Bonus: Perfection

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"Tzuyu!" Jimin yells, making me jump in surprise. His voice is shrill and scorning, and I look at him with wide eyes as he waves his arms furiously at me.

"That's not the right case!"

I'm still stunned as he snatches the mold away from my hands, throwing it back into the pile and picking out another one.

He looks at me with an annoyed expression, and I swallow back a lump in my throat as he waves me off.

"Go away. You're being more trouble than actually helping."

I bite my lip as confusion and anger courses through me, hotter than fire. Couldn't he have been nicer?

And I was certain that it was the right mold. Was he just trying to spite me?

Leaving Jimin to his bullets, I start trudging off to someone else when another high voice echoes loudly through my ears.

"Tzuyu! Can you run to the mailbox for a quick second?"


I stare at him in puzzlement when he flaps his arms for me to hurry.

"But we don't have a mailbox."

He sighs in frustration as he angrily turns away, muttering something about me being stupid. The corners of my eyes sting when I watch his back in even deeper confusion.

What was going on?

Why was everyone being so mean to me?

Hoseok would never call someone stupid. He was just too nice- he usually evaded saying the word like his life depended on it.

What had made him change his mind?

Deciding that the kind maknae couldn't possibly make me feel any worse than I already felt, I head over to the one and only Jeon Jungkook, who is currently cooking.

Or, I guess, trying to cook.

There was smoke coming out of the oven, the fire too hot. Jungkook is sweating and swearing as he tries to save what is left of the roast beef, frustration clear in his features.

"Here," I offer, dialing down the heat to a low temperature. I'm about to open the oven to take out the burnt remains when Jungkook slaps my hand away.

"No, no, no!" He cries as he slams the oven door shut again. "Don't mess with it, Noona!"

"But it's burning in there," I remark, hinting at the trails of dark smoke. "If you don't take it out soon, it's going to make the whole house smell like fire."

"It's fine," He says angrily, making me take a step back and question my life decisions. "Just go away, please. I don't need your help."

I widen my eyes as I wave at the mess of a kitchen he'd made. "Um, I think you really need help. Don't you see-"

"I don't care about what you think."

Jungkook growls, and my shoulders automatically slump. The words I'd meant to say lie forgotten in the back of my mind, clouded with shock and stinging numbness.

My head falls, and tears sting in the corners of my eyes.

But I force it back down.

It was unthinkable to even think that I could just break down in front of all these stares, crying myself into a mess just because I'd been yelled at a couple times.

It was just unthinkable.

Swallowing down the heavy lump in my throat, I put the idea of helping anyone in the back of my mind. It seemed useless now, to try.

What was up with all of them today? Normally they were all smiles and bundles of happiness, always with apologetic laughter and shy grins.

Maybe they grew sick of me?

Breathing deeply to calm my tears down, I clasp my fingers in death grips until the tips turn chalky white. My eyes blur as I curl up on the living room couch, trying so, so hard to not let the tears fall.

"Okay, guys. I think that's enough."

My blurry eyes go wide at Jin's voice, full of laughter. Immediately, a pair of arms wrap around me as it lifts me clear off the couch.


"I'm so sorry, Noona," He says, hugging me until I couldn't breathe. "I never meant to scream at you like that."

What was going on?

Then all of a sudden, V's deep voice cries in disbelief on the opposite side of the room. A loud thud sounds as a book hits the ground, heavy and thick.

"You made her cry?"

"No, no." Yoongi comments, collapsing in giggles against the beanbag chair. "Maybe just a little, though."

I shoot the deadliest glare I can muster at him. I could bet everything I owned that he was laughing at my misery.

"Sorry about that, Tzuyu." Jimin apologizes as he pats the top of my head comfortingly. The tears in my eyes thankfully recede, and I can find myself seeing much clearer now.

"It was actually the right mold. It's just that Yoongi hyung kind of came up with this idea."


He shrugs, and waves at V. When I follow his hand, I surprisingly find V, blushing profusely and fidgeting.

V never, ever fidgets. Neither does he blush for no reason.

I had no clue why he was doing both of those things at the moment.

"Go on," Jin says proudly, his lips drawn in a wide smile. "Go on, Tae."

V breathes shakily as he takes my hand, his face redder than it had ever been before. His slanted eyes are curved with anxiety, and I can't help but wonder what in the world was going on.

He gets down on one knee.

My heart seizes violently as he does, and everything around me suddenly feels brighter than they'd been before. I suddenly have a strong urge to hug everyone and everything as he offers me a ring.



It's the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen, elegant and beautiful and so, so beautiful. The band is sterling silver, and what I find in the middle makes me nearly cry in joy.

How did he know that my birthstone was Alexandrite?

The dark, purple gemstone shimmers in the light, shifting colors with each angle, radiating beauty. My breath catches in my throat as I hear his voice.

I nearly laugh when I notice how anxious he sounds.

"Will you marry me?"

I burst into a wide smile as I wrap my arms around his shoulders, suppressing the urge to start weeping happy tears.

"What do you think? That I actually would say no?"

He smiles when he hears me whisper, and slips the ring onto my empty ring finger, his eyes bright and shining. I feel him stand, lifting me off the ground with ease as he presses his lips to mine.

It lasts precious moments, but it feels like a millisecond when he pulls away blushing even deeper than before. Watching him blush makes my cheeks heat up as well, considering how close our faces were to each other's.

When I look around, I see all the men gone. Confusion flashes in my face for a second, and V laughs.

"They're hiding. Watching still, but hiding. Thinking I can't see them."

Then realization burns through my head, quick and fiery as my mouth drops open in surprise.

"So they were mean to me as a prank? Is that it?"

"Yoongi hyung," V admits, and I think I can hear a dejected sigh from behind the corner closet. "He probably thought it would be entertaining to watch you at your lowest, and then cheer you up again."

Rolling my eyes playfully, I hug him again. There's been a smile on my face for the last five minutes, and it's starting to hurt, but I couldn't care less.

"I can't believe you asked me to marry you."

He stares at me incredulously for a second before grazing the skin of my cheek with his fingertip.

"You're perfection, Tzuyu. Who wouldn't want to have you?"

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