for your safety. Others have been hired to eliminate you."

Angela looks at Alex.
"Shadow X, isn't he the one who saved your parents?"

Alex nods and says.
"He is the one who saved my parents and me. It was at that time my father formed an alliance with the Shadows."

Alex looks at Shadow Alpha.
"What do you need from us?"

Shadow Alpha nods and lays out his plan to fake their death and turn on Richard. Alex and Angela listen as Shadow Alpha tells them how he was going to fake their death and his plan to make Richard pay for his treasonous actions with his life.

Angela looks at Alex and says.
"Alex, I don't like this. What if Shadow Alpha gets injured or killed? Richard would put a price on our heads so big we would have to flee the country. Not to mention he would declare war on the Shadows."

Alex nods and sighs, he knew Angela was right. It was a risk, a huge risk but it was worth the risk.
"Honey listen, if there's one thing I know for sure it's we would be protected by the Shadows. Not to mention the Shadows are highly trained and skilled in the art of covert operations. Yes it is a risk, but I'm willing to take that risk. I mean think about it, no one knew who we were Shadow Alpha obviously knew. I say we take his offer and when it's done we take back what is rightfully ours."

Angela nods and says.
"Alright love, but how is Shadow Alpha gonna make it look like I was raped and then killed? And exactly how is he gonna make it look like you were beaten and then killed?"

Shadow Alpha nods, it was obvious that Angela was concerned about his plan.
"Listen, for that I will explain later. Right now we need to get out of here, there's another hit man who is looking at you. No don't look, just get up and walk out with me. Alex don't try and be a hero, he isn't sure you are the ones he is looking for. For your safety don't try and be a hero and compromise everything. Now, get up and walk out with me, don't look at anyone, don't say anything. Act normal and walk out, Angela stay right beside Alex, if he grabs you scream. It will cause a scene, he doesn't want a scene, he knows he is in our territory and he knows that he will be killed for it."

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