In the Dark

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"Can I use your computer?"

Namjoon raises a suspicious eyebrow at me as I grasp my hands around the sleek silver device, already half step out the doorway.


I internally groan. He seemed to have an occasional urge to correct my grammar, and it usually annoyed me to the ends of the earth.

"May I use your computer?"


"I want to play games."

His posture shifts a little bit at my excuse, clearly knowing that video games weren't really my thing. But apparently having your lover taken away from you and going through depression helped in people cutting you slack when it came to things like these.

"Sure. Just games, alright?"

"Yes, sir." I add joyfully as I gently unplug the charger cord from the circular jack. I'd been doubtful this would really work— Namjoon kept a lot of classified information in his laptop, and he usually didn't even let anyone use it.

Closing the door behind me and the laptop successfully in my hands, I swiftly retreat to my room before he could change his mind.

The sudden bright light from the laptop screen makes me flinch, and I hurriedly blink as I search through the folders he has.

Folder— V.

Swallowing guiltily, I mentally apologize to Namjoon as I click through the beige colored folder. Immediately rows and rows of documents and files spill in the blank white surface, and my eyes scan through the titles rapidly.

V— sole assignment, 7/9: Success

V— assassination on Black SPADE leader: Success


This is what I want, I think excitedly as I click at the file. Suddenly I'm thrown more information than I possibly could've imagined— Namjoon was good at everything, and gathering information among them all.

Address: Uncharted in MAPS; GPS. Current Headquarters location— Camouflaged as abandoned structure in HEATHER FOREST. Caution.

Leader: Current fake identity— Park Sahae. Real Park Sahae found dead in the bottom of HAN river. True Name UNKNOWN AND SECURED

Assassins: Identified Number 137. Current Prodigy— Park Samuel.
Current Prodigy: Kim Taehyung

Possible Breakout Strategy:

It was empty. The section titled was completely blank, proving how difficult it was to gain access to this Hells Angels Headquarters. If even Namjoon had been unable to come up with anything...

First things first.

I quickly erase any traces of access in the files, and pull up Google instead. Excited and adrenaline pumping through my blood, I type in Heather Forests, Korea in the search bar.

It wasn't far.

It wasn't far at all.

Having gotten what I needed, I shut the laptop and try to arrange my face into a calm expression. It takes me a couple tries— the main reason being that my heart is jumping like a rabbit high on carrots.

I finally knew where to find him.

"Thanks, Namjoon." I call as I slide the laptop back on his desk, turning my back on him so he couldn't catch a glance at my flushed face. "Owe you one!"

With that short reply, I hurry out the room and close the door. There was no doubt he was wondering if I was mentally sane— but it was worth the information I'd learned. Heather Forest was only ten minutes of straight running from here— it was a wonder they hadn't found V when he was right under their noses all this time.

It definitely explained why they were so desperate to have him back.

Time Skip


I'd be concealed with the darkness, have better advantage over them than if I acted at day. And most importantly, none of the men would notice if I was missing for a few hours. They'd all be fast asleep— because if I knew one thing about them, it was that they absolutely adored sleep. And it was pretty clear who had led them down that path.

When I was certain that all of them were knocked out, I slide out of my bed, more motivated and excited than anytime in my life. It'd been a while since I'd felt adrenaline like this— and I had to admit it felt amazing.

Even though I wasn't planning on attacking anyone, I still slip a knife into my back pocket. V had told me that I should never walk around unarmed and unprotected— that it could prove fatal if I did.

And I wasn't planning on dying on this mission.

Pulling the dark mask over my nose and shadowing the rest of my face with a hood, I silently slip out of the house with a newfound agility. My head feels clearer than ever— I feel like flying.

I've never felt like this for ages.

Breath even and controlled, I steadily close the ground between me and V with silent pace. My feet are stealthy against the ground, and I'm perfectly concealed with the dark night sky.

I feel like fading again, except this time it's different.

With overwhelming anticipation and excitement, I reach the Forests faster than I'd estimated. But it won't matter— it could be better this way.

Namjoon's file had said that it was an abandoned, unused building in the depths of the Forests. It never specified— most likely because the author had never been to their Headquarters as well.

And now I realize I'd been too reckless.

The Forests are dark, perhaps darker than the night itself. It would be impossible to see my way through without a light source of some sort, and even then I would give myself away. Not to mention that this stupid Forest was much bigger than I'd anticipated.

Only relying on the weak silver light of the moon, I timidly step into the underbrush of the forest. The trees cast shadows that send chills shooting up my back, and I get so paranoid that I'm at the point of believing every twig I snap by accident is an assassin, hunting and aiming a knife at my head.

Be strong.

Be brave.

Taking a deep breath, I convince myself that I was completely alone. Unnoticed. And I devote my entire attention to finding V, my eyes watchful as they thankfully grow accustomed to the darkness.

At least I wouldn't run into a tree.

I go where my feet tell me to, venturing deeper and deeper into the uncharted. V was in here somewhere— and I was determined to find him at all costs.

It's dark— scary.

No matter how much I tell myself that I was just being paranoid, I can't help but imagine the rustles behind me were killers ready to strike. Every time a tree sways, leaves brushing with the wind, I jump with fright and is left having to purse my lips to keep from gasping.


Be calm.

The wind rustles around me, blowing twigs and my sanity away from my body. A soft sob escapes my tightly pressed lips as I realize I'm utterly lost— and I'm left with no choice but to keep on going.

Going back wasn't an option anymore.

I only had the option to keep walking, hoping.

It feels like eternity since I first stepped into this Forest, but when I check my watch, it turns out that only two hours has passed. It was three o'clock, which meant that dawn would be arriving soon. That also meant more chance of me getting caught, more probability of BTS noticing I hadn't used my bed last night.

Then I hear a sound that makes my blood freeze to ice, and a flash of light.

"Demonstrate for me, V, how to rely on your reflexes and instincts during darkness."


Oh my God.


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