Chapter 10: Final Battle/Destroy Union Earth

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(Outside of Smallville, the remaining members of Rias' Peerage, Wonder Woman, Team Natsu, Cyborg and Hawkman are fighting A.M.A.Z.O., who killed both Cyborg and Hawkman. Ozpin, Glynda, Kamui Woods and Mount Lady come in to help them. Suddenly a portal opens up, revealing Shadow Moon and his team, ready to fight them.)

Shadow Moon: (smirks) Looks like Ra's Al Ghul created A.M.A.Z.O. (looks at his team) The others are taking care of the Headmasters, Ra's Al Ghul and Robin while the Miraculous already had their memories erased.

Megatron: Let's take on the rest of the Union Regime!

Ultron: I'll make A.M.A.Z.O. extinct!

Shadow Moon: (smirks) Let's kill them all!

(The Chaos Knight charges at the heroes as Ultron easily destroys A.M.A.Z.O. as the Union members turn to see them.)

Shadow Moon: (stern) End of the line, Union!

Kamui Woods: So you're the brat who wants to kill us!

Shadow Moon: I'll show you brat!

Kamui Woods: You won't get away with this!

Shadow Moon: I already had. Chaos Knights, kill them all!

(They charge at the Union Regime Members as Wonder Woman tries to slash Shadow Moon, who stops her with his Satan Saber.)

Wonder Woman: (grunts) You will pay for my Superman!

Shadow Moon: So much for being his rebound girl...

(Megatron is seen slamming Ozpin before throwing him to General Grievous, who chops him into pieces.)

(Meanwhile, Robin is backed up by the Headmasters against his own grandfather. Suddenly, a dimensional gap opens up, and a sound is heard.)


(They get shot and turn to see Dark Decade, Dooms Geats, Kamen Rider Cronus, Cronus and Dante.)

Dante: Ooooh yeah, baby. Time to kill some fake heroes.

Ra's Al Ghul: (glares) Who are you?

Dark Decade: We're just some passing-through individuals ready to destroy Union. Remember that!

Robin: (glares) Let's see you survive this!

(Dooms Geats then stabs Robin and slashes him in half while Dante tries to shoot Ra's Al Ghul, who dodges the bullets.)

Dooms Geats: (smirks) Let's dance!

(Dooms Geats charges at Ra's Al Ghul, and Sirzechs wasn't going to allow it, but suddenly he gets beheaded by Kamen Rider Cronus in his Gamedeus form, who then kills the other Headmasters as he chuckles deviously.)

Cronus: You will all be discontinued!

(Dooms Geats stabs Ra's Al Ghul in the chest as Cronus opens up a portal.)

Cronus (Kagerou): Time to go back to Teyvat. Come with me, and let's leave this dump!

(They walk through the portal, leaving to Teyvat.)

(Meanwhile, General Grievous chops Kamui Woods with his lightsabers while Arkham Knight shoots Mount Lady's legs, and Ultron kills Endeavor with his laser eyes. Glynda is seen angrily fighting Kamen Rider Orga, who kicks her away while Shadow Moon kicks Wonder Woman down.)

Shadow Moon: (smirks deviously) Well, you lost, Union!

Akeno: (angry) You're going to pay for this!

Shadow Moon: Oh yeah? Say good bye to your world!

(Then a portal opens up, revealing Dormammu as he comes out of it.)

Dormammu: (smirks deviously) Hello, Union Fake Heroes. Before I teleport him, his teammates and his girlfriends to their new home, I just wanted to say Goodbye.

(Nate and his team, along with his girlfriends, come through the portal to another universe while Dormammu prepares to destroy the planet. Wonder Woman charges at Dormammu, who walks through the portal. Kiba then realizes something.)

Kiba: (looks down) This is the end...

(Then the Earth explodes, with nobody left. At Dormammu's Lair, the Chaos Lord chuckles in victory.)

Dormammu: (smirks) So long, Union Regime. Hello, Earth Prime.

(Then the screen fades to black. The Union Regime's Earth was destroyed as Nate and his team have escaped to Earth Prime. That's how Nate Tennyson's journey started.)

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