Good News

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"Hi, Noona. Did you and V hyung have a good time?"

I nearly scream my head off.

When I whip towards the voice, I see Jungkook, his lips pursed and his eyes flat. It could just be me— but somehow, he seems—



Yeah— he was definitely angry. He almost looks as angry as he did back when Jin rebuked his idea to storm my father's compound for the cure.

His eyes slit even further.

"Noona, you knew about this all along? You saw how Jimin hyung was suffering. You saw all of us like that, and you kept it to yourself?"

Oh— he's got the wrong idea.

"No, Kook." I breathe, relieved that he was angry of something I could explain.

"Sit down. It's going to be a long story."

"I don't want to sit down. I want you to explain right now, Noona. No curves and tricks. No lying."

"I didn't lie, Jungkook. I just saw him today as well. So if you will please just hear me out, then I can tell you about what you probably just witnessed. Come on."

"Oh." Jungkook says, thankfully looking significantly less mad than a few seconds ago. He sits down to the couch across from me, his assassin lights flashing.

"So in a nutshell, I found out where Hells Angels' Headquarters were. It's in the Heather Forests— which was much larger than I thought. Seriously, never go in there without a GPS. I would've gotten so screwed if—"

"Wait, wait, wait." Jungkook says, his voice so loud that I have to gesture at him to whisper.

"You went there? Tonight? By yourself, without any protection?"

"I had a knife."

"Noona!" He exclaims, his doe eyes wide with shock. "You do not go searching for V hyung, by yourself, in any circumstances. I'm serious— what if you'd gotten caught? Killed?"

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?" I say, recalling that what Jungkook was saying was strangely familiar to what V had said a few minutes ago.

"Because, Noona." He throws up his hands in exasperation. "It's dangerous! Could you imagine what would happen if you got hurt, or killed? Let me tell you exactly what will happen, okay?"

He flashes up fingers, folding each one down with each event he fervently describes.

"The moment V hyung finds out that you've been killed, he will probably embark on some suicide mission that involves mass murder and then most likely self suicide in the end. And then, learning that both V hyung and you've been killed, it'll probably put the hyungs in severe depression."

"Which means that Yoongi hyung will never move an inch from bed, Namjoon hyung will be playing chess by himself for eternity, Jimin hyung will starve himself until he gets as thin as a stick, and—"

"Okay, okay." I quickly intervene, not wanting to hear any more. "I promise I won't do stuff like that, alright? But it'll be fine, Jungkook. You'll get to see him too, soon."

His face practically starts to glow.


"Of course," I say, happy as I lean back on the cushion. "He'll come by once in a while— I think once a week."

Jungkook leaps out of the couch, laughing and jumping so loudly that it brings down a tired Jimin. When I notice the boy coming down the stairs, I shoot Jungkook a stern look.

Jimin hadn't been getting much sleep lately.

"What's the problem?" Jimin asks as he looks at the two of us with shadows under his eyes. He looks disoriented— like he'd just had a couple shots of alcohol and had forgotten to take medicine for it.

Even I can't help a smile curve my lips as Jungkook shakes Jimin's shoulders, nearly throwing the boy off his feet.

"V hyung is coming back!"

For a second, Jimin looks so utterly stunned that I start laughing, probably loud enough for everyone to wake up.

"You're not joking?"

"Why would I joke about something like that?"

Then a wide smile splits Jimin's face, and he immediately disappears in the direction of the kitchen.

Not even a full minute had passed before he emerges with a sandwich, already finished with half of it. When we look at him astounded, he shrugs nonchalantly.

"What? I just suddenly got hungry."

"Nothing," I say, trying my best to not stumble on my words. "Nothing's wrong. Just- glad that you're back to yourself again."

It was amazing how one person could have such a dramatic effect on many others.

"So," Jimin asks, eyes full of hope and anticipation. "When is he coming?"

"Noona said once a week," Jungkook says excitedly as he bounces on the balls of his feet. "She already saw him- me and you were kind of late. Sorry, hyung."

Jimin waves off the apology, eyes glittering with a light I'd been missing for so long. Even though it had only been a week, it had seemed like forever without V, without the usual playfulness of the men.

Although I usually begged them to quit being so childish, I couldn't believe how much I got to missing Jungkook stealing my food, and Jimin giggling because he'd stolen Jungkook's during the time the maknae was taking to steal mine.

I couldn't believe that I'd even gotten to the point of missing Yoongi's insults, which usually drove me out of my mind.


That was one thing this house always needed.

"Will you people please be quiet? I swear, if you wake Yoongi and make me deal with his morning attitude, I will personally make sure to hurl you off the nearest cliff I can find."

"Jin hyung!" Jimin smiles, which makes the eldest raise an eyebrow skeptically. It had been seven days since Jimin smiled so brightly, and it was clear he was wondering what in the world could have possibly caused to at five o'clock in the morning.

"We got in contact with V hyung."

Even though I'd just seen the reactions of two people to this statement, it never gets boring to see more.

Jin's mouth drops so far open that I wonder if he's accidentally dislocated his jaw. He is so still, expression so frozen, like he's just heard something impossible had happened.

Well, that wasn't entirely false.

But no one expects what he does next as he cups his hands around his lips, lifting his head to face the ceiling.

And then he yells Come down here so loud that it makes me jerk with shock.

It doesn't take long for the rest to trudge downstairs, all of them shooting Jin with a look that could kill. Yoongi even tries to lunge at him, and I breathe out a sigh of pure relief as Jungkook restrains the highly pissed off man.

"You better have a really, really good reason why you woke me up, hyung. Or things are really not going to end well." Yoongi hisses as he curls up sleepily on his beanbag chair.

"Tzuyu, go ahead."

"Uh, so, I talked to V."

I think out of all the reactions, Yoongi's was the most funniest.

His ears instantly perk up like a cat's, his eyes suddenly wide and fully awake as he peeks up at me shockingly. Sleep doesn't seem to be in his mind anymore as his nose twitches, lifting into the air as if he was smelling something.

I can't help but laugh when he makes an incomprehensible noise that oddly resembles a piglet's squeal.

Namjoon's the first to react, not bothering to hide the surprise in his voice.


"A few hours ago, actually. I kind of went to the headquarters—but got lost in the process, found V with pure luck, all that good stuff—"

I avoid my gaze from Namjoon instinctively, desperately hoping he would pass the subject.

But of course he doesn't.

"You never meant to play games on my laptop, did you? You were aiming to find where Hells Angels were located."

I nod timidly, and he sighs.

"Ask next time, will you?"

"But you would've said no."


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