Bonus: Mission Jungkook

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Tzuyu's POV


I knew the boys were weird, but I really hadn't expected them to cross the line between just the innocent weirdness to pure crazy insanity.

And if crowding outside the front window squealing their heads off wasn't insane, then I didn't know what was.

"What's wrong—"

Instead of answering, V pulls me towards the window. And he's kind enough to put me front and center, because I wouldn't have been tall enough to peek over all these giraffes.



A loud squeak escapes my lips as I practically smash my face against the glass, as if that could change the full reality of the situation I was seeing in front of me.

Baby Jungkook.

Tying a girl's shoelaces.

"That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen." Jimin breathes, before quickly adding. "I mean, the second most adorable thing after Kiera. She's lovely."

"Sorry," Yoongi nudges my elbow, eyes still fixed on the maknae as he smiles bashfully at the girl. Her back is still turned to us, but even her backside looks beautiful.

"But I think I have a new favorite couple."

"Shut up!" I hiss, slapping a hand over his mouth as I quickly wave at Jin, eyes furious. "When did this happen? Jungkookie is smiling at a girl and I didn't know about this?"

Jin shrugs absentmindedly. "This is my first time that I've seen her—but this explains those weird nighttime walks. I mean, come on—the boy is terrified of the dark."

"Open that window!"

At Hoseok's impatient shriek, V finally jerks open the window in time to hear the girl thank Jungkook. Her voice is absolutely musical—and I nearly capsize when I see a light blush paint the maknae's cheeks.

"Y-You're welcome."

Not even the fraction of a second passes before I hear Jimin's furious whisper, voicing out loud all of our thoughts.

"He's stuttering! Holy crap, he is actually stuttering."

Then the girl turns the slightest angle, enough for us to catch her side profile. The first thing I see is wide doe eyes matching Jungkook's, literally dripping innocence and purity as she blinks at him.

And it is the first time I ever get to hear V fanboy.

"They are meant for each other. Tzuyu, do you see her eyes? They look absolutely alike with Kook's! Damn, look at my baby blush."

"Shut up, V! I swear if Jungkook hears you and the moment gets ruined, I'm never feeding you another morsel of food for the rest of your life."

The moment I hiss back, the mysterious girl gets on her tiptoes and kisses Jungkook's crimson cheek. A chorus of sharp gasps echo to my left and right as she smiles at his numb expression, her face bright red as well.

"I'll see you later, okay? I'll wait for you this time."


"This time." Jin repeats in front of Jungkook's furious face. "Please do explain what that is supposed to mean, dear maknae."

"I still can't believe you guys were watching me." Jungkook seethes, eyes narrowed with anger as he sweeps his piercing gaze over the rest of us. "You weren't supposed to see me with Cyns. You weren't—"

"Ooh, I sense a nickname in that." Namjoon deadpans, and considering the way Jungkook's face heats up like fire, he's one hundred percent and twenty percent correct. "What's her real name, Kookie?"

He sighs.


Before I can even process how beautiful that name is, V takes the helm. His eyes are full-on interrogator mode as he fixes his intense eyes on Jungkook's, as if willing him to spill his relationship from top to bottom.

"How did you meet her?"

Jungkook looks incredulous as he slams both of his hands heavily against the wooden table.

"I am not telling you anything, V hyung. So quit that scary stare before I knock it off your face."

"It was worth a try," V shrugs as he slides back next to me, not even bothering to hide the disappointment in his voice. But I can see his final attempt as V throws out bait that all of us know Jungkook can't resist.

"She's beautiful, Jungkook."

The maknae's face instantly turns from a stiff statue to a glowing bundle of happiness at the compliment, and I roll my eyes when I see the corner of V's lips twist up in a triumphant smirk.

Stupid, clever— clever interrogator.

"She's amazing," Jungkook gushes, and I don't need to look to see that all the other boys are smiling their lips off at the sight of the lovestruck maknae. It wasn't hard to tell that the shy, cute boy was completely whipped for this girl.

"When I first saw her, she was risking her life to save a puppy. Can you believe that— jumping in front of a car because a stray puppy was going to get hit. It was a close call— if I had been a second late, then I never would've gotten a chance to know her."

"And then the first thing she tells me after she's just narrowly missed being killed by a car is that I have cold hands. Isn't she just—"

He suddenly clamps his lips shut, looking immensely annoyed when he realizes he'd technically just given us everything we'd wanted to know.

"Yes," Jimin giggles, his hooded eyes slitted together in laughter. "You two are honestly adorable. When are you going to introduce her to us?"

"Y-You didn't do this to Jiminie hyung when he was starting his relationship with Kiera Noona! Neither with V hyung and Noona! Why do I have to be the—"

V interrupts the maknae with a disbelieving sigh, looking incredulous as he stares up at the ceiling.

"You got to be joking. I still remember Jin hyung forcing me to stay with her because she was having a nightmare. And then the next day you took pictures— pictures," He growls, as if even talking about it was making him annoyed.

"You didn't have to destroy the camera," Jin says, scolding the younger. "It was an expensive camera."

"What do you mean that mine and Ki's relationship wasn't like this!" Jimin shouts, and we all wince, including Jungkook.

"And if I remember clearly, you stalked her to her house!" Jimin points at the maknae, whose cheeks were quickly turning red. "Do you have any idea how much I had to apologize—"

"I was just curious," Jungkook defends, before finally admitting defeatedly.

"Fine, I guess I was wrong. I take it back— but I swear, if any of you guys stalk her or take pictures of her to tease me about it, I will tear you apart from top to bottom."


"Isn't that her?"

"Yes! That is her!" I shout, my eyes fixed on the girl walking circles in front of our house. "What is Jungkookie doing? Does he even know?"

"I don't think so," V says, looking up from his novel. "He hasn't come out of his room for ages, so I'm assuming he's playing Overwatch. Which means that no, he has no clue."

Jimin and I share a deep look before we both hurry to get to our feet, rushing for the front door.

I fling the door open, Jimin right behind me with the most friendliest smile he can muster. My own happy grin splits my lips as the girl looks at us like a deer caught in headlights.

She's cute.

"Good morning! How are you—"

In the middle of my greeting, Jimin's hand claps over my lips as he smiles at her.

"What she means is come in— and no worries. We're Jungkook's— uh—"

This time, I smack his mouth shut, relishing his surprised gasp as my palm hits home.

"His friends! We're like family. Come in!"

The girl's eyes are still circular with surprise as she pads in, her head folding into a respectful bow at the two of us.

"I like her already," Jimin whispers in my ear as I lead her over to the coffee table. V is still in his chair, but it's clear that he's not focusing on the novel anymore. Instead, his eyes are fixed on the girl as if he could see right through her soul.

"Oh— this is V." I tell her, apology in my eyes. "He can be a bit intimidating at first, but I swear he won't bite. There's a lot more, by the way."

V shoots me a glare as I rush towards where Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin are playing poker.

"Guys," I hiss. "Jungkook's girl is here! You guys want to meet her?"

Needless to say, the poker cards are abandoned in a split second.

Cyns still has the numb look in her eyes as I quickly introduce the others, before asking her if she wanted to see Jungkook.

An unsaid aww rocks through the entire room as her eyes light up at the mention of the maknae, who is up for a very, very rude awakening.

"Here's his room," I say, motioning to his closed door. "He's probably playing Overwatch— he hasn't come out in a few hours."


"Noona," Jungkook greets, furiously pressing buttons on a console. An explosion and a spatter of gunshots rock throughout the room, and I nearly smile my face off when he keeps his eyes on the screen.

"Hey, Kookie. Look who I brought."

The moment his eyes meet Cyns' amused ones, he falls off his chair.

"I'll leave you two alone." I hurriedly add as I rush out the door, groaning at how similar I was acting like Jin when he'd shoved V into my room that night.

From past experience, it was safe to say that this would work out. Had to work out.


"Someone go check on them," Jin groans, kicking at Jimin. The younger casually brushes his feet away, completely immersed with his phone as he types something on the screen.

No doubt, to Kiera.

Those two were inseparable, and even more now that they were married. And Kiera had just taken a short trip to the grocery store— she was coming back.

"I'll go!" Hoseok exclaims excitedly, jumping up from his seat like he'd just been waiting for someone to ask.

And no one stops him.

Just a minute later, he comes back looking like he'd just witnessed something miraculous. All I can hope for is that he be subtle, with the maknae having eyes as sharp as V's.

"He didn't even notice me," Hoseok mutters under his breath, his expression looking completely numb. "He really didn't even notice me, when I literally flung the door open."

"So what was he doing?"

V finally speaks up, unable to handle Hoseok hopping around the main topic. "Stop going around in circles, hyung!"

Red stains Hoseok's cheeks, and I can already guess the answer.

"Kissing," He breathes, dragging a hand down his face. "And heavens, Jungkook has her pinned to the wall. I never knew that he was capable of even doing—"


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